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Next London Mayor

I got a phone call tonight from my union, Unite, reminding me I have a vote in the Labour candidates for London Mayor and urging me to vote for Sadiq Khan, who I must admit I've never even heard of him - any advice or info anyone?
I'm being flyered by Woolmar supporters everyone morning at the new (yet to be completed) Oval junction. Not sure the point of him standing other than to raise the transport agenda?

If Jowell is selected won't there be a shit storm over her husbands ill gotten gains?
tbf to Woolmar, I believe the majority (by some way) of the Mayoral budget is transport. Might be a goos idea to have someone in charge who actually knows something about it?
I got a phone call tonight from my union, Unite, reminding me I have a vote in the Labour candidates for London Mayor and urging me to vote for Sadiq Khan, who I must admit I've never even heard of him - any advice or info anyone?
Oh really? I had them canvassing me on my top issue for the mayoral elections a few months back. I babbled a bit and then realised it was blatantly property prices and the attendant ills thereof.
Can anyone explain what the GLA actually does for housing ? I've had a look at the london.gov site and it seems to be in charge of all sorts of schemes but it's hard to get an overall picture or budgets.

NB I know BoJo is all to keen to sign off developments for foreign investors and then claim he's building the units for London. A number of these schemes have been rejected by councils beforehand.
"Prince" Sadiq uses the Mail (*Mail link*) to distance his campaign from the party that he supposedly represents.
Khan, who is Muslim, suggested that Corbyn's refusal to sing the National Anthem showed he was unfit to be Prime Minister....
And he denounced the Labour leadership duo's links to terror groups. He said McDonnell's claim that IRA killers should be 'honoured' could encourage terrorism in London, and Corbyn's support for Arab extremist groups could inspire anti-Semitic attacks.

Khan's comments were echoed by fellow Labour MP Chuka Umunna, whose Streatham constituency includes Brixton, hit by riots in the 1980s.

Khan said anyone aspiring to be Prime Minister should sing the Anthem. He said he sang it regularly and spoke with pride of kissing the Queen's hand when he was made a Privy Counsellor in a ceremony the Labour leader is threatening to boycott.
What on earth is Khan doing? Is he trying to destroy the party or does he have leadership ambitions. Is this his way of saying vote for me for mayor because I'm happy to take anyone on, even at the expense of my party? :facepalm:
What on earth is Khan doing? Is he trying to destroy the party or does he have leadership ambitions. Is this his way of saying vote for me for mayor because I'm happy to take anyone on, even at the expense of my party? :facepalm:
Yes, he thinks that London mayoral candidates have to be 'maverick'/independent of party control to attract the electorate. Unfortunately for him, this has merely encouraged him to revert to Blairite type and his own particular fondness for using the venal, right-wing press. He's fucked-up massively on this and will get fuck-all support from ground-troops.
What on earth is Khan doing? Is he trying to destroy the party or does he have leadership ambitions. Is this his way of saying vote for me for mayor because I'm happy to take anyone on, even at the expense of my party? :facepalm:
He's my MP and I should support him (except I don't vote Labour any more....) but he's being - seemingly - championed by both the Evening Standard and the Mail and they're the worst of newspapers. I suspect he has sold his soul for power... :(
He's my MP and I should support him (except I don't vote Labour any more....) but he's being - seemingly - championed by both the Evening Standard and the Mail and they're the worst of newspapers. I suspect he has sold his soul for power... :(
That contract was settled long ago.
Looks like Khan is going to make the takebackthecity.org campaign more credible.
I saw Sadiq in Tooting a day or two back. He looked short and cut a lonely figure.

Yes but he's the polar opposite of Goldsmith which will make an interesting election. As a mayoral candidate i think he probably has to distance himself a bit from the labour leadership because it's a personality contest isn't it ?





Don't forget Winston "Can You Feel The Heat" McKenzie & the English Democrats!
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