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Next London Mayor

George standing would appear logical from his pount of view ie something to do. Surely he can do no worse than the current incumbant. Doesnt gg have a pad somwhere in town?
Fwiw, i would hope he woyld put a stop to all the arms fairs.
Latest two to enter this race, I hear this weekend; Sol Campbell ( Ex Arse footballer ) & Nick Ferrari ( radio talk show host and friend of Boris ). :facepalm:
George is currently on an LBC phone in. He starts by saying that he hopes to raise £1ook via crowdfunding to pay for his campaign?
George is currently on an LBC phone in. He starts by saying that he hopes to raise £1ook via crowdfunding to pay for his campaign?
hasn't he got some change left over from all the crowdfunded money he raised in 2013 for a Blair docu which hasn't happened?
‘If I’m London mayor, Max Keiser will be economic advisor’ – George Galloway

Published time: June 05, 2015 13:23

London mayoral candidate George Galloway says he would appoint radical financial commentator and RT presenter Max Keiser to be his economic advisor if he is elected to City Hall in next year’s election.

...presumably he can just launch his own crypto-currency and fund everything with that....
boris has a lol factor for some, I cant see this richmond tory cunt pulling the same sway with people who vote based on popularity
He'll probably win it too.

He's the most Boris-like (Boris-lite?) of them all, doesn't seem to come over as a raging tory of the extreme right wing variety. I can envisage London choosing him over Dianne Abbot or Sadiq Khan anyway.

Labour don't seem to have anyone of the same gravitas as Ken. Tessa Jowel seems the most amiable on the surface, but maybe David Lammy would be decent? I can't really remember what I've seen of him over the last 15 years he's been an MP.
boris has a lol factor for some, I cant see this richmond tory cunt pulling the same sway with people who vote based on popularity

He's a genuine greeny. London mayoral elections have second preference voting, people inclined to vote green will most likely put Goldsmith down as second preference.
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He's the most Boris-like (Boris-lite?) of them all, doesn't seem to come over as a raging tory of the extreme right wing variety. I can envisage London choosing him over Dianne Abbot or Sadiq Khan anyway.

Labour don't seem to have anyone of the same gravitas as Ken. Tessa Jowel seems the most amiable on the surface, but maybe David Lammy would be decent? I can't really remember what I've seen of him over the last 15 years he's been an MP.

Rather have Khan than Lammy, personally. Lammy has a bit more history with regard to following party interests over those of his constituents, whereas Khan has slightly less. I'd vote for Abbott like a shot if she stood as an independent, though, purely for the "spanner in the works" factor.
Latest two to enter this race, I hear this weekend; Sol Campbell ( Ex Arse footballer ) & Nick Ferrari ( radio talk show host and friend of Boris ). :facepalm:
Campbell joined the Conservative party last year after criticising Labour’s proposed introduction of mansion tax, thats the thing that politicized him,a real man of the people :facepalm:,was interviewed by the Guardian a few months ago and came across as a completely selfish and narcissistic knob,a perfect fit for the Tories.
Immodest Campbell lets his ego do the talking
A few weeks back, the sports minister, Helen Grant, arranged a summit at Whitehall to discuss why there are so few black managers and coaches in the game. Senior figures from the Football Association were there, along with the Premier League, the Professional Footballers’ Association and the Football League. There were guests from Kick It Out and Show Racism the Red Card and Sol Campbell also received an invitation, as an ex-England player who is frustrated, understandably, by the lack of opportunities.
What Campbell does not appear to realise, perhaps, is that the best way to get a point across is without ego or too much self-esteem.
On this occasion he wanted the FA’s technical director, Dan Ashworth, to explain why Gary Neville had been fast-tracked through the system to become one of Roy Hodgson’s assistants with the England team. Ashworth started talking about the favourable impression Neville had made on Hodgson and the players and was running through the processes that were involved when Campbell put out his hand to interrupt him. This is when things started to get a little strange.
“But I am Sol Campbell.”
As you might imagine, that isn’t a particularly easy sentence to come back from. Ashworth did his best to continue because, well, what else could he do? But it is fair to say the entire room had been engulfed in awkwardness and when Ashworth stopped talking there was another tumbleweed moment. Campbell, hand out, ended the conversation in the same way he had started it.
“But I am Sol Campbell.”
He was correct. But whether he gets an invitation the next time there is one of these discussions is not entirely clear.


Like how Goldsmith put the UK down as second preference for where to pay his taxes for so many years?

Did he? Don't know much about him other than he's yet another Eton toff, diamond encrusted platinum spoon in his mouth at birth.
Did he? Don't know much about him other than he's yet another Eton toff, diamond encrusted platinum spoon in his mouth at birth.

He inherited non-domicile status from his father, Sir Jammy Fishpaste, and only rescinded it just before he stood for parliament in 2009.
It will be nice to be able to vote Labour again, and I'd have nothing against any of the candidates. Hope the Tories don't go for Fishpaste II, though - the green vote is a bit of a worry. Voting simultaneously against Galloway and Sol Campbell would be a delight.
I see Sol Campbell has not been selected. As for Green candidate; Zac Goldsmith? :D
How about Donald Trump? A worthy sucessor to Boris?
Fucking hell. I've just sat through the Croydon Labour Mayoral Hustings...(don't ask)...spunking cock wins...even if it had erectile disfunction.

Jowell couldn't even be bothered to show up, ( and therefore wins some credit), slimy Khan and hard of thinking Lammy bickered over who was the biggest racist, Woolmar did his doddery, train-spotting Jezza impression, Abbot did her theatrical, professional Norf Lundener stuff and there was another bloke who appeared to represent heathrow airport..or something.

The fucking state of them.
I'm being flyered by Woolmar supporters everyone morning at the new (yet to be completed) Oval junction. Not sure the point of him standing other than to raise the transport agenda?

If Jowell is selected won't there be a shit storm over her husbands ill gotten gains?
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