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Next London Mayor

Even with a better mayoral selection process I don't think the Tories could win. The wind across the Thames just isn't blowing in their direction right now.
Name a wild card Tory who could win it? no one really wants to be associated with them at the moment.
Hope Not Hate's findings:

Susan Hall: Conservative candidate for London Mayor’s social media exposed

Open Letter to the Conservative Party: Take action on Susan Hall

This seems to be the 'action' that has been taken:

'She’s just like us’: James Cleverly backs ‘pro-Enoch Powell’ London Mayoral candidate


(Source: Jeremy Selwyn)

"She’s just like us"
I'm sure Skiers Blairite Revival Band could find room for her tbf, they've welcomed that cunt Wakeford in after all.

"Susan Hall has promised to be the first “female Labour mayor” of London in a slip of the tongue at the Conservative Party Conference."

No doubt the scene at 16 seconds into the footage will become one of the defining images of the campaign.​
It's incredible how the Tories have managed to select yet another batshit candidate so soon after the dismal failure of Bailey. She's like a pound shop Dorries.

Tory candidate for London Mayor is a massive hospital pass of a role for anyone credible (for the Tories' version of credible) at the moment isn't it. The national party is incredibly unpopular and even more unpopular in London, and all they've got in response is to ramp up the culture war stuff of which 'don't you just really hate London and everyone in it' is a key plank. Not surprising they can't come up with a decent candidate in the circumstances, it's not a good career move right now.
Latest polling has 50% for Khan and 25% for Hall. Her vile attempts to weaponise London’s Jews against him has clearly backfired.
Interestingly, Khan is 5% behind Labours polling for the GE in London, whereas Tory loon is 5% ahead of Tory polling. So maybe it has done her a little good.
Interestingly, Khan is 5% behind Labours polling for the GE in London, whereas Tory loon is 5% ahead of Tory polling. So maybe it has done her a little good.
1% out of statistical error? Yeah I’m not going to take that as meaning much tbh.
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