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New toilet design encourages employees to spend less time in the bathroom while at work

I contracted at one place about 3 years back where the aircon was disabled in the khazi so it was cold in winter and hot in summer.
No one ever said anything but I'm sure it was to discourage folks from taking too long
the fan in the gents where i work broke down a few months back and after a week i was sick of the stench so i did some research and found this
How many toilets should a workplace have?

still took the fuckers six weeks to sort it out.
They were adequately ventilated and lit just cold (I was there Oct to April) the rest of the building was perfectly comfortable
It is a crap design

Several years ago I visited ephesus where I saw roman public toilets, which had horizontal seats. This new design therefore flies in the face of at least 2000 years of latrine design. Companies who install this may indeed see employees spend less time in the loo but I doubt the anticipated gains in production will be seen while I am sure they will have increased staff turnover. The sight of this loo will also tell potential employees that the management are a bunch of unmitigated shits

I saw some in Corinth and reflected on the fact that St Paul had probably shat there. The same would be true of Ephesus. His letters night also have been read, and the lost ones disposed of in both locations.
If my memory does not deceive me, Cyril Lord of carpet fame had toilets designed for his NI factory so that a plate glass window gave out onto the highway, hoping to shame his employees from spending too much time in there. Can't find anything from a quick Google, but I recall an almighty row about it.
We have a khazi that is shared with at least four other tenants. The site owners are supposed to keep this communal space clean and supply loo paper, soap etc. Since the waggon drivers have stopped using the site as a lorry stop it isn't quite so bad ...
It is usually so unclean I refuse to use it, preferring to walk over 200 yds to another building. Embarrassing when we have clients visiting !
As someone who suffers from Crohns disease and has spent a fair chunk of my working life on the bog if they start deliberately doing stuff to make me uncomfortable it’ll be getting the DDA on the fucking case (yes it does cover stuff like this).
As someone who suffers from Crohns disease and has spent a fair chunk of my working life on the bog if they start deliberately doing stuff to make me uncomfortable it’ll be getting the DDA on the fucking case (yes it does cover stuff like this).
yeh it's this sort of thing which will see employers installing the toilets uninstall them - people who have disabilities, people who have injuries which they exacerbate, people who get injuries from these toilets... the auld yorkshire saying may be true, where there's muck there's brass or if not brass at least compo
anyway, imagine being the cunt that thought this was a good idea, this being your life’s work. All those people at school who said you’d never amount to anything - they were right, weren’t they?
it's an interesting idea, i don't think even the nvd / nkvd under stalin thought of this and they were very inventive when it came to your active and indeed your passive torture.
Back injury caused by work facilities specifically designed to induce discomfort and pain

Those toilets will last until the first compo claim
not even that long i suspect: under toilet regulations urinals must be provided for men
and obvs urinals aren't going to be these torture toilets. so imo it's clear men and women won't be treated equally should these devices be installed.

e2a: surprised by the number of washbasins which need to be installed in toilets used by men only
Hard to believe here in the developed world we are developing sloping toilets compared to parts of the world that don’t even have running water.
Hard to believe here in the developed world we are developing sloping toilets compared to parts of the world that don’t even have running water.
you can't compare sloping toilets and an absence of running water, they're two completely different things.
Somebody at work has taken to leaving one of our drone warning signs in the bog.

The pilot/chief operator is most hacked off about it - esp as he is the one one here who takes the longest breaks..! :D
Only if you piss straight down. I think most men piss at an angle and having the seat at an angle closer to perpendicular to the stream of urine means a larger target. Lifting the seat out of the question of course.
My logic was that the incline of the seat would be like being a bit pissed and therefore less accuracy
No urinals at my work at all, two stalls only plus a disabled bog. I wonder if they can substitute an extra bog for a urinal? At least five men working here plus a half dozen or so part time. Recently rebuilt too, so should be compliant.
your bosses are taking the piss
Hard to believe here in the developed world we are developing sloping toilets compared to parts of the world that don’t even have running water.

All this negativity! We are fast approaching a hard Brexit when export markets for many of our products....motor cars, Stilton Cheese and Scottish Whiskey... will be lost for ever. Here we have British ingenuity at it's best....thrusting ahead of the Japanese with their hi-tech auto-bottom-cleaning musical water closets. Once again the potteries of Staffordshire will be booming and Armitage Shanks will be a name to be reckoned with!

The making of a monster:
It was inspired by a series of annoyances. As a consulting engineer for 40 years, Gill sometimes discovered workers asleep on the toilet, and in his free time, was increasingly annoyed by queues for public toilets. The final straw came while he was shopping in a department store the morning after a particularly heavy night out, and in desperate need for a toilet, could only find locked cubicles.

Tilted Toilet: The corporate poo patrol is coming after your precious toilet time | WIRED UK
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