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Never mind the virus here's the 2022 reading challenge thread

I expect to read this many books in 2022

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Pickman's model

Starry Wisdom
Usual rules apply - this thread for books read (that is, completed) between 0000 on 1 Jan 2022 and 2359 on 31 Dec 2022. Books completed before midnight on 31/12/21 should go in the 2021 thread. By read I mean read in print or electronic form, read to you, read by you to someone else, listened to as an audiobook - consumed in any way apart from actually eaten
I "probably" reached my target in 2021, but gave up documenting it quite early on, because of pressure of 'other things'.
I did read some really odd / junky stuff, several of which were from a couple of mini-series / grouped in an alternate universe. Having got all [or most] of the constituents, I may re-read them in order, and see if that makes a difference to how or if I "get" them ...
I've also mentally lined up some research titles [semi-fiction/biography] and a few old favourites for relaxation.

I'll have another go at the documentation in 2022.
I don’t know why I don’t read any more. I loved to as a kid and teen. In adult life reading for pleasure has become a holiday activity, and who takes holidays any more?

I can’t claim lack of time. Somehow the ipad, internet and tv streaming always seem like the go-to options and reading a book doesn’t make it onto the radar.

I should buy myself a book and read it. Bad eyesight and shaky nerve damaged hands which struggle to turn pages don’t help, but not exactly insurmountable obstacles either.
I managed 4 books this year...lol. Which is terrible even by my standards. I put it down to no commuting and reading a couple one volume blockbusters on WW2. I figure reading 25 minutes a day should make 15 achievable.. :facepalm: :facepalm:
I've asked santa for a kindle, the idea being that I read something err....more worthwhile in the evenings than mindlessly scrolling on urban (sorry). My target is a modest 10, but 10-19 sounds like too ambitious a target so I went 1-9, but ultimately looking for quality over quantity.
I don’t know why I don’t read any more. I loved to as a kid and teen. In adult life reading for pleasure has become a holiday activity, and who takes holidays any more?

I can’t claim lack of time. Somehow the ipad, internet and tv streaming always seem like the go-to options and reading a book doesn’t make it onto the radar.

I should buy myself a book and read it. Bad eyesight and shaky nerve damaged hands which struggle to turn pages don’t help, but not exactly insurmountable obstacles either.
Turn to the kindle my friend, tailor made for your needs. Can blow the text up huge and turn page by tapping the screen with your thumb
Messed up this year.
Everything took precedence over reading.
Managed 11.

Will aim for 20 this year but wont hold myself to that as I seem to just get more busy as time goes on.
Turn to the kindle my friend, tailor made for your needs. Can blow the text up huge and turn page by tapping the screen with your thumb
Thanks - I’ve been experimenting with iBooks app on the iPad. Probably amounts to the same thing. In any case I’m 19 pages into Flashman‘s Winter, which is the first book I’ve read in absolutely ages, so maybe some good will come of this thread :thumbs:
19/19 this year, which was a struggle. During less hectic & stressful times, could clear more but it'll do. Been keeping a record of books/films watched over the last 5 years, as the memory isn't as sharp as hoped.

Still find it less fun reading on the phone, but it is useful when in transit. Not that there's much of that, these days!
Had a bad year & managed to lose a library book & that cost me £9. Just got delivery of:
Survivors (45 years of the Astronauts) which I proof read but will enjoy thumbing through the paperback whilst on the shitter.
What 2022 has to offer? Will make sure I order more books from the library so I can read them in the order they were written.
Had a bad year & managed to lose a library book & that cost me £9. Just got delivery of:
Survivors (45 years of the Astronauts) which I proof read but will enjoy thumbing through the paperback whilst on the shitter.
What 2022 has to offer? Will make sure I order more books from the library so I can read them in the order they were written.
Astronauts the band?
Seen them a couple of times & loved them. A friend has followed them more closely - think they come from the same town - if this is about Mark & co I’ll check it out!
Setting myself targets and failing to come close has meant I just gave up altogether on other areas but maybe this is worth a go. I used to read a lot & fast internet onto smartphone & laptop has nuked that in recent times. Would like to change it.
Astronauts the band?

Seen them a couple of times & loved them. A friend has followed them more closely - think they come from the same town - if this is about Mark & co I’ll check it out!

Astronauts the band?
Seen them a couple of times & loved them. A friend has followed them more closely - think they come from the same town - if this is about Mark & co I’ll check it out!
Yes it is about Mark Astronaut & the various line ups of the Astronauts & The Otters.

Welwyn Garden City is the town. Marcus Blakeston is the author. A great read if you were or visited the anarcho punk scene of the late 70s to the present day.
"One of the finest and least well known original singer-songwriters" The Guardian.
I doubt I've managed to read more than about 10 books in total since I last did one of these reading challenges in 2017 so I'll aim for 10 and see how it goes, if I can actually get back to reading regularly I might get through a lot more.
With the time off this week and lack of distractions I'll probs finish a few I'm currently reading to reach 25 for this year.

Gonna aim for 30 next year.
Said 30-39 for this year and just made it into the 40s, but after a long period of not subscribing I've now re-subscribed to the LRB, so that'll eat into my time for reading actual books a bit. So I'm saying 30-39 again.
i said 1-9 last year, and succeeded by reading 1 book that was new to me, start to finish.
i hope to match that total this year.
I just don't keep count. And sometimes speed reading and skipping the odd paragraph has to be done just to get to the meat. And DNF s don't count but are still reading I think.

Ill try and count better and say 50
I’m in!

Going for 40-49 this time, I don’t read as much as I used to 😢

Also these days I listen to a lot of audio books because they fit in well with doing ceramics, which is often a lonely and boring occupation.
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