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Nazi memorabilia for sale down the road is this normal ?

Going off on the WW2 re-enactment tangent, I'd always assumed that it was a uniquely British weird phenomenon, and had often commented that you wouldn't find any of those countries that were actually occupied engaging in such triviality, but then I saw this. Starts at 13:12. I guess they feel enough time has passed and obviously it shows Czech partisans as heroes, but still... bit weird.

Worth a full watch for the trains. :D

People here dress up as the Red Army (later PLA) on the Long March and in the Anti-Japanese War and you get similar scandals with some young men who enthusiastically dress up as Imperial Army.
There is a "museum" in Wales that is full of Nazi and neo Nazi items. I went with someone I support as he noticed it and it wasn't what either of us were expecting as it wasn't really advertised as such. Bit weird. Also had loads of news clippings about serial killers on the wall and a lamp made out of skin.

I think describing Mosely and Nazis as "politically incorrect" is a bit of an understatement. The flyer we had wasn't clear and I think this trip advisor review sums it up:

"View the owners collection, not overly educational."
Reminds me of the Barbie Museum!

When I was a kid in the 60s and 70s, you saw a fair bit of this stuff, iron crosses and German helmets (popular with the local Hell's Angels) on markets. It was just stuff soldiers brought back from the war and of interest to people who collected all sorts of shite. Now, it's just catnip for Nazi weirdos.

334 results for WW2 German Memorabilia on ebay.

WW2 German Memorabilia

So I assume they would not classify them as Nazi material.

Not allowed

Items that are not permitted include, but are not limited to:

  • Historical Holocaust-related items, including reproductions such as:
    • Uniforms and personal belongings of concentration camp prisoners
    • Jewish identification (armbands, Star of David)
    • Holocaust photos that depict dead bodies, executions, or other violent or degrading scenes
    • Nazi-issued documents (passports, travel papers)
  • Historical Nazi-related items, including reproductions such as:
    • Uniforms, uniform components, weapons, or other items that bear Nazi symbols, whether visible or covered
    • Listings and products in which images are edited or cropped to try and hide Nazi symbols
    • De-Nazified items (items that originally had Nazi symbols that have been removed)
    • Items that were owned by, affiliated with, or books written by Nazi leaders such as:
      • Joseph Goebbels
      • Hermann Goering
      • Rudolf Hess
      • Reinhard Heydrich
      • Heinrich Himmler
      • Adolf Hitler
      • 1936 Olympic medals
  • Any item made after 1933 that bears a swastika (e.g., jewelry, clothing, rugs, fabrics), unless listed in the allowed section above. We are sensitive that the swastika is commonly and legitimately used in religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. However, given the highly offensive nature of the Nazi swastika, we have decided to not allow any non-historic items bearing a swastika.
  • Media identified as Nazi propaganda or that otherwise promote hatred or racial supremacy including historic and current items
There was a spirited thread about that place when it opened a few years back.
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Interesting, my local auction house has a 'Militaria' catalogue up at the moment; their Nazi armband looks pretty genuine to me, Deutsche Wehrmacht, estimated sale price of £140, plus a Luftwaffe officer's visor cap, yours for upwards of £900. Nasty looking set of bayonets too.
Is this auction anywhere near Surrey?
Used to go to Warnham War Museum military market years ago where Nazis used to turn up and some pretty dodgy stuff was sold, heard that its the same now at Farehnam!
I bet the nice new pavement helped goose-up the steps of commuting Mosleyites from Upminster Bridge Station upon its opening in 1934.

I'm sure they could put a nice mat down
plenty of the real stuff at flea markets in Russia. I cam across an old fella in kaliningrad eons ago who was hawking stuff outside the Hotel kaliningrad ( which is built on top of a like real preserved nazi bunker system still full of stuff & you can pop into). Helmets/ flags/ insignia, whatever. Its a tough town to make a living in

there also fakery in some of the former E-Blok tourist centres. Shite Soviet leica copies are reworked with a few swastikas and stuff and people pay shit loads for them, thinking they have something rare. The genuine Hitler inkwell set in Sofia in the early 90s still appals me
absolute fuckers :(
I see i've got a reply to the thing i sent yesterday, explaining why it was not ok for them to accuse me of trying to 'deny history' and saying its a shame cos I used to enjoy visiting there regularly as buyer & seller. Reply consist of two words "no worries". I shouldn't be but am upset by it.
absolute fuckers :(
I see i've got a reply to the thing i sent yesterday, explaining why it was not ok for them to accuse me of trying to 'deny history' and saying its a shame cos I used to enjoy visiting there regularly as buyer & seller. Reply consist of two words "no worries". I shouldn't be but am upset by it.
Anonymous to of to local paper?
absolute fuckers :(
I see i've got a reply to the thing i sent yesterday, explaining why it was not ok for them to accuse me of trying to 'deny history' and saying its a shame cos I used to enjoy visiting there regularly as buyer & seller. Reply consist of two words "no worries". I shouldn't be but am upset by it.
That's really bad. So dismissive of what is a valid concern even if they feel they should be able to sell it.
I admire your stand on this Bimble. We live in a changing world and it's the little things like firing off a complaint email that do count. No idea what the auctioneers are thinking but they are composed of individual staff with individual opinions and feelings, you'll never know what effect your actions had, but let's assume positive for the long term.

Antiques and collectables are littered with quandaries like this, ivory and animal skins, human remains, smuggled antiquities and forgeries.

Take solace in the thought that it is probably a fake and the collector that buys it will be fleeced for their disgusting poor taste.
fuck em, and whoever carefully stored the old rag in their house for decades and whoever buys it tomorrow. I know there's nothing unusual about any of this really but it does feel like a reminder that there's plenty of absolute wankers around here, in this merry bit of England where they love to festoon the whole twee town in crocheted poppies every November.
absolute fuckers :(
I see i've got a reply to the thing i sent yesterday, explaining why it was not ok for them to accuse me of trying to 'deny history' and saying its a shame cos I used to enjoy visiting there regularly as buyer & seller. Reply consist of two words "no worries". I shouldn't be but am upset by it.

Wow, that is... Remarkably tone deaf. Presume it's an independent small auction place. Family run or something. Cos that sounds like something the *18 YO bosses son would reply with.

*(Not all 18 YO men etc.)
Wow, that is... Remarkably tone deaf. Presume it's an independent small auction place. Family run or something. Cos that sounds like something the *18 YO bosses son would reply with.

*(Not all 18 YO men etc.)
i hope its that and not you know, something shitter.

Did pop an email to a local paper just now, in case they have nothing better to do than attend the auction tomorrow, which to be honest round here they probably don't, as a local interest story you know.
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