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Nazi memorabilia for sale down the road is this normal ?

I did just reply. Saying it would have been better if they’d not responded to me at all. To try to accuse me of wanting to ‘deny history’ because I criticised their choice to make a few quid selling a nazi flag, that is properly offensive.
Forward it to the local rag
Went to a wartime re enactment thing (well people displaying their bits and bobs really) today. There was a German flag, I noticed it had been placed so the swastika was hidden from view due to the way the flag had been folded.

The red / black background and iron cross were visible so it was clear what it was. I wondered if that was done deliberately. Forgot to ask though.
When my sister and I were in Wolverhampton to sort out things in our late Aunt's flat a few years ago we went to Bantock Park nearby where the old Bantock House still stands which you can visit.
In one of the rooms of the house there was an antique seller who had an Iron Cross displayed in a cabinet! My sister lives in Germany and she was amazed to see it as in Germany such memorabilia is not permitted to be shown.
When my sister and I were in Wolverhampton to sort out things in our late Aunt's flat a few years ago we went to Bantock Park nearby where the old Bantock House still stands which you can visit.
In one of the rooms of the house there was an antique seller who had an Iron Cross displayed in a cabinet! My sister lives in Germany and she was amazed to see it as in Germany such memorabilia is not permitted to be shown.
Yeah the German laws are incredibly strict - my brother had a job early in his career where he had to test various computer games and identify where swastikas were placed, so they could be coded out for the German market of that game.
The Iron Cross is allowed to be displayed in Germany as long as it doesn't have a swastika on it. As an award, it predates the Nazi era. Veterans who received one in WWII are entitled to a swastika-free version.

My father-in-law has an iron cross (ww1) which was awarded for bravery to his father (or my husband's great-grandfather).

Father-in-law says my husband will inherit it.

A bit of a strange thing to be promised...I must say.
My father-in-law has an iron cross (ww1) which was awarded for bravery to his father (or my husband's great-grandfather).

Father-in-law says my husband will inherit it.

A bit of a strange thing to be promised...I must say.

I've got one which I won in a game of pool. It's 1939 2nd class, and does have a swastika on it.

I thought it would be worth a bit but apparently there are loads of them around and it's worth less than £100.
I've got one which I won in a game of pool. It's 1939 2nd class, and does have a swastika on it.

I thought it would be worth a bit but apparently there are loads of them around and it's worth less than £100.

Those are sold in the local market Square here in Krakow to WW2 memorabilia hunters. Find an unsuspecting American tourist, spin em a good yarn, and double your money.

It's insane the amount of ww2 shit gets sold here. Kinda like the berlin wall, or the relic of the cross of Jesus' crucifixion.

10 a penny. You could build twenty of them for evert real one. Still sell. Oddly.
Those are sold in the local market Square here in Krakow to WW2 memorabilia hunters. Find an unsuspecting American tourist, spin em a good yarn, and double your money.

It's insane the amount of ww2 shit gets sold here. Kinda like the berlin wall, or the relic of the cross of Jesus' crucifixion.

10 a penny. You could build twenty of them for evert real one. Still sell. Oddly.

This is real though. I took it to a dealer expecting to be paid a fortune and he confirmed it's the real thing but they're just not rare. He had a drawer full of them ranging from £50 to about £200.
Those are sold in the local market Square here in Krakow to WW2 memorabilia hunters. Find an unsuspecting American tourist, spin em a good yarn, and double your money.

It's insane the amount of ww2 shit gets sold here. Kinda like the berlin wall, or the relic of the cross of Jesus' crucifixion.

10 a penny. You could build twenty of them for evert real one. Still sell. Oddly.
They'd sell twenty at a time if people listened to you.
I was in Berlin when the wall came down. I thought the wall sparrows, as the people who were hacking off bits of it were known, were a bit silly. I should have given the matter more thought.

Worse than that -- it didn't occur to me to stock up on bottles of the cola drink that people drank in the GDR in the absence of Coke or Pepsi. It was called Prick Cola. I don't know if it would have had any financial value, but it certainly has a comic one.
Having just googled, I can see that Prick Cola labels are rare. I wonder what an actual bottle would go for?

Also, don't google Prick Cola. Or don't blame me if you do.
I've got one which I won in a game of pool. It's 1939 2nd class, and does have a swastika on it.

I thought it would be worth a bit but apparently there are loads of them around and it's worth less than £100.
I've heard of a pub in Essex that would likely take it off your hands for a couple hundred quid, but they've recently closed down.
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