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Mundane pictures of the North

Wow, I used to work in Bridgwater Place and have never heard of experienced this wind effect. Crazy!

Horrible building indeed. A shit darlek.

It is pretty bad. Fortunately there's a sanctuary round the back:

It was £3.20 a pint! Fuck that.

That sadly seems standard or even well priced now, unless you go to Wetherspoons or somewhere. A large glass of wine in most places seems to be heading towards a fiver. And those oversweet underalcoholed foul Swedish ciders on draught everywhere can fuck off and die.
That sadly seems standard or even well priced now, unless you go to Wetherspoons or somewhere. A large glass of wine in most places seems to be heading towards a fiver. And those oversweet underalcoholed foul Swedish ciders on draught everywhere can fuck off and die.

Most decent boozers in Hudds charge £2.40 - £2.60 a pint. Although, King's Head raised the price of a pint by 10p today. There was outrage! :D

The first 2 are absolutely incredible photographs, I almost gasped out loud at the first one. The third is the epitome of mundane! If this thread had one picture to sum it up that would have to be a candidate. I did wonder if it was northern enough, some of it could have been in a London estate or somewhere in the south east easily enough, then I spied the wall in the lower right hand foreground which just has to be a northern wall. That's the kind of wall that the souls of people in the north ache for when forced to be away from the motherland for any length of time.
I want to watch a Through The Keyhole special with Lloyd Grossman for this house. That would be good telly. :D

We've got a simply maaaaaarvelous open sky effect betweeeen artfully placed beams and scattered roof tiles. Pigeon excrement mixed with soooggy insulation gives this house a charmingly bohemian feel. Some one appears to have removed all the copper piiiiiping. There's a heartbreaking mildewed child's toy next to a discarded needle - could that be a clue? David, it's over to you.
I want to watch a Through The Keyhole special with Lloyd Grossman for this house. That would be good telly. :D
It's gone now, it's just up the road from me. The council pulled down a couple of blocks with plans to build new houses on the plot but seem to have run out of money. There's another few streets that are all boarded up awaiting their fate.

The first 2 are absolutely incredible photographs, I almost gasped out loud at the first one. The third is the epitome of mundane! If this thread had one picture to sum it up that would have to be a candidate. I did wonder if it was northern enough, some of it could have been in a London estate or somewhere in the south east easily enough, then I spied the wall in the lower right hand foreground which just has to be a northern wall. That's the kind of wall that the souls of people in the north ache for when forced to be away from the motherland for any length of time.
That wall needs some broken glass cemented to the top to be proper northern :D

I think the flats in the first shot are about to be pulled down, so I might try and get some shots before/during
Yours? They're really good, especially that top one.
No, just found them on a Flickr search. I might try and recreate the top one when they start to pull it down though :hmm:

The second one is within walking distance, but I never thought about going along for a shot :facepalm:
...then I spied the wall in the lower right hand foreground which just has to be a northern wall.

You're right - didn't notice that! That has to be a wall that can only be in the north, but yes, needs some broken glass to make it truly authentic. A shocking lapse by the householder!

I admit though that the first thing I did when I read your comment was look for a dry-stone wall. :oops:
We've got a simply maaaaaarvelous open sky effect betweeeen artfully placed beams and scattered roof tiles. Pigeon excrement mixed with soooggy insulation gives this house a charmingly bohemian feel. Some one appears to have removed all the copper piiiiiping. There's a heartbreaking mildewed child's toy next to a discarded needle - could that be a clue? David, it's over to you.

'Hmmmm.... could it be Tarby's house? How about Sue Pollard?' *tentative applause from audience*
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