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Minnie's Gardeners' Question Time - help for the new gardeners

Here's the reason I was confused as to whether that Willowherb was Aquilegia.

This is the willowherb. (Or was it Geranium? :hmm:)


Then there's this. This may be aquilegia I think


and then there's this, which may be the same as the top one, except the leaves are different (maybe because they're younger?) :hmm:

That "aquilegia" looks odd - maybe even poppy-like ... what's that other ranunculacea that's out at the moment ?

edit - hellebore, but the leaves are totally wrong .. then there's paeony ..
This is my golden male fern. Although it's grown massively outwards, it didn't get any new fronds last year or this year. It looks like there's some trying to break through on the other side, but I'm sure it looked like that last year. I noticed all this white stuff on the crown as well and I've no idea what that is. (Ignore the white powder on the soil, I just chucked some powdered feed on)

It's annoying, because I've got a side where there's no fronds :(



Lastly, (for today!), this grass (can't remember name), I repotted in a bigger pot and stuck in the corner and chucked some powdered feed on it and a few days later, leaves have started to flop. Anyone know why?

That "aquilegia" looks odd - maybe even poppy-like ... what's that other ranunculacea that's out at the moment ?

edit - hellebore, but the leaves are totally wrong .. then there's paeony ..

Oooooooooooooooooooh! :cool: You know what, I planted some ranunculus last year and nothing came up. Maybe this is one of those.

Leaves look right. If it is, then I reckon it's going to need a bigger pot than what it's in

You maybe right.
It's been years since I've seen any and I don't know what the flowers are like when they first emerge ...

Thing is, I don't actually remember planting them. I've got the packet and I was meant to plant some this year but never got round to it, but I planted so much stuff last year, and loads didn't come up, and then the writing on the plant sticks wore away, so I was left with loads of pots and planters with bulbs in and I couldn't remember what was where and what I was supposed to dig up and what I was supposed to leave :facepalm:

I just chucked a load of bulbs out today that I dug up last year with the intention of replanting them but I couldn't remember what they were :D
I feel sure it must be a poppy.

I found some aquilegias on Saturday and they weren't forming flowers until there was a stalk with lots on ..
and this tiny little flower has appeared in one of my empty hanging baskets. I have no idea what it is, but I'm guessing a weed :hmm:

The one above this ^^ is definetly aquilega, the one above looks like some kind of orchid to me. It's purty so not a weed :)
The one above this ^^ is definetly aquilega, the one above looks like some kind of orchid to me. It's purty so not a weed :)

Yeah, the aquilegia did sod all last year, so pleased something's happening this year. It's only in a tiny pot. Now it's definitely doing something and isn't a weed, think I'll move it into a bigger pot

As for the one's that's purty so not a weed :D, its funny shape makes me think of a miniature snapdragon or iris although obviously it isn't. It's in the same hanging basket where there's some nasturtium growing, that's been in there for at least a month but seems to be growing much much slower than last year. I'm not too bothered about it, as wasn't massively impressed with the nasturtium, but I'd picked some different coloured ones to last year, so would be interesting to see if anything happens

PS: the unidentified one is tiny, about the same size as the flowers on that weed I put up earlier
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