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Michael Gove's Time is Up.

This is like dating in a tiny town. Round and round we go.
I know, the poor kids


We shouldn't mock Gove really, he's had all of the most significant Adverse Childhood Experience's that the new 'Trauma Informed' specialists warn us about.

  1. Separated from his birth mother at a young age
  2. His name, before his caring adoptive parents changed it, was Graeme
  3. He hit every branch of the ugly tree when he ripened and fell out of it.
  4. Born in Aberdeen. D'ye ken!
  5. He went to public school :(

I think we should all look though our trauma informed lens and help save Michael through the medium of dance.
Minister for "Intergovernmental Relations?" I'm guessing that relates to devolved government.

Truss couldn't be bothered to speak with Sturgeon or Drakeford during her six weeks in office. Sunak has upped the ante by sending Gove as his envoy
I bet primo Westminster coke is very high in purety. I wonder if they get it from the pharma companies directly?

Eta: probably chauffeured in to Downing Street in a police car. Don't want to take any chances after all.
I know, the poor kids

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We shouldn't mock Gove really, he's had all of the most significant Adverse Childhood Experience's that the new 'Trauma Informed' specialists warn us about.

  1. Separated from his birth mother at a young age
  2. His name, before his caring adoptive parents changed it, was Graeme
  3. He hit every branch of the ugly tree when he ripened and fell out of it.
  4. Born in Aberdeen. D'ye ken!
  5. He went to public school :(

I think we should all look though our trauma informed lens and help save Michael through the medium of dance.
you mean we should knock him to the ground and stamp on him
This is happening in Frimley High Street. Part of Goves constituency

We dropped off some food and a hot drink earlier.


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That was the young ingenue 30-something Gove led astray by naughty boys. Not the upstanding righteous unflinching Gove we see today
tbf, which is not something I'd normally be with Pob, a client sent me this picture of her hotel this morning:


It's in northern Rhodes, there's no issue at all in the part of the island.
He's not going to Rhodes, he's going to Evia. (((Evia))). There have been fires there this year and last year it got proper fucked with wildfires.
It says a lot about the current state of the Tories that Gove seems like a bit of a second-tier cunt these days. Not so long ago he'd have been fighting it out right at the top of the tree but he's been left well behind. Maybe good old-fashioned coke has been replaced by some new fangled designer cunt drug that's giving them an unfair advantage.
It says a lot about the current state of the Tories that Gove seems like a bit of a second-tier cunt these days. Not so long ago he'd have been fighting it out right at the top of the tree but he's been left well behind.

I think he's trying to rectify that. Listening to my dad's gammon radio, begrudgingly whilst making my dinner today, they're now full on climate denial ("Less than 10% of Rhodes is on fire!"), and Pob is the new star. I get the tory plan is now save as many of their worthless arses as possible at the next election, and Pob thinks this is his best chance at defeating the dream team of Braverman/Chalk.
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