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Merthyr Town also in crisis

That's ok, I've not heard of the Wales online link, and have no idea why you should have to apologise for it, all I am interested in is the information in it.

People don’t like it because Wales online use lots of videos and crap that slows people’s computers down. But yes, there is much more info in there.
A few of us are off to see them at Chesham today, it was going to be a thank yoy for their support as many joined the Trust in last few weeks. More now about showing support for another club in trouble.
A few of us are off to see them at Chesham today, it was going to be a thank yoy for their support as many joined the Trust in last few weeks. More now about showing support for another club in trouble.
Stuck at work...I didn't realise our game had been postponed.
No you're right...I simply don't understand why anyone would go to show solidarity with another club when we're currently top and away to the second placed side. Each to their own, but there you go...Won't be the first time, won't be the last. Time for a 'Groundhopping Ultras' collective to be started?
I thought you started it last month with your tour of Hungary!
The subtle difference being...I chose to be away, as I was on holiday, like your good self this weekend up in Yorkshire...
If I was off work today, and was able to get to see The Hamlet, with no other pre-arrangements, I would be at Imber Court.
I thought you started it last month with your tour of Hungary!
And the first match I ever saw abroad was with The Hamlet, in Malta in 1985; and not involving us, the European Championships in Germany in 1988...so most definitely NOT started by my trip to Hungary last month... ;)
A few of us are off to see them at Chesham today, it was going to be a thank yoy for their support as many joined the Trust in last few weeks. More now about showing support for another club in trouble.
Shitting hell, a 13-1 defeat. Poor Merthyr.
They were expecting to field a very young team. Reports suggest that their keeper won man of the match and had a good game.
The subtle difference being...I chose to be away, as I was on holiday, like your good self this weekend up in Yorkshire...
If I was off work today, and was able to get to see The Hamlet, with no other pre-arrangements, I would be at Imber Court.

Maybe they had prior arrangements to be there before our game transpired to be a top of the table clash?
Sure Merthyr needed all the friends they could get today. Pleased we had a delegation at what was always going to be a hard game when all their players were sacked)

Respect to their players and fans (could have been us)
Emotional game with Merthyr fielding a youth side with coach Gavin Williams chucking himself on as one of only two subs available.

Haven't celebrated a goal like that in a while. Debutant keeper Ed Hewitson ran the length of the pitch to celebrate and went on to win man of the match.

Big respect to the young players who put themselves forward in difficult circumstances and did the supporters proud. Chesham and their fans were good sorts an all.
Sure Merthyr needed all the friends they could get today. Pleased we had a delegation at what was always going to be a hard game when all their players were sacked)

Respect to their players and fans (could have been us)
Could still be us...
Emotional game with Merthyr fielding a youth side with coach Gavin Williams chucking himself on as one of only two subs available.

Haven't celebrated a goal like that in a while. Debutant keeper Ed Hewitson ran the length of the pitch to celebrate and went on to win man of the match.

Big respect to the young players who put themselves forward in difficult circumstances and did the supporters proud. Chesham and their fans were good sorts an all.
A bit like ice hockey, a team gets mullered and the man of the match always goes to the keeper. By the very nature of a game being someone sided he's going to have a lot to do, and I've always found it very patronising to give keepers MOTMs in situations like these, in hockey or football.

I think Weymouth were in the same situation a few years ago and had a young teen in goal and got stuffed.

With regard to Chesham fans, they were always a good bunch when we played them in the Nineties, and we had regular supporters' games against them.
I haven't read all the articles about Merthyr, but as a puzzled outsider looking in, so to speak, I'm shocked that what was supposed to be a well-run supporter-owned club has imploded so badly? What on earth went wrong?

And Chesham United, were, of course, once supporter-owned, but that didn't last.

Just goes to show that you can't take your foot off the pedal once fan-owned, as that's when the real vigilance & hard work really begins..

Hopefully we can learn from all of this in the future.
A bit like ice hockey, a team gets mullered and the man of the match always goes to the keeper. By the very nature of a game being someone sided he's going to have a lot to do, and I've always found it very patronising to give keepers MOTMs in situations like these, in hockey or football.

Yeah, appreciate that it could be taken as patronising but I don't think that was the tone trying to be struck at all, it felt like a genuinely respectful gesture for a young man that played well. He made what I can only describe as a triple save in the 2nd half.

There had been debt rumours swirling around for a few months now. Details are a little patchy atm and as I only get to make it to a few games a season and I've only a couple mates to rely on for info that go semi regular themselves but this gives a decent fan appraisal of the situation: Financial deja-vu by Carol Vorderman

In a nutshell off the pitch financial mismanagement and ridiculous overstretch on the non football side of things with very poor ownership/supporter engagement by the board.

As you say Mishi, it most definitely should be a warning to all that fan ownership isn't a panacea in and of itself. I'd moved away from the area by the time Penydarren Park was being redeveloped and when I got to go to games around Christmas or what have you it was a shock to see such good facilities with the club looking in rude health and thriving.

Really hope it isn't the case of seeing the club go bust twice in just under a decade but firstly the board members accountable need to fully explain the situation and their actions, and then the ones that haven't already resigned need to step down.

A supporters group have set up an appeal fund here: Help raise £5000 to save our community club Merthyr Town FC. There is an outstanding tax bill to be settled as soon as possible. Help us get back on track!

I'm sure more concrete details will start filtering out after a supporters meeting tonight and an owners meeting tomorrow.
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Thank you for the appeal link, I'm one of those who goes through life without the proverbial 'pot to piss in', but I'll make a small donation tomorrow...fits in really well, what with tomorrow being payday for me!;)

Worth a read. One of the issues seems to be no money was kept back for when the 3G needed relaying.

Way back when I still lived in London, Chesham won the Isthmian League with a team that predominantly lived in / around Merthyr and were bussed in on match days.
There's been a fantastic response to their crowdfunding appeal - they've raised over 20k of their target 25k in 18 days.

Help raise £26250 to Save our community club Merthyr Town FC. There is an outstanding tax bill to be settled as soon as possible. We now know the debt is £25k
Danny Gabindon dropped a grand on them.
Class act that man. Always was a real gent.

Average donation £30 thanks to some big donations.

I'll chuck em a tenner if only because it's the only ground I've been to where the mayor met visiting fans on the way in through the turnstiles.

Worth a read. One of the issues seems to be no money was kept back for when the 3G needed relaying.

Way back when I still lived in London, Chesham won the Isthmian League with a team that predominantly lived in / around Merthyr and were bussed in on match days.
I believe Chesham United became fan-owned after that, but that collapsed in debt, and they had to have private investment..
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