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Mercury amalgam fillings - a poisoning of generations

Callie said:
i thought i was being friendly whe you were taking shit :( you likes animals, i likes animals, animals is nice and relaxing.
I'd rather stick to the topic thank you Callie.

I trust you are going to make an effort to watch the vids before you post again.
i watched the first one

i think, i f you think my opinion on this at 01.55am counts as anything

a) useful b) scientific

then you is nuts :p

i may watch again in the am after muchos water

just because you posted the challenge.
Callie said:
i watched the first one

i think, i f you think my opinion on this at 01.55am counts as anything

a) useful b) scientific

then you is nuts :p

i may watch again in the am after muchos water

just because you posted the challenge.
yes maybe when you are able to write something that makes sense ;)
FFS "In our opinion"

In my opinion you need to

(a) Get a chemistry degree

(b) Conduct your own experiments using the skills you gained through obtaining a chemistry degree

(c) make your own mind up instead of allowing yourself to be forcefed this utter rubbish.

I think I've made my position clear on the whole "conspiracy" thing - I trust NO-ONE I believe NO-ONE ... you on the other hand believe ANY-ONE if they take a position counter to popular belief ....... this is not the same thing.
You are aware I was basically trusted authority until I became horrendously ill, and my last throw of the dice (after trying everything else anyone had to offer) was to change my fillings?

Thankfully I didn't need to get a chemistry degree to do that.

And yes, I wish to god I hadn't been force-fed the poisonous rubbish that is mercury!

I think you are looking rather silly with this way out there attack fucthest8.

Did you know that Sweden is a mercury-free country?

I guess they must be a whole nation of conspiracy-fruitbats :D
Ministry of Environment, Sweden

Mercury - investigation of a general ban.

Report by the Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate in response to a commission from the Swedish Government.

Mercury is one of the most hazardous environmental toxins and is a threat to human health and the environment. Mercury cannot be broken down but accumulates in soil, water and living organisms. The more mercury is supplied to society the more the levels in the environment increase. It is therefore of great importance that the use and release of mercury should be eliminated. Sweden has up to now been successful in the phasing-out of the use of mercury. At the start of the 1990's, mercury-containing instruments and electrical components were prohibited and an export ban was imposed on mercury, its chemical compounds and preparations that contain mercury.

Jazzz said:
You are aware I was basically trusted authority until I became horrendously ill, and my last throw of the dice (after trying everything else anyone had to offer) was to change my fillings?

Firstly I assume this is some sort of odd typo. You were "basically trusted authority" on what and on what basis?

Jazzz said:
I think you are looking rather silly with this way out there attack fucthest8.

In what way is my "attack" "way out there"?

No-one disputes that Mercury is dangerous, merely in what doseage. Your argument is like saying "Radiation is dangerous!" and then pointing out the planet we live on emits radiation ... without having any understanding of whether or not the radiation that the planet emits is at a harmful level.
fucthest8 said:
No-one disputes that Mercury is dangerous, merely in what doseage.

Indeed. For example the estimated lethal dose of metallic mercury, taken by mouth, is around 2 kilos.

You die of a hernia.

Organic mercury compounds, that's another matter...
well, I watched video all the way through....just because I could not believe that fillings could cause such upset here....anway

I'm sceptical that all that much mercury comes off a 25yo filling....they use mercury amalgam exactly because it lasts a hell of a long time.

probably more than half the nation has had mercury amalgam fillings at one time or another, I think if exposure was that bad it would have been pretty obvious by now, we would all be brain damaged. I just don't see the evidence of widespread exposure. Having said that, everyone ate beef and only a very few (and statistically insignificant number) of people got new variant CJD.

I would agree, however, why have mercury if you don't need it....which leads me to my main point....who has mercury amalgam fillings now anyway? It's in the dentist's interest to sell you the nice composite or ceramic alternative....that has the added advantage of being tooth coloured. I think even the NHS pays for white fillings at the front....well just cough up the extra and have all your new fillings white....let the mercury ones fall out of their own accord.

Personally I'd be more concerned with the mercury preservatives in inoculation shots...I'm sure that gives you autism....all those jabs kids get now within a few weeks....it was never MMR that was the culprit, it was the preservative...
tarannau said:
Cor blimey; you've won me over. Two people who convinced themseves into paying hundreds of pounds for possibly unnecessary surgery are still telling themselves that it must be worthwhile. No chance of self-delusion or a placebo effect there at all. I'd love to say that both of them were the picture of glowing health and contentment afterwards, but frankly they weren't - both were moving on their next health improving tonics and theories.

Surely it can't be expected that ill efects from mercury amalgams would just go away form having the fillings out though? Wasn't there a study which showed mercury in the brain tissue of people with alzheimers? :confused: Just having your fillings out won't remove that mercury will it? (genuine question as I'm not particularly scientific)
Jazzz said:
You are aware I was basically trusted authority until I became horrendously ill, and my last throw of the dice (after trying everything else anyone had to offer) was to change my fillings?

Mercury amalgam fillings make you ill.

Mobile phones make you ill.

Overhead electrical cables make you ill.

Is there anything that doesn't make you ill except pentawater and pianos?

Pardon me if I take your views on health less than 100% seriously.
madzone said:
Surely it can't be expected that ill efects from mercury amalgams would just go away form having the fillings out though? Wasn't there a study which showed mercury in the brain tissue of people with alzheimers? :confused: Just having your fillings out won't remove that mercury will it? (genuine question as I'm not particularly scientific)

From a purely mechanical point of view I suspect drilling out amalgam fillings would introduce more mercury into the body in a few minutes than leaving them in situ for the rest of the patient's life.
longdog said:
From a purely mechanical point of view I suspect drilling out amalgam fillings would introduce more mercury into the body in a few minutes than leaving them in situ for the rest of the patient's life.
The way mine were removed I can't see how any actual mercury was ingested and my airways and eyes were protected from vapours. My point is that once the mercury is in the braincells or wherever it ends up residing - just having the fillings out won't address the residual stuff. It'll just stop it being topped up. Surely?
Jazzz said:
Wow, the first person to report watching the video ;)

Whoever next? :cool:

I watched the vids several pages back, Jazzz, and posted at length. I did wonder why you made no comment on my posts.
4thwrite said:
I watched most of the first one. I agree - there's probably a lot of evidence that having mercury in fillings ends up with some of that mercury being released. IN fact its not so much evidence as common sense. There's also evidence that it ends up getting into the body (from what i remember the last time this got an airing a few years ago). Real question is, I suppose, whether this is significant and actually causes problems.

Even very small amounts of mercury are significant, in the sense that the stuff is highly toxic. How each individual physiologically manages to deal with that toxicity, is going to be idiosyncratic to the individual. Some will cope better than others.

The other thing is that mercury accumulates. This means that it builds up in the body. We may have inherited some while in the womb, collected some more via breast milk, and ingested yet more from seafood, or while playing with mercury from a broken thermometer (this happened a lot before anyone realised how dangerous the stuff is). There are several different ways to become contaminated with mercury (and other heavy metals), even if we never have an amalgam filling.

It seems sensible to me that we don't then potentially top up with the mercury which may or may not leach out of our fillings.

I am not personally convinced that fillings are leaching mercury into the body. However, I am in enough doubt about it to have had my own fillings replaced. I did this not only because of the possible danger from amalgam fillings alone, but because I am aware of all the other sources of mercury in the environment.

And I didn't like having black fillings.
4thwrite said:
its not all that irrelevant - the clip i saw mentions scientists testing amalgams in sheep!

By this logic, any reasearch done on any animal is irrelevent.

In vivo research that uses mice or monkeys or beagles (or whatever) is one of the mainstays of medical research. If you're going to dismiss this reasearch conducted on sheep, the nyou must also dismiss all in vivo research that uses animals.

The fillings were put in to sheep, and monkeys. This was done to determine whether or not mercury was subsequently to be seen elsewhere in the body of the subjects. It was, in significant amounts. It is logical to extrapolate from this that similar findings may be seen in other mammals, including humans.

While not constituting proof that humans bioaccumulate mercury in the kidenys, bones and other physiological structures subsequent to receiving amalgam fillings, it certainly suggests the possibility that this might be occurring.

Given that mercury is indubitably a biotoxin, it must therefore be allowed that there is enough doubt about this matter to justify the question: "are amalgam fillings safe for humans?"

An unequivocal "Yes" seems as foolish and misguided as an unequivocal "No"

We all do dangerous things all the time. Smokers, for instance, well know the risks. Some ignore those risks, some give up smoking, while others continue to smoke, but try to limit the dangers by taking vitamin supplements, eating well, limiting the nicotine dose, and other measures.

I'm in enough doubt as the the safety of amalgam fillings to have taken measures to limit my own mercury levels.

It's impossible to have a clear Yes or No answer to this debate.
fucthest8 said:
No-one disputes that Mercury is dangerous, merely in what doseage. Your argument is like saying "Radiation is dangerous!" and then pointing out the planet we live on emits radiation ... without having any understanding of whether or not the radiation that the planet emits is at a harmful level.

This is a good analogy.

In this example, I would not say "Oh well, it's natural and I live above a radon leak, and so it can't do any harm, so I'm going to expose myself willy nilly to more radiation".

Instead, I say "I can't do anything about the background radiation, which anyway I seem to be able to withstand pretty well; but I'm going to do my best to limit the radon leaking into my house, and to the best of my abilities, I'll avoid increasing my own levels of radiation".
laptop said:
Indeed. For example the estimated lethal dose of metallic mercury, taken by mouth, is around 2 kilos.

You die of a hernia.

Organic mercury compounds, that's another matter...

Please explain :)... this seems simplistic to me.
madzone said:
Surely it can't be expected that ill efects from mercury amalgams would just go away form having the fillings out though? Wasn't there a study which showed mercury in the brain tissue of people with alzheimers? :confused: Just having your fillings out won't remove that mercury will it? (genuine question as I'm not particularly scientific)

It's aluminium that is associated with Alzheimers. :) and indeed :(
madzone said:
The way mine were removed I can't see how any actual mercury was ingested and my airways and eyes were protected from vapours. My point is that once the mercury is in the braincells or wherever it ends up residing - just having the fillings out won't address the residual stuff. It'll just stop it being topped up. Surely?

Indeed. And as I said up there ^ this is the thing that prompted me to get my fillings removed: I didn't want any more topping up!
story said:
This is a good analogy.

In this example, I would not say "Oh well, it's natural and I live above a radon leak, and so it can't do any harm, so I'm going to expose myself willy nilly to more radiation".

Instead, I say "I can't do anything about the background radiation, which anyway I seem to be able to withstand pretty well; but I'm going to do my best to limit the radon leaking into my house, and to the best of my abilities, I'll avoid increasing my own levels of radiation".

We've just had a radon test on the house that shows we have 30 times the national average :(
story said:
It's aluminium that is associated with Alzheimers. :) and indeed :(
I didn't mean that mercury is associated with alzheimers just that they'd found it in braincellls (or something :confused: ) meaning that the body doesn't just expel it but stores it.
Yes - we do not expel it, we store it. All living systems, including plants, bioaccumulate mercury. This is true of all heavy metals.

This is partly the point. Mercury is entering the human food chain and human biology all the time. It's in lots of medicines, and in seafood, and (no doubt) some of our plant foods too. We can't do much about most of it, so why not limit it where we can, like our fillings.

Mercury is stored all over the body, but I'm not sure as to the the specifics.

I don't know if it accumulates in the brain, but I know it is especially toxic to the nervous system. It thus seems logical that it can be found in nervous tissue, such as the brain.
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