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Mercury amalgam fillings - a poisoning of generations

my tuppence worth

not sure where i stand on this, but its entertaining nonetheless :)

quick google backs up what i thought that its routine to avoid these fillings during pregnancy and lactation, this was brought to my attention by my dentist when i was preganant but havent really given it much thought since.
the department of health issues precautionary guidelines ages ago (1998)saying it would be prudent to avoid placement or removal of amalgam fillings where clinically reasonable. at the time they said more research was required, im not sure if its been updated and cant be bothered to find out

there was research that there was a link between this and low birth weight in april 2005 and although several europeon countries have guidelines against treating pregnant women and nursing mothers with it, no link was found in that study.

more recently, in june this year
The Minister of State, Department of Health (Lord Hunt of Kings Heath): Dental amalgam has been in use for more than 150 years to restore teeth in millions of patients and, apart from rare instances of hypersensitivity, no adverse reactions have been identified. Alternative dental restorative materials are not so easily, quickly and reliably placed; neither are they so durable. Due to improvements in oral health, the number of restorations is decreasing, with the result that the safe management and disposal of dental amalgam is more easily achieved.

so you takes your pick really.
from what i can see there is no broadly held consensus other than that it should be avoided in pregnancy.
ShiftyBagLady said:
at the time they said more research was required

Translates as - "we didn't do any, and are trying our damnedest to ignore the whole thing because we're for the high jump when the truth is out"

If there was a consensus I wouldn't have needed to start the thread! :D
jazz i am disappointed in you :(
i thought you would have jumped on the fact that there is a european wide consensus not to use it use it during pregnancy
Jazzz said:
But the medical establishment doesn't seem to have even published anything remotely of this quality to show that mercury fillings are safe. What's the best we have to go on? Is there a case to answer?

You didn't answer the question I repeated about the people you knew who had had amalgams removed. Were you flippantly inventing something?

You really are deluded aren't you, or have some unbelievable double standards? This isn't 'quality' research of any kind - the methodology used makes it effectively worthless and I can't believe you're arguing that it's credible in any way. It's somewhat less credible than '8 out of 10 cats prefer Whiskas.' The medical establishment wouldn't publish any reseach so leading or poorly thought through - hell, even a marketing man would hesitate to use that 'research' as presented.

FWIW, I knew a grand total of two acquaintances who've had their fillings removed, not that I think that anecdotal tales are convincing either way or that you're not clutching at straws. One ex-work colleague who professed that it helped her a huge amount, yet still had a pretty awful attendance record afterwards. And one girl who used to drink in my local, who also waxed lyrical about her treatment, yet still used to swear by reiki and a number of natural (rasta ital style) tonics to keep her variable health in balance. Not sure what that's going to tell you, but there you go.
ShiftyBagLady said:
jazz i am disappointed in you :(
i thought you would have jumped on the fact that there is a european wide consensus not to use it use it during pregnancy
Indeed it's an particularly dangerous idea for pregnant mothers to have a mercury filling placed.

It's also a very bad idea for everyone else as well.

I didn't 'jump on it' because I'm not supporting medical consensus here - I'm interested in the evidence, not the party line. This is an issue where it does not serve to wait for an establishment which has recklessly poisoned whole generations to fess up. People must look into it for themselves.
tarannau said:
You really are deluded aren't you, or have some unbelievable double standards? This isn't 'quality' research of any kind - the methodology used makes it effectively worthless and I can't believe you're arguing that it's credible in any way. It's somewhat less credible than '8 out of 10 cats prefer Whiskas.' The medical establishment wouldn't publish any reseach so leading or poorly thought through - hell, even a marketing man would hesitate to use that 'research' as presented.

FWIW, I knew a grand total of two acquaintances who've had their fillings removed, not that I think that anecdotal tales are convincing either way or that you're not clutching at straws. One ex-work colleague who professed that it helped her a huge amount, yet still had a pretty awful attendance record afterwards. And one girl who used to drink in my local, who also waxed lyrical about her treatment, yet still used to swear by reiki and a number of natural (rasta ital style) tonics to keep her variable health in balance. Not sure what that's going to tell you, but there you go.

The scientific case that amalgams are extremely dangerous is a compelling one. Posters might like to read "A Toxic Time Bomb" by Sam Ziff which is based around the peer-reviewed science.

Alternatively have a read of the evidence presented at the IAOMT site

The video, which I assume you watched (and have made no comment on) points out that the claims of safety are simply anecdotal and at variance with the available science. Did you understand this? Because if you look for any sound evidence that mercury fillings are safe (this is where the burden of proof lies) you won't find it. Maybe you've already tried? I'm sure some posters have, and given up, resorting to silly ad-homs and leaving the counterargument to the likes of you.

And blow me down - you know of two people who've had their amalgams removed, both of whom were very happy with the result.
Jazzz said:
I didn't 'jump on it' because I'm not supporting medical consensus here - I'm interested in the evidence, not the party line. This is an issue where it does not serve to wait for an establishment which has recklessly poisoned whole generations to fess up. People must look into it for themselves.

I reckon you do need to stick to the evidence, don't worry about the 'party line' or 'establishment'. These terms smack of conspiracy which doesn't help the issue as there is no conspiracy. There are reasons for and against using mercury amalgams, and from this thread it seems that dentists are aware of them.
Jazzz said:
And blow me down - you know of two people who've had their amalgams removed, both of whom were very happy with the result.

Cor blimey; you've won me over. Two people who convinced themseves into paying hundreds of pounds for possibly unnecessary surgery are still telling themselves that it must be worthwhile. No chance of self-delusion or a placebo effect there at all. I'd love to say that both of them were the picture of glowing health and contentment afterwards, but frankly they weren't - both were moving on their next health improving tonics and theories.

I guess me and all those 'recklessly poisoned' by the 'establishment' must be patsies then, or fooled into believing that they're actually more healthy than they are. I mean my uncle, who's an evil dentist under the influence of the establishment, has probably personally administered this lethal killer to a hefty chunk of my family in Blighty. THE BASTARD.

Or maybe just maybe, there is a slight risk involved which is being increasingly looked at now as medical science improves. Balanced against the immediate health gains that fillings have brought to millions for many, many years, it's hard not to think that you're coming across like a bit of hectoring, hysterical numpty on the subject.
posts #159

criticisms of the videos I linked to: 0

What does that tell you?

I make no bones about this because the truth is not in the middle here. It's way out on the edge. A staggeringly poisonous metal has been recklessly put into patients' mouths with no evidence of safety and with every indication to the contrary. All the evidence shows that it is fantastically dangerous.

A bit of history might be in order. When mercury fillings first arrived, all decent dentists were in uproar. "You can't use those, we know mercury is toxic". They'd stopped using it to treat syphilis because it killed the patients.

But you know what happened? Because it was so cheap and hardwearing a load of unscrupulous dentists went ahead and used it anyway. They went and formed their own union instead, which was based on the use of mercury in fillings.

That was - you guessed it - the ADA, American Dental Association, which is still here today!
tarannau said:
I mean my uncle, who's an evil dentist under the influence of the establishment, has probably personally administered this lethal killer to a hefty chunk of my family in Blighty. THE BASTARD.

Aha, hence your entrenchment.

"What must not be, cannot be"
Jazzz said:
But you know what happened? Because it was so cheap and hardwearing a load of unscrupulous dentists went ahead and used it anyway.

Bad logic. Very,very bad logic.

If the dentists were looking to increase their income it would be in their interests to use expensive and short lived fillings not cheap and long lasting.

If you were the owner of Jazzz's Widgets plc would you make cheap widgets that last forever or expensive ones that wear out?
Dubversion said:
It's because we've been here before, we know you're a credulous fool and that there's simply no point getting into another argument in which you can lie, manipulate, distort, contradict and generally reveal yourself as utterly, utterly full of shit :)
I don't agree with Jazzz on most of his threads and have a dramatically different view of the world (though, in this case, I'd have to say, mercury fillings are not really a good idea). Just wondered though what motivates this level of aggression?

In a situation where you know the majority of posters are going to be hostile (to Jazzz's arguments) this comes across as pure bullying. If you wanted to make a counter argument, why not just do that. Alternatively, if Jazzz gets you so worked up, why post at all in the thread?
4thwrite said:
I don't agree with Jazzz on most of his threads and have a dramatically different view of the world (though, in this case, I'd have to say, mercury fillings are not really a good idea). Just wondered though what motivates this level of aggression?

In a situation where you know the majority of posters are going to be hostile (to Jazzz's arguments) this comes across as pure bullying. If you wanted to make a counter argument, why not just do that. Alternatively, if Jazzz gets you so worked up, why post at all in the thread?

I think mr jazzz knows hes going to get this reaction tbh he believes in what he says, he knows whos gonna call him a fruitcake tinfoil nutbar but hopes someone might listen or at least take interest to find out for themselves.

hes been here for along time, he hasnt changed, nor has anyone elses reaction to him and his posts :)
longdog said:
Bad logic. Very,very bad logic.

If the dentists were looking to increase their income it would be in their interests to use expensive and short lived fillings not cheap and long lasting.

If you were the owner of Jazzz's Widgets plc would you make cheap widgets that last forever or expensive ones that wear out?
No - you should check your history. It's what happened in 19C USA. At that time The use of mercury brought the affordablity of dental work down to a lot of people who couldn't afford a gold filling. That's why dentists got tons of work using the stuff. The ones that cared about it being horrendously toxic were sidelined.
Callie said:
I think mr jazzz knows hes going to get this reaction tbh he believes in what he says, he knows whos gonna call him a fruitcake tinfoil nutbar but hopes someone might listen or at least take interest to find out for themselves.

hes been here for along time, he hasnt changed, nor has anyone elses reaction to him and his posts :)
So what's your comment on the videos, callie? There is an issue here which goes way beyond me.
Im not trolling? :( am i?! oh! you did the edits :mad:

dont pick on me :mad:

i just cant be arsed to watch the videos cos i cant be ...arsed?! :)

sorry if that offends!
Callie said:
Im not trolling? :( am i?! oh! you did the edits :mad:

dont pick on me :mad:

i just cant be arsed to watch the videos cos i cant be ...arsed?! :)

sorry if that offends!
Well watch the first one, or the first few minutes anyway. I think if you can't be arsed to do that - they are the SUBJECT OF THE THREAD - then you are trolling, sorry
so what is your definition of trolling? i understand that not partaking in the whole thread devalues my posts somewhat.

have i said anything to detract from the significance of the videos to other posters?
I watched most of the first one. I agree - there's probably a lot of evidence that having mercury in fillings ends up with some of that mercury being released. IN fact its not so much evidence as common sense. There's also evidence that it ends up getting into the body (from what i remember the last time this got an airing a few years ago). Real question is, I suppose, whether this is significant and actually causes problems.
Callie said:
have i said anything to detract from the significance of the videos to other posters?
Yes, your posts are not helpful. You've stated that 'no-one can be bothered to watch the videos' which is rather disdainful. You ask irrelevant questions about animals. You are not engaging with the topic seriously and are thus derailing it.
Jazzz said:
Yes, your posts are not helpful. You've stated that 'no-one can be bothered to watch the videos' which is rather disdainful. You ask irrelevant questions about animals. You are not engaging with the topic seriously and are thus derailing it.
its not all that irrelevant - the clip i saw mentions scientists testing amalgams in sheep!
4thwrite said:
its not all that irrelevant - the clip i saw mentions scientists testing amalgams in sheep!
Wow, the first person to report watching the video ;)

Whoever next? :cool:
i thought i was being friendly whe you were taking shit :( you likes animals, i likes animals, animals is nice and relaxing.
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