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Mercury amalgam fillings - a poisoning of generations

madzone said:
True if you have them removed simply by the dentist whacking them out but I had all mine removed under almost surgical conditions with rubber dams and eye & nose protection (for the dentist and assistant as well) and it's the best thing I've ever done :)

I'd like to do that. *starts saving*
treefrog said:
Jazz, the problem is that for every potentially interesting and useful thread you post, you also post a hundred paranoid and bizarre ones. As a result potential readers will be put off looking at any links you post in case they contain a high lizard/MMR monkey/bizarreness level.

Yes. This.
I've been fuckin ill for years, and I thought it was the pollution from car exhausts, a friend had her wisdom teeth pulled after years of lying dormant, after which she found she could attract men simply by lifting her top, trouble is after sitting too near to the TV my head was wringing and spilling nonsense on the lap of the silent stranger who inhabits my sofa, otherwise I would have been able to conduct the necessary experimentation, and would have avoided the whole sorry episode with the stolen gargoyle, accordingly I think on this issue the Dr J might have a point.
firky said:
UN urges 'drastic' cuts in mercury
About 70% of mercury emissions of human origin come from the burning of coal and the incineration of waste materials
Dirtiest 30 Power Plants Spew 10 Percent of Europe's Carbon
Most of the "Dirty Thirty" are located in Germany and the UK, which have 10 plants each, followed by Poland with four plants - The worst UK power station is Scottish Power's Longannet facility, which burns hard coal. It ranks in 15th place on the WWF list.​
Toxic Scotland finally revealed in shock study
Longannet's toxic cocktail also included smaller quantities of much more lethal poisons: 1200kg of lead, which causes brain damage in children; 62kg of cadmium, which harms the kidney; and 52kg of mercury, which attacks the nervous system. Hazardous metals such as zinc (356kg), chromium (145kg) and arsenic (74kg) were discharged into the River Forth.​

Need I go on.....
axon said:
what? that it isn't worth bothering with your links. :D
Sorry, couldn't resist.

anyway, in the absence of a single challenge on the source material from any poster, I shall have to declare a victory

KO in post #1

Or perhaps people have just realised there is no point in arguing with someone whose fanatical acceptance of bullshit without question would do a creationist proud.
beesonthewhatnow said:
Or perhaps people have just realised there is no point in arguing with someone whose fanatical acceptance of bullshit without question would do a creationist proud.
sorry, not good enough bees, and you know it.
Jazzz said:
sorry, not good enough bees, and you know it.
Nope, can't be arsed. You've just become a joke on here.

I'd say you know it, but you've shown such levels of self delusion in the past as to make it somewhat pointless.
But again, luckily not for madzone, eh? :rolleyes:

Reall how about this guys. Instead of this crap, how about opening your eyes, and saying...

"well you know jazzz, maybe you are right after all, I'm genuinely surprised by these videos, I wasn't aware of this"

that way we might just do some good together.

Really bees et al, if you have no proper comment to make apart from pathetic ad hominems, why not keep the fuck off the thread, so I can get on with the job of helping people? This is important.
Jazzz said:
But again, luckily not for madzone, eh? :rolleyes:

Reall how about this guys. Instead of this crap, how about opening your eyes, and saying...

"well you know jazzz, maybe you are right after all, I'm genuinely surprised by these videos, I wasn't aware of this"

that way we might just do some good together.

Really bees et al, if you have no proper comment to make apart from pathetic ad hominems, why not keep the fuck off the thread, so I can get on with the job of helping people? This is important.
No, I think your record of conviction that you are right despite all evidence to the contrary is just as likely to have hurt people in the past. No interest at all.
oh not another ad hominem! :rolleyes:

any other shameful posters with nothing to say?

for your information slaar, I advocate NOT trusting anything I or anyone else says but that people look into evidence for themselves. This is something you, and many others, are completely failing to do here. Forgive me if I have little respect.
I thought I'd post those videos again, for those who are new to the thread and are wondering why the responses are so pants...

Jazzz said:
two videos - both of which I wish I'd seen many years ago

International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology

University of Calgary

Anyone with amalgam fillings and any sort of health problem should watch these.
any questions anyone?
I've already had my amalgam fillings replaced, so I might not be the right person to comment: I mean, I've already been persuaded that amalgam fillings are not safe.

Having said that, I did watch the videos.

The first is an edited version of something much longer. If it's not an out and out lie or scam, then it looks to be a fairly well researched and referenced piece of journalism. It makes a connection between fillings, and mercury poisoning in monkeys and sheep. It also argues that "even if you like mercury", amalgam fillings are not the best option.

The second is a visual presentation of how mercury affects neurological tissue.

The thing is, no-one is arguing that mercury is safe. We have known for hundreds of years that mercury is toxic. The argument is about whether amalgam fillings leach mercury into the body, and to what degree this occurs.

That mercury leaches into the body from amalgam fillings has not, I think, been proven beyond doubt.

And of course, the next part of the debate is about whether or not having mercury in the body is really such a disaster. Most people live a mostly healthy life, even with a mouth full of mercury and lead.

This leads me to an interesting question: are we accustomed to having a toxic level of mercury in our bodies? Has this blinded us to what it might be like not to have a high basic level of mercury in our bodies?

Calomel (mercurous chloride, Hg2Cl2) was widely and routinely used in medicine for hundreds of years, from about 1620 right up until about 1890. Amalgam fillings were introduced round about 1850 (?). There was a fairly long overlap between the introduction of amalgam, and the phasing out of calomel. This means that the general population of the Modern West has had a pretty high baseline level of mercury for at least 300 years.

Even if you take into account the fact that not everyone would have been dosed, you still have to consider that mercury accumulates in the body, and is passed to the child via breastmilk and across the placenta.

Plus, of course, most people were dosed with caolomel in their lifetime, and most people have amalgam fillings.

But yeah yeah yeah, we live in a toxic soup, so if the mercury don't get me, the dioxins will.


I find it all interesting, and I do the best I can to be healthy; but I also do the best I can to have fun, even when that means ingesting stuff that is bad for me.

And I can report, anecdotally, that I did feel that my basic level of health did improve once my amalgam fillings were replaced.
I'm guessing that someone will say "Well if we've been using mercury for 300 years, then it can't be all bad..."

Just thought I'd say it first.
story said:
And I can report, anecdotally, that I did feel that my basic level of health did improve once my amalgam fillings were replaced.

How much did it cost? I guess you can't rock up to your dentist and say "I read something about amalgam fillings on the internet, can you take them out please?"

Would it be worth the considerable cost?
Orang Utan said:
You don't like vaccines? :eek: So you'd rather people risked malaria, typhoid, cholera etc etc? Jeez!

You can only be effectively vaccinated against one of those.

/pedant mode off
bendeus said:
You can only be effectively vaccinated against one of those.

/pedant mode off
Depends how you define "effectively". But the new cholera vaccine is pretty good, and typhoid's about 70% effective. Which, ironically, is lower than anti-malarial pill effectiveness (round about 90%).
I have a problem with people who talk about 'Metabolic lesions'- no such thing.

Or indeed a problem with developing neurones. Neurones do not develop in people old enough to have mercury amalgam fillings.

Within the first few seconds of Dr Jazzzs' 'University of Calgary' clip, we got both these.

Although I have to say that all the people I've ever met with mercury amalgam fillings are either mad, bad, dead, or cunts.

Calva out.
spacemonkey said:
How much did it cost? I guess you can't rock up to your dentist and say "I read something about amalgam fillings on the internet, can you take them out please?"

Would it be worth the considerable cost?
Most dentists will probably laugh in your face. I was told to look on quackwatch. You have to go to a dentist who knows what they're doing and is equipped to remove the amalgam safely as someone just chipping the amalgam out of your mouth is more dangerous than leaving them in. The nearest dentist to me who could do it was in Plymouth and I had 13 fillings removed and replaced for £700.

Is it worth it? Well, it definitely was for me but I'd been suffering chronic ill health for years and it had got to the point where my body had ground to a total halt. Was it caused by the amalgam? I don't know but the effects of having it removed have been drastic so I feel pretty confident in saying it was definitely having an impact.
Calva dosser said:
I have a problem with people who talk about 'Metabolic lesions'- no such thing.

Or indeed a problem with developing neurones. Neurones do not develop in people old enough to have mercury amalgam fillings.

Within the first few seconds of Dr Jazzzs' 'University of Calgary' clip, we got both these.

Although I have to say that all the people I've ever met with mercury amalgam fillings are either mad, bad, dead, or cunts.

Calva out.

From here
MIT Researcher Finds Neuron Growth In Adult Brain
Science Daily — Despite the prevailing belief that adult brain cells don't grow, a researcher at MIT's Picower Institute for Learning and Memory reports in the Dec. 27 issue of Public Library of Science (PLoS) Biology that structural remodeling of neurons does in fact occur in mature brains.

And of course there is also evidence to support the notion that new learning promotes new development in the brains of adults.

A region of the hippocampus, center of memory, emotion, and learning, had nearly doubled in size compared to others who had not undergone training.
More here

Neuroplasticity is now well recognised by science. The notin that the adult central nervous system does not undergo changes, growth, and development is outdated.

As for the term "metabolic lesion", a quick Google gives me

(From the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Nutrition, National Institute of Arthritis
and Metabolic Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland)
(Received for publication, March 23, 1965)


John D. Crawford M.D.1, Gerald A. Kerrigan M.D.1, and Mary B. Arnold M.D.1

1 Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, and Children's Medical Service of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston

Continuous Airway Pressure with Oxygen Minimizes the Metabolic Lesion of ‘Pump Lung’

1 Departments of Anaesthesia, McMaster University, Health Sciences Centre and Hamilton General Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario

That's the first three hits on the results page. I have no doubt there are thousands more.

I dislike cod science as much as anyone else. I also dislike kneejerk reactions.
spacemonkey said:
How much did it cost? I guess you can't rock up to your dentist and say "I read something about amalgam fillings on the internet, can you take them out please?"

Would it be worth the considerable cost?

Cost a fair bit.

The white fillings have a limited lifespan. The oldest one will need to be dealt with again in the next few years.

I reckon you need t find a dentist who knows what they're doing, as madzone said.
When my husband was diagnosed with mnd he went and had all his mercury fillings removed and replaced.

Didn't do any good of course. But I can see how it may help with ME. :)
Jazzz said:
two videos - both of which I wish I'd seen many years ago

International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology

University of Calgary

Anyone with amalgam fillings and any sort of health problem should watch these.

Our family dentist refuses to use mercury fillings anymore due to these health scares.
Callie said:
the link between oral hygiene and heart disease (endocarditis to be specific) is quite a good link. mouth bacteria can get into the blood via bleeding gums and the bacteria can settle in/on the heart - often causes old people to pop their clogs.

am clever me
story said:
Cost a fair bit.

The white fillings have a limited lifespan. The oldest one will need to be dealt with again in the next few years.

I reckon you need t find a dentist who knows what they're doing, as madzone said.

As I've always been in great health (apart from shattering bones) I think I'll leave them in for now.

Do you think there could be slight (um, whats the word) placebo(?) effect at having them taken out?

If your convinced they're causing you ill health, when they're gone you're bound to feel a lot better? Did all your health problems disappear when they were removed? Madzone as well.
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