It was widely publicised in the days following the hacking of my private email account that I had resigned from menshn, the company I founded and co-own with Louise Mensch. It wasn’t the case that I had resigned as a shareholder, and continue to retain my 50% of the shares in MenschBozier Ltd. However, Louise and I no longer have anything resembling a working relationship, and she no longer wishes to run a company in which I own shares.
I think we call this sort of business practice summary justice. Louise is judge, jury and god all rolled into one, and made a sweeping knee-jerk business decision based on something written online by a malicious hacker. Alas, I am forced to agree that we don’t have a basis for a working relationship, and frankly no longer wish to hold shares in a company she runs.
I had a great time building and launching menshn, despite the mountain-sized buckets of cyber-shit I got for my association with Louise. It was a great experience and some elements of the journey were really fun. I have written about some of them as part of a book on release later in 2013.
Menshn still has a dedicated community of users, and I thank them for their dedication. I’m sorry we weren’t able to turn it into something more sustainable. The idea – Twitter for topics – is a sound one and will be done very successfully by somebody else one day.