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Matthew Goodwin.....

Excellent takedown of Goodwin by Kenan Malik.

He’s right to draw the contrast with Liu’s analysis of the PMC: which highlights many of the same things that Goodwin does but understands the ‘new elite’ as a block to genuinely transformative politics and a group who have “abandoned class politics for what she calls “performative transgression”. And where Goodwin argues that the “radical woke” capture of society lies at “the roots of today’s more turbulent politics”, Liu understands that the new elite is the product, not the cause, of political turbulence, the consequence of the evisceration of mass movements for social change.”

Very belatedly catching up with this thread, that article is indeed good but it does make me wonder if Malik's ever done a public reckoning with his old Spiked/RCP mates, seeing as they tend to make all the same errors that he rightly criticises Goodwin for?
Very belatedly catching up with this thread, that article is indeed good but it does make me wonder if Malik's ever done a public reckoning with his old Spiked/RCP mates, seeing as they tend to make all the same errors that he rightly criticises Goodwin for?

No. Not as far as I’m aware he hasn’t.

But, in his writing, the gulf is readily evident. Whilst there is a similar criticism of the consequences and manner in which identity politics obscures social realities and actual political power the conclusions drawn are sharply different.
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Matthew Goodwin says a revolution is sweeping Britain. Richard Bartholomew suggests he's having a mid-life crisis

Twitter link to Richard Bartholemew's tweet (for those who haven't used up their ration of tweet views)

Richard Bartholomew @Barthsnotes quotes a tweet by Matthew Goodwin and says:
Mid-life crisis: man in his 40s buys a big microphone and addresses the nation from his shed urging people to join his new community.

[Matt Goodwin @GoodwinMJ • 4h
A revolution is sweeping through Britain and I think millions of ordinary people have had enough of it.
[Matthew Goodwins then embeds a video of himself at home speaking into an ostentatiously large microphone]

Here's the text of Goodwin's speechlet.

A revolution is sweeping through Britain. What do I mean by that?

I'm talking about mass uncontrolled immigration. I'm talking about the fact that we can't even control our own borders. I'm talking about a stifling, political correctness, which has left so many of us feeling that we can't really say what we really think. I'm talking about a political economy which is completely broken. We no longer really own anything. We no longer really make anything. And we no longer prioritise British workers. I'm talking about what we're teaching our children in schools about race, sex, and gender. Exposing them to ideas which often have no serious basis in science. I'm talking about the fact that Britain now has some of the highest rates of family breakdown in the Western world. And nobody seems to care.

Why is this happening? It's happening because the people who run Britain no longer care about the rest of Britain. They're reshaping the country, they're reshaping its institutions, around a small university educated minority who simply don't share the values and the concerns of the rest of the country. They also look down on the rest of the country. I know that because I've been in rooms with them. I've been a university professor for more than 20 years. I know how this new elite think and feel and what they believe. And I've become convinced that millions of people out there think the same as me. They're utterly fed up with the status quo. And they thought over the last ten years that they were going to get something different.

So what I've been doing is building a community of people who believe that we can change this, and who are serious about changing it, and who want to put a plan in place to do exactly that. If you're interested, join us and let me just say there's a lot more to come.

Why am I getting a flashback of 'David Icke: The Green Party Years'.
From Goodwin's Address to the Nation:

Matthew Goodwin: ''I've been a university professor for more than 20 years.''

Goodwin is 41.

From wikipedia:
Goodwin graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree with first-class honours in politics and contemporary history from the University of Salford in 2003 (...) Goodwin was Associate Professor of Politics at the University of Nottingham from 2010 to 2015 (...) Since 2015, he has been Professor of Politics in the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent.

(pointed out by multiple twitter users).
Psychiatrist: ''These “New Elites”... are they in the room with us now, Matthew..?''

Twitter link

Sim I Am @simeonadams
[Image of psychiatrist speaking to Matthew Goodwin]
These “New Elites”... are they in the room with us now, Matthew..?
11:17 PM ¦ Jul 4,2023 ¦ 374 Views
Goodwin's just itching to use the phrase 'cultural Marxism' and tell us how it's 'infected' even the Tory Party. However, I'd like to see some actual evidence for his claim that "almost all of our politicians lean to the 'cultural left' than most voters". I suspect he probably has some confected statistics somewhere that he could deploy.
Goodwin's just itching to use the phrase 'cultural Marxism' and tell us how it's 'infected' even the Tory Party. However, I'd like to see some actual evidence for his claim that "almost all of our politicians lean to the 'cultural left' than most voters". I suspect he probably has some confected statistics somewhere that he could deploy.
View attachment 382908
He's such a Man of the (white) People
Goodwin's just itching to use the phrase 'cultural Marxism' and tell us how it's 'infected' even the Tory Party. However, I'd like to see some actual evidence for his claim that "almost all of our politicians lean to the 'cultural left' than most voters". I suspect he probably has some confected statistics somewhere that he could deploy.

He does.

The recent PTO podcast on the new right commentariat "The anti-woke grift" with Aurelian Mondon was good on how Goodwin and others have recognised the financial and media prominence value of working in the intellectual space of insurgent right politics. Goodwin's own earlier work directly contradicts the position he now adopts. As such , even he doesn't beleive the ideas he now espouses.
He does.

The recent PTO podcast on the new right commentariat "The anti-woke grift" with Aurelian Mondon was good on how Goodwin and others have recognised the financial and media prominence value of working in the intellectual space of insurgent right politics. Goodwin's own earlier work directly contradicts the position he now adopts. As such , even he doesn't beleive the ideas he now espouses.
Well, I don't suppose Frank Furedi is long for this world, and Goodwin is likely his anointed successor.
He’s doing paid ads on Twitter for anti-immigration stuff. I wonder which tax-averse billionaire is funding this divide-and-rule bullshit? Is it the Tufton mob again?

Rent rises are 100% the fault of landlords, absolutely fuck all to do with immigration.
He’s doing paid ads on Twitter for anti-immigration stuff. I wonder which tax-averse billionaire is funding this divide-and-rule bullshit? Is it the Tufton mob again?

Rent rises are 100% the fault of landlords, absolutely fuck all to do with immigration.
Speaking as an immigrant myself I wouldn't say that immigration has fuck all to do with market driven rent rises but absolutely it's landlords who need to be prevented from taking advantage of a housing shortage, through rent controls and compulsory purchase orders
See how far right Goodwin has become...

What's been fascinating watching Goodwin is his purported decision to go beyond the grift and to seemingly offer up his (paid, naturally) services as some sort of co-ordinator for the populist right. Whilst it's clearly driving numbers to his Substack and YouTube it's an odd one as presumably he could achieve the same result with his 'I'm a professor' and the populist right are correct act. Odd.
From Goodwin's Address to the Nation:

Matthew Goodwin: ''I've been a university professor for more than 20 years.''''I've been a university professor for more than 20 years.''

Goodwin is 41.

From wikipedia:

(pointed out by multiple twitter users).
That he has spent his entire adult life in academia and is now going on about woke university educated elites reeks of projection and some sort of mental self-flagellation going on tbh.

It's just like Spiked, a bunch of posh London media types who live in a bubble of posh London media types, holding up some idealised yet patronising form of working class or "ordinary people" to attack a caricature in their heads of left wingers as "posh London media types who are patronising to ordinary working class people."

In reality neither left wingers nor "ordinary people" conform to their caricature of them.
Hold the back page! The sage-scryer hath spoken through the medium of GB "News"!
Matt Goodwin says new GB News People’s Poll data puts Reform above the Tories in terms of vote share, but believes the number of seats they will be rewarded with will renew calls for a change in electoral system.

The new poll puts Labour comfortably ahead with 36 per cent of the vote, with Reform following at 20 per cent.

The Tories have less votes than Nigel Farage’s insurgent party with just 16 per cent of the share, according to the poll.
"Less votes?" Fewer votes, surely?
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