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mario maker/mario multiverse - what is it and is it suitable for a 7 year old?

Kaka Tim

Half Arsed and Slapdash till I Die
Kids keep bugging about mario multiverse and mario maker - they've seen them on you tube. My understanding is that these are game editing packages rather than games - and they are not nintendo releases.

Is it something a 7 year old could use? Is it something you download? Cant really get any clarity from my online research so I thought id ask here.

nb - im not very tech savvy. Only got a smart phone a year ago.

cheers in advance
Kids keep bugging about mario multiverse and mario maker - they've seen them on you tube. My understanding is that these are game editing packages rather than games - and they are not nintendo releases.

Is it something a 7 year old could use? Is it something you download? Cant really get any clarity from my online research so I thought id ask here.

nb - im not very tech savvy. Only got a smart phone a year ago.

cheers in advance

Is it for the Switch?

I don't know the game itself (I know Mario obvs but not played this one). Seems OK for kids, Parent reviews for Super Mario Maker | Common Sense Media

Our rule for Molly (8) is that she doesn't get to online chat with people on Roblox. Couple of comments on that review site says something similar, keep it offline and that should keep them safe.

Looks suitable for 5+, some kids will find it easier than others.

I think you can download it from the Nintendo website so it is an officially sanctioned game: Create anytime, play with anyone, share with everyone!

Super Marioverse is a fan game so not an official release so I'd probably swerve that if you're not tech savvy. Err on the side of caution IMO, last thing you want is a bricked Switch. Someone else may know better.
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