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20 year old games that still run (and are still relevant)

Haven't played Unreal Tournament for a few years but it's the only online deathmatch type thing I ever really bothered with. The first Halo was also great online but I doubt anyone still plays that.
The first Halo didn't have online. It does now via the Master Chief Collection, but the original was LAN only.
Worms 2 was the best. You could manipulate every paramater for every weapon, and customise all the voices. The level editor was great too. But just fucking around with the Ninja Rope was worth the cover price.

Armageddon added little and took much away.

Was Pro Roper a thing on Worms 2?

That’s pretty much the highest level of skill one can attain (I never did).

And that isn’t the best example tbh.
Pro Roper has a 15 second turn time where you have to collect a (health) crate and attack your opponent all from the rope. All you have is the bazooka, grenade and mine to use. Some people were amazing at it. Shopper is the more forgiving version.
BnG involves skill also. You can place your worm/s where you want but they can’t move. Apart from with limited teleports or the blowtorch. All you can use is bazooka or grenades (hence the name).
Used to play that a bit with a gaming mate. And he kicked my arse. But it was one of the first (if not the first) multiplayer death match instances in software.
When Quake came out in mid 96 it came with "Game Spy" (or was it "quake spy?") anyway, it was absolutely brilliant in finding deathmatch and CTF etc all over the world and it had all the things you needed to know before clicking on "start' with heaps of servers and maps.
I used to play games in the US from Australia on a 56 k modem :cool:
Star craft ( the first one with the brood expansion ), me and a couple of mates played it quite a bit at the beginning of lockdown
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