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Made A New Claim With The Job Centre

They'll still tell you. They told me.

Oh undoubtedly - But, if what Big Tom's saying is correct, you'd be within your rights to insist on using a jobcentre computer & if enough people did this it'd render UJ unworkable. I'm not saying you should do this btw - I'm signing on ATM and I certainly couldn't be arsed, fuck going to the jobcentre on days you don't have to. Plus, though it does help to know your rights & be assertive, if you're arkward for the sake of it you run the risk of making yourself a target for being sanctioned.
I wonder how this new scheme will work with people who used to qualify for postal signing ? as in non-drivers too far from public transport in rural areas......and with nowt much better than dial-up for t'internet???
I had to go to the Work Programme place last Thursday. I was asked what I had done to look for work. So I said I had checked the Universal site, the apprenticeship.org website and some other sites and applied for 9 jobs. He wanted to check my Universal Account, Apprenticeship.org account, my email account and my Reed account as that is where I applied for the positions. Email when it asked for a CV. I declined and said it's private. The information was available on the sheet of paper with reference details and job title/company name. He then told me if I kept refusing to prove what I had applied for electronically he would have no choice but to sanction me if this became a regular theme as I'm not complying.

What is wrong with these people? Is there a way you can back out of the Work Programme scheme once you have signed on the dotted line? When I was being transferred to begin with I was told I had no choice. So I regrettably signed the sheets without realising you could fight the contract information without being sanctioned. I signed the form and there I was with the Work Programme. I have signed off and on at least 4 times since then, that advisor must have earned a bit of cash for supposedly getting me a job. Did he balls. He did nothing but claimed the credit when I was offered some sort of employment. Since I setup a new claim everything seems to be far more rushed. Feels like they want to sanction just to reduce the unemployment figures if that does infact cut you from the latest standings.

It's the Job Centre sign on date tomorrow so I expect more fireworks. Wrote 21 things on the sheet.

As for the zero hour contract nothing but a poxy text message asking me to do a 19:00 - 23:00 shift on two occasions. I cannot get home with them late afternoon shifts. Just dreadful it really is.

How rude of me not to thank each and everyone of you for the past replies. Thanks.
Was the Work Programme with someone from the DWP or from an outside contractor? Can the outside contractor sanction you if you have provided evidence of applications?

I don't know how reasonable or sensible your DWP sign-on person is, but you always ask them the question if they are sensible.

Best of luck with all this. You're certainly under no obligation to give anybody access to your private email account.
Shit sorry to hear that Trauzor.

Admittidly I've not had to have a proper argument with anyone at JC yet. But as far as I understand it, you can't be forced to give access to your account. Screen shots, references, print outs of emails, all that should be proof. You might have to try and speak to someone at CAB if they continue with this line. But if you don't feel it's gonna get to fractious, I'd point out what is said on that site about their own policy andd the law. Print that out with any email stuff.
He then told me if I kept refusing to prove what I had applied for electronically he would have no choice but to sanction me if this became a regular theme as I'm not complying.

Does BigTom's earlier post apply here? I might be being a bit naive and it's a long time since I've been in this position but iss it worth nicely telling him that you don't want to be obstructive but you're worried about sharing information if the law doesn't require you to do so? Say your understanding of the DPA is as follows?

the data protection act states that you cannot be coerced or pressured into signing away data protection rights and you cannot be punished for not doing so. This will never change, unless the data protection act changes.

Good luck with it btw and welcome to Urban, this is a great example of the kind of advice and support available here. :)
I had to go to the Work Programme place last Thursday. I was asked what I had done to look for work. So I said I had checked the Universal site, the apprenticeship.org website and some other sites and applied for 9 jobs. He wanted to check my Universal Account, Apprenticeship.org account, my email account and my Reed account as that is where I applied for the positions. Email when it asked for a CV. I declined and said it's private. The information was available on the sheet of paper with reference details and job title/company name. He then told me if I kept refusing to prove what I had applied for electronically he would have no choice but to sanction me if this became a regular theme as I'm not complying.

What is wrong with these people? Is there a way you can back out of the Work Programme scheme once you have signed on the dotted line? When I was being transferred to begin with I was told I had no choice. So I regrettably signed the sheets without realising you could fight the contract information without being sanctioned. I signed the form and there I was with the Work Programme. I have signed off and on at least 4 times since then, that advisor must have earned a bit of cash for supposedly getting me a job. Did he balls. He did nothing but claimed the credit when I was offered some sort of employment. Since I setup a new claim everything seems to be far more rushed. Feels like they want to sanction just to reduce the unemployment figures if that does infact cut you from the latest standings.

It's the Job Centre sign on date tomorrow so I expect more fireworks. Wrote 21 things on the sheet.

As for the zero hour contract nothing but a poxy text message asking me to do a 19:00 - 23:00 shift on two occasions. I cannot get home with them late afternoon shifts. Just dreadful it really is.

How rude of me not to thank each and everyone of you for the past replies. Thanks.

You can't back out of the WP - Once you're on it, you're on it - They can't force you to share data though, he's out of line pressuring you to do that. Who you'll be able to realistically go to to complain is another matter though. My advice would be to quote that bit of law as described by Big Tom in the manner that Chip Barm's proposed - It may well be that your advisor is counting on the fact that you don't know your rights and will crumble when he realises you do.

Anyway, if you do get a job, here's a vid about revoking consent to share your data to make sure those twats don't end up getting paid. Parasites.

All the best :)
Was the Work Programme with someone from the DWP or from an outside contractor? Can the outside contractor sanction you if you have provided evidence of applications?

I don't know how reasonable or sensible your DWP sign-on person is, but you always ask them the question if they are sensible.

Best of luck with all this. You're certainly under no obligation to give anybody access to your private email account.

I do not know to be honest, I guess whatever the Avanta advisors come under. I don't believe he is within any power to do anything but complain to the Job Centre that I'm being uncooperative and refusing to apply for any work. Not the case but as some of you may well be aware from past experiences they twist words and make you out to be the bad guy. I have been applying anyway so I'm covered on that aspect. All I did was refuse to login to my accounts so he couldn't double check as I believe the writing on paper was enough, as that was never a problem in the past.

I will start printing some of this well detailed information off so whenever they try to be a bully making threats about sanctions I have information to make them squirm and backtrack.
Trauzor, just out of interest how old are you? Are you still living at home? Is returning to education a possibility?

I was just thinking if you're 'estranged' from parents maybe you could attend college and claim Income Support. Usually IS claimants qualify for full college bursary also.

'Since April 2012, the enrolment restriction has been removed and young people can now apply anytime before their 21st birthday. They can now also receive Income Support until the end of the academic year in which they turn 21 to allow more young people to finish their courses.'

I had to go to the Work Programme place last Thursday. I was asked what I had done to look for work. So I said I had checked the Universal site, the apprenticeship.org website and some other sites and applied for 9 jobs. He wanted to check my Universal Account, Apprenticeship.org account, my email account and my Reed account as that is where I applied for the positions. Email when it asked for a CV. I declined and said it's private. The information was available on the sheet of paper with reference details and job title/company name. He then told me if I kept refusing to prove what I had applied for electronically he would have no choice but to sanction me if this became a regular theme as I'm not complying.

No, under the data protection act there is no legal way that they can sanction you for not letting them check your accounts. If he wants proof that you have applied for jobs ask him what you can provide that will be proof.
I haven't used the sites in question but if they have a screen after you've applied for a job saying you've applied for it, or something similar, then start taking screenshots of them.
I don't know what the regulations are surrounding what evidence can be required of you to prove you done the things on your jobsearch, however what he is asking for you definitely cannot be sanctioned for refusing - next time I would take in copies of the relevant laws and regulations on the www.consent.me.uk/universaljobmatch page and just make it clear that under the data protection act he cannot sanction you for refusing him access to the accounts.

What is wrong with these people? Is there a way you can back out of the Work Programme scheme once you have signed on the dotted line? When I was being transferred to begin with I was told I had no choice. So I regrettably signed the sheets without realising you could fight the contract information without being sanctioned. I signed the form and there I was with the Work Programme. I have signed off and on at least 4 times since then, that advisor must have earned a bit of cash for supposedly getting me a job. Did he balls. He did nothing but claimed the credit when I was offered some sort of employment. Since I setup a new claim everything seems to be far more rushed. Feels like they want to sanction just to reduce the unemployment figures if that does infact cut you from the latest standings.

It's the Job Centre sign on date tomorrow so I expect more fireworks. Wrote 21 things on the sheet.

As for the zero hour contract nothing but a poxy text message asking me to do a 19:00 - 23:00 shift on two occasions. I cannot get home with them late afternoon shifts. Just dreadful it really is.

How rude of me not to thank each and everyone of you for the past replies. Thanks.

As Francis said, you can't back out of the WP, but you can revoke your consent for them to share information under the data protection act - the information to do this is on either www.consent.me.uk or www.donotsign.org - as I understand it, this prevents them from contacting the companies you get work with and confirming that you have a job there which prevents them from getting paid as they can't prove to the DWP that you are still in work.

iirc: If someone is sanctioned they no longer count as a claimant, but they are still counted as unemployed by the Labour Force Survey. If someone is on workfare, they are still counted in the claimant count but are counted as employed by the Labour Force Survey (the Labour Force Survey is the usual figure used, it's around 2.5m with the JSA claimant count around 1.6m)
Trauzor, just out of interest how old are you? Are you still living at home? Is returning to education a possibility?

I was just thinking if you're 'estranged' from parents maybe you could attend college and claim Income Support. Usually IS claimants qualify for full college bursary also.

'Since April 2012, the enrolment restriction has been removed and young people can now apply anytime before their 21st birthday. They can now also receive Income Support until the end of the academic year in which they turn 21 to allow more young people to finish their courses.'


I turned 21 in October. I have been applying for apprenticeships for a while. In apprenticeships though I look for the specifics. Probably my biggest problem. I do not mind applying for any sort of role as a job but with extended education Technical IT or IT and not Customer Service is what I have been looking for. I just feel 1 or 2 years in extended education on an apprenticeship on something totally different on £80 a week wouldn't be beneficial. As for college I am 21. I attended college until I was 19. It was costing me too much as I didn't receive a penny for the whole year, I had to rely on my parents heavily just as I'm doing now. I am still living at home by the way.

It seems I have not been paid yet. Just checked my bank account online. Seems worrying. Applied for enough, the sheets were signed etc.
I was on the phone to the Job Centre today as I hadn't been paid. It seems that I won't be able to receive Job Seekers Allowance until I have proof that I have not worked. When I setup the claim everything seemed fine. I then had to sign on and also go to the Work Programme on different days, this is all money by the way on bus fares and taxi's only to be told today on the phone that I cannot receive the payment. I was told that I must get wage slips. I offered these when I setup the claim and was told they weren't needed. In response I said that I only receive wage slips for the weeks I do. So she suggested that I get in touch with the employer and get a written letter saying I haven't worked for this, this, this week. I am offered the odd shift occasionally I just can't do them due to the hours they want me to work. I went to sign on and that went fine. Signed my booklet and said the money should be in your account by Friday.

If there is any young person like myself who desperately wants to get off the dole I do not recommend working zero hour contracts. Once the work dries up or you can't drive and get to the shifts it's problematic. Cannot worm your way back onto Job Seekers with ease. Not worth the hassle.

I think I may just sign off the Job Seekers and hope I can find another job quickly. I do not think I will be paid from the claim date if it was resolved. I think the payments would start from whenever I sort the stuff out. Fed up, it's been problem after problem.
I was on the phone to the Job Centre today as I hadn't been paid. It seems that I won't be able to receive Job Seekers Allowance until I have proof that I have not worked. When I setup the claim everything seemed fine. I then had to sign on and also go to the Work Programme on different days, this is all money by the way on bus fares and taxi's only to be told today on the phone that I cannot receive the payment. I was told that I must get wage slips. I offered these when I setup the claim and was told they weren't needed. In response I said that I only receive wage slips for the weeks I do. So she suggested that I get in touch with the employer and get a written letter saying I haven't worked for this, this, this week. I am offered the odd shift occasionally I just can't do them due to the hours they want me to work. I went to sign on and that went fine. Signed my booklet and said the money should be in your account by Friday.

If there is any young person like myself who desperately wants to get off the dole I do not recommend working zero hour contracts. Once the work dries up or you can't drive and get to the shifts it's problematic. Cannot worm your way back onto Job Seekers with ease. Not worth the hassle.

I think I may just sign off the Job Seekers and hope I can find another job quickly. I do not think I will be paid from the claim date if it was resolved. I think the payments would start from whenever I sort the stuff out. Fed up, it's been problem after problem.
I would try phoning back on a different day and seeing what advice you get from a different person. There is a trend sometimes to tell a claimant something disheartening in the hopes it puts them off continuing with this claim.

You cannot prove a negative anyway.
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