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Got the email today from local Green Cllr. Its public meeting anyone can attend:
RE: Community Safety in the Loughborough Junction area [Public meeting 21/03/2019 @ 6:30pm, SW9 7PD]
On February 21st a young man named Glendon Spence lost his life.
Any act of violence is a traumatic event. However, this incident has created not just victims of Glendon Spence’s family and friends, but also of a significant number of children and adults who witnessed the event whilst innocently playing in the Marcus Lipton Youth Centre.
Police have charged two people with murder and investigations are ongoing. Following sound medical advice, the council has deployed social and other support workers to help those who have been traumatised – be it children or adults. This approach to trauma is now a key part of our ‘reactive response’ after significant acts of violence in the borough.
Serious youth violence is a complex and long-standing issue in Lambeth. Initiatives in the past have had mixed results and arguably due to funding cuts have not remained sustainable. But we believe that we can make a real difference using our own community’s expertise & assistance, as well as using evidence from elsewhere.
The council has allocated extra funding for preventative violence-reduction work and even more importantly the council is adapting as an organisation so that it is able to meet this challenge effectively.
As it stands Marcus Lipton is closed and services paused whilst support staff, witnesses and the family come to terms with this tragedy. However, we are determined to re-open the centre over the coming weeks.
In readiness for that, and as part of our standard ‘reactive response’, there will be a community-led public meeting to allow local residents affected by this incident to engage and voice concerns with senior leaders.
The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Thursday 21st March at the Loughborough Community Centre (105 Angell Road, SW9 7PD).
It will be chaired by Abdul-Karim Abdullah, the new chair of the Lambeth Safer Neighbourhood Board. In addition to Cllr Jack Hopkins, the panel will consist of Helen Hayes MP, a senior Lambeth police officer, a Loughborough Estate management board representative and potentially a young voice via the YLC.
Yours faithfully,
Councillor Mohammed Seedat
Cabinet member for the Voluntary Sector, Partnerships & Community Safety (job-share)