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Long haul flights tips and advice


Not very good lurker
I am travelling to Australia for the first time in a month. Longest flight I have done previous was 7 / 8 hours to New York.

I have an 11 hour flight to LA. A 6 hour gap at LAX. Then 15 hours to Sydney.

Anything I should prepare for, take with me, be aware of and all that type of stuff? All advice appreciated.
you'll get eyeshade and pillow on any long-haul flight. Neck rest thing might be worth it, their pillows do me fine.

Not sure how that footrest would work for anyone over 5'4, tho I would be v tempted to try it if it does
The supplied pillows and eyeshades are inferior and uncomfortable. The items I suggest work better.
These days I like my creature comforts so I'd pay for the lounge at LAX. Shower (they'll supply shower gel, toothbrush etc), food, comfy seats. I'd take a change of clothes too.

Buy some flight socks. You can get pretty nice ones now and they stop your feet swelling like melons.

Take a cosy jumper and wear a thin t shirt. Flights are either freezing or boiling ime.
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Wear the most comfortable clothes you can. Sweatpants, hoodie, whatever. I like hoodies for sleeping in.

Stay hydrated. Drink water. You get more dehydrated in the air. Go easy on booze if you do drink any.

Take a small bottle of hand sanitiser. Planes and toilets are pretty gross generally but especially towards the end of a long haul flight.

Take a toothbrush and small toothpaste in your hand luggage. I usually want to brush my teeth after 11hrs or more of flying.

Ditto all the above suggestions. Especially investing in the lounge for a shower and noise cancelling headphones.

Don’t forget as well as the Esta there is an Aussie equivalent thing too (forgot what it’s called). I think it’s free to do - I didn’t know when I got my first flight to Australia and had to pay £30 to get an express one at the airport :mad:
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Not sure how that footrest would work for anyone over 5'4, tho I would be v tempted to try it if it does[/QUOTE]
I used a similar footrest and it was really useful
for shifting position - but I’m 5”5’. I’d definitely recommend it.

And one of these worked better than a pillow surprisingly:
Trtl Travel Pillow
Noise cancelling phones
Party lights
Best of 80s house
Mini barbecue
Toning mist

Actually if can bear the cost/ blag it, upgrade yourself for the 2nd leg. Works well for recovery and also you dont want to be sitting in that toning mist haribo barbeque nightmare with your gin and tonic hangover
Flight socks (long ones) to counter DVT.
Aspirin take it just before the flight (same reason)
Blow up neck cushion.
Ear plugs.
Eye mask.
Comfy loose clothes.
Scarf (it can get cold up there)

Have fun ;)
Select your seat as early as possible online before all the riff-raff start bagging the best ones. You don’t want to end up by the toilets or confined to the dreaded middle seat if you’re flying economy.

Always pays to do a second check at the baggage check in to see if there’s any better options you could get at the last moment.

If by chance you’re flying Air New Zealand to LA, let me know as there’s a little trick I used to use to get one of the SkyCouches all to myself.
Select your seat as early as possible online before all the riff-raff start bagging the best ones. You don’t want to end up by the toilets or confined to the dreaded middle seat if you’re flying economy.

Always pays to do a second check at the baggage check in to see if there’s any better options you could get at the last moment.

If by chance you’re flying Air New Zealand to LA, let me know as there’s a little trick I used to use to get one of the SkyCouches all to myself.
I just pay for an exit seat these days. Yes your flight is less of a bargain, but 11 hours unable to stretch your legs out is hell on earth.
I often flew a 13 hour flight to KL for work.

I followed none of the tips on here. I wore jeans and a tshirt, took with me a laptop loaded with films incase the onboard films were terrible and some good in ear headphones.

I drank fairly heavily. Something like 2 or 3 full sized bottles of wine, 5 spirits, and ten beers. Including in the airport before. I'd stay awake for the flight and then get a good 6 -8 hours sleep on arrival.

After sleeping, I'd have two showers and a huge breakfast. Then straight to work feeling relatively well.
Don't take any food. The aussie customs are really strict on it.

Get some water bottles in the airport shop after you get through security (definately not before security and don't take them off first plane) as you get really thirsty.

I had to do 7 hours birmingham to dubai and then another 14 hours dubai to melbourne when i went about 10 years ago.

I am not going to lie to you. It was hell.
I often flew a 13 hour flight to KL for work.

I followed none of the tips on here. I wore jeans and a tshirt, took with me a laptop loaded with films incase the onboard films were terrible and some good in ear headphones.

I drank fairly heavily. Something like 2 or 3 full sized bottles of wine, 5 spirits, and ten beers. Including in the airport before. I'd stay awake for the flight and then get a good 6 -8 hours sleep on arrival.

After sleeping, I'd have two showers and a huge breakfast. Then straight to work feeling relatively well.

That's the way to do it. Could have been improved by arranging for pizza to be delivered to arrivals.
OK. I surrender. You're right. You're always right. You are the King of the Internet.
grow up, we're just having a discussion about a minor issue, no need to get huffy. I just happen to think that those two requirements are a long way down any list of 'necessities.' Better to chill and look forward to a flight than buy a bunch of unnecessary items that you'll (probably) be given for free anyway.

Tell us about these footrest things tho, they are an interesting idea. Unfortunately, the reviews on that link imply they are best for short people whose feet don't normally reach the floor on a flight
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