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Long Covid

Curses. I got covid again. Mild atm but obviously I'm concerned about the long term effects. On the plus side, I got a Moderna booster shot on Friday, which is no good for stopping me getting it obviously but they are now saying that having a jab close to covid lowers your chances of getting long covid. All a bit unpredictable when I already have long covid, but nothing I can do now, it's just a waiting game.
Fingers crossed! Maybe all this contact with the virus will be good for the effectiveness of the immune system. Sending best wishes
Curses. I got covid again. Mild atm but obviously I'm concerned about the long term effects. On the plus side, I got a Moderna booster shot on Friday, which is no good for stopping me getting it obviously but they are now saying that having a jab close to covid lowers your chances of getting long covid. All a bit unpredictable when I already have long covid, but nothing I can do now, it's just a waiting game.
Thoughts with you! Fingers crossed. I've been laid low with a cold waiting to see if it's covid. Me and partner have been isolating seperately in the house and wearing masks hoping she doesn't catch whatever it is, but obviously that's only so effective so we're not being militant about it.
Curses. I got covid again. Mild atm but obviously I'm concerned about the long term effects. On the plus side, I got a Moderna booster shot on Friday, which is no good for stopping me getting it obviously but they are now saying that having a jab close to covid lowers your chances of getting long covid. All a bit unpredictable when I already have long covid, but nothing I can do now, it's just a waiting game.
how are you doing?
I'm okay thanks, it just feels like a cold really - probably omicron variant. At the moment the most annoying thing is that because I live in a shared house I'm shut up in just one room for the ten days isolation and I'm already bored. My real concern is obviously long term effects but there's not much I can do about that except take a few supplements for my immune system. I'm reasonably good at not getting panicky about things I can't do anything about so I'm not feeling too bad.

Edit to add: just realised I lost taste/smell overnight. That is also annoying as it didn't happen in Round 1.
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I had an initial chat with a nutritionist yesterday that I'm planning on seeing about all my recent health issues, including the long Covid. I told her that I'd had really strong antibiotics right before getting Covid and she said that was probably why I got long Covid. I hadn't thought of that. Maybe I was already so depleted from the bad infection and strong antibiotics that I couldn't fight Covid off in the way that everyone else in my house did and I ended up with long Covid when they didn't. It makes sense.
Dont want to jinx it but since getting over my booster (moderna) im feeling a LOT better. My god, Im starting to believe it might be over.

Ive been doing regular breathing routine, not drinking very often, new vitamin regime too, but I'm feeling a strength in my body I havent felt in so long it feels like a shock. Still a tiny bit of tightness in the lungs but nothing like before. No wheeziness.


people did say on this thread there were reports of a vaccine knocking it out, but astra zenica just fucked me both times. Am monitoring carefully, fingers crossed this isnt just another false dawn
I had an initial chat with a nutritionist yesterday that I'm planning on seeing about all my recent health issues, including the long Covid. I told her that I'd had really strong antibiotics right before getting Covid and she said that was probably why I got long Covid. I hadn't thought of that. Maybe I was already so depleted from the bad infection and strong antibiotics that I couldn't fight Covid off in the way that everyone else in my house did and I ended up with long Covid when they didn't. It makes sense.

It may or may not be why you got long Covid, but certainly your bacterial flora is inextricably linked to immune system function and inflammatory processes all over the body. So doing anything you can to 'upgrade' the diversity of your gut flora would be a great idea. Whether it fixes your immediate problems or not, it should still be a beneficial investment for long-term health.
Dont want to jinx it but since getting over my booster (moderna) im feeling a LOT better. My god, Im starting to believe it might be over.

Ive been doing regular breathing routine, not drinking very often, new vitamin regime too, but I'm feeling a strength in my body I havent felt in so long it feels like a shock. Still a tiny bit of tightness in the lungs but nothing like before. No wheeziness.


people did say on this thread there were reports of a vaccine knocking it out, but astra zenica just fucked me both times. Am monitoring carefully, fingers crossed this isnt just another false dawn
Y'see I deliberately got Moderna because it has the best record with people with long covid (according to Gez Medinger's research). So I wanted to be conducting the same experiment as you. Alas that's not quite how it worked out. Still, who knows if the omicron variant and Moderna together could get my body to rethink its approach? We shall see.
Y'see I deliberately got Moderna because it has the best record with people with long covid (according to Gez Medinger's research). So I wanted to be conducting the same experiment as you. Alas that's not quite how it worked out. Still, who knows if the omicron variant and Moderna together could get my body to rethink its approach? We shall see.
i had no idea about that...have to say reading that about Moderna has made my day
Fingers crossed for you Brainaddict, as you say, it might yet do the trick....and if not I wonder if it wouldnt be possible to get another moderna hit in three months time some way or another. All the best to you - and everyone on the thread xx
Had a relapse today and had to go home from work after only 2 hours. Was meant to be working tomorrow too which I dont think is gonna happen. It's quite a physical job but I've coped well for the past 2 months, considering.

Felt quite embarrassed (I know I shouldnt be) cos I got loads of physical symptoms again and I got quite upset too suddenly and they had to sit me down and give me water and offered to get me a taxi etc. They were very nice. Im not sure what happened exactly but like everything long covid... a combination of factors. It was quite good explaining that I was basically bed and house bound for a year and it's only the past 6 months ive had a more normal life again...

I think covid stress, Xmas, exhaustion, booster jab, family stress and everything else caught up with me basically. Plus my colleague was listening to a really annoying podcast which i find much more fatiguing to hear than music. I kinda pushed on with it annoying me too :/ Luckily feeling a bit better now having slept and rested half the afternoon....
I've also had a bit of a relapse too. Not as bad as yours but have been in a lot more pain again and finding it hard to deal with.
Had a relapse today and had to go home from work after only 2 hours. Was meant to be working tomorrow too which I dont think is gonna happen. It's quite a physical job but I've coped well for the past 2 months, considering.

Felt quite embarrassed (I know I shouldnt be) cos I got loads of physical symptoms again and I got quite upset too suddenly and they had to sit me down and give me water and offered to get me a taxi etc. They were very nice. Im not sure what happened exactly but like everything long covid... a combination of factors. It was quite good explaining that I was basically bed and house bound for a year and it's only the past 6 months ive had a more normal life again...

I think covid stress, Xmas, exhaustion, booster jab, family stress and everything else caught up with me basically. Plus my colleague was listening to a really annoying podcast which i find much more fatiguing to hear than music. I kinda pushed on with it annoying me too :/ Luckily feeling a bit better now having slept and rested half the afternoon....
Yeah, that sounds like a lot to deal with. Hope you can take it easy for a bit, if all that has caught up with you it might need a few days rest.

I'm currently recommending people try 5-HTP, if any of you want to give a new supplement a whirl. A lot of people with LC have done well with SSRIs and the theory is it addresses a seratonin deficiency in the blood rather than it being about mental effects of the drug.
Yeah, that sounds like a lot to deal with. Hope you can take it easy for a bit, if all that has caught up with you it might need a few days rest.

I'm currently recommending people try 5-HTP, if any of you want to give a new supplement a whirl. A lot of people with LC have done well with SSRIs and the theory is it addresses a seratonin deficiency in the blood rather than it being about mental effects of the drug.
I've been taking 5 HTP for most of 2021. Seemed to help my mood and energy
Im taking an ssri already so I dont much fancy taking 5htp as well. I do take zinc and vitamin D drops every day and a turmeric probiotic most days when I remember.

Fluvoxamine has had really good results with stopping accute covid and apparently with long covid too but not seen anything other than anecdotal reports on that. I didnt know other ssris were actually helping long covid though?
University of Exeter senior clinical lecturer Dr David Strain said: "The stark warning here is that, based on this, in the previous waves, over 800,000 people have their day-to-day activities significantly affected over three months after catching Covid and nearly a quarter of a million report this has a dramatic impact on their quality of life.

"As we continue to see case numbers of Omicron rise, we must be wary that our reliance purely on hospitalisations and death as a measure of the risk from Covid could grossly underestimate the public-health impact of our current Covid strategy."

interesting that more likely to be a woman between 30-60? same for ME
Yes, not surprising I think. Though there's a danger of overstating things in saying that it's more likely to affect women. In fact the ratio in that data seems to be about 7:5 and it narrows even more for those who've had it for more than 12 months.
Have we had this?

It was indicated as a possible cause before, but that study got a fair bit of airtime on the media outlets yesterday and goes a bit further than previous work.
I think it's also positive in that they are gradually managing to physically work out what is going on, which is the first step to possible solutions. How are you doing btw? Still feeling better?
thanks...i got a chest infection on xmas day and was quite ill right up to about a week ago, so lungs not in best shape because of it and hard to tell if any progress was made - BUT the last few 4 days or so are the best I've had since I got ill in Jan 2021 :)
I havent been doing any exercise though ( i really need to) but i have been working flat out which wold normally wipe me out , but my energy levels are soo much higher. Feeling very positive about the weeks ahead. Even if there are relapses I feel like the corner really has been turned this time. That feeling of something in my lungs has gone.

How about yourself? hows things post your second bout of covid?
thanks...i got a chest infection on xmas day and was quite ill right up to about a week ago, so lungs not in best shape because of it and hard to tell if any progress was made - BUT the last few 4 days or so are the best I've had since I got ill in Jan 2021 :)
I havent been doing any exercise though ( i really need to) but i have been working flat out which wold normally wipe me out , but my energy levels are soo much higher. Feeling very positive about the weeks ahead. Even if there are relapses I feel like the corner really has been turned this time. That feeling of something in my lungs has gone.

How about yourself? hows things post your second bout of covid?
I'm back to a similar place I was in before, possibly slightly worse but within the range of ups and downs I had before.

Glad to hear you're doing well, chest infection aside. I'd suggest still taking it easy for quite a while, as overdoing it could still bring on relapse (going on experience).
I had all my scans, blood tests, appointments and whatnot now, all looks mostly fine from that POV. So they've decided my debilitating problems are just a lack of concentration and poor sleep. So, basically, I just need to concentrate harder and sleep better and I'll remember the names of relatives, friends, objects around the house and so on again that I can no longer remember and all the brain sludge will just go away. Simple! Jolly good :thumbs:
I had all my scans, blood tests, appointments and whatnot now, all looks mostly fine from that POV. So they've decided my debilitating problems are just a lack of concentration and poor sleep. So, basically, I just need to concentrate harder and sleep better and I'll remember the names of relatives, friends, objects around the house and so on again that I can no longer remember and all the brain sludge will just go away. Simple! Jolly good :thumbs:

Perhaps some of the very specific detail from this example might be of use to you? ie the sort of specialised tests that revealed things others missed.

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