Had another phone consultation with GP on Monday. My x rays didn't show anything (I didn't really expect them to).
I talked about how much worse my symptoms are around my period and the dr suggested a lie dose of SSRIs, which I wasn't up for. She said that evening primrose oil, vitamin b6 and magnesium might help.
In general she said I might want to look into acupuncture but they couldn't provide it on the NHS. She also said to make sure I'm taking enough vitamin D.
Regarding the pain she said to stick with paracetamol and ibuprofen because she didn't want to move into opiate based painkillers. I asked about about pain management clinics but she said that was more around medication.
She suggested talking to the physio again. I asked about long covid clinics. She said there are two locally. One specialises in respirarory symptoms, which I don't have. The other deals with fatigue. She's going to look into that and the physio and refer me to whichever seems more appropriate.
I'm doing better as of the last couple of days. Last week I went for a longish swim one day, then went out for a few drinks the next and then felt awful for the next four days. That's quite a price to pay.
Feeling a bit low because it feels like the things that I enjoy doing fuck me up. I love swimming and it's really important for my mental health. But if it exhausts me so much that I feel wrecked for days then it makes my mental health worse again. Ditto going out. Maybe it's just a summer of activity catching up with me.
I'm not feeling especially supported by my husband and not sure that my friends really understand. After all this time not seeing people there's more stuff going on and it's hard to explain that I can't meet because I'm too tired or have something else on that week and can't manage more than one thing. I want to see people so much.