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London art exhibitions, installations and events - photos and chat

Here you are marty21 and anyone else - two new free exhibitions coming up..

The new Gilbert and George gallery in Spitalfields, from April 1st (assuming that's not a joke!)

....or perhaps you might fancy a visit to this one at the Barbican ;) :D
I've just been listening to lonely man on the radio. Not the most obvious quo track but it certainly evoked some memories. 😮
Here you are marty21 and anyone else - two new free exhibitions coming up..

The new Gilbert and George gallery in Spitalfields, from April 1st (assuming that's not a joke!)

....or perhaps you might fancy a visit to this one at the Barbican ;) :D
hard yes
hard no
Yes, it's brilliant isn't it, I went last week, spent time having a good look at each one.

This picture caught my eye as I know exactly where it is as I had relatives in that area (picture off the web).

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The Black House, Hengistbury Head by Howard Phipps.

Thanks for the tip off Editor!

I know the Black House too as grew up round there.

My Dad used to have a little dinghy boat and he taught me to sail it in Christchurch Harbour and we used the Black House as a landmark.

Whenever I went off course he'd say 'Black House Black House Black House Black House' :)
Loved this

I'll mention this to Mrs21 who went to the Batcave a few times in the 80s
This is FABULOUS - and you get a discount if you're a Lambeth resident!

In photos: Extinction Beckons by Mike Nelson at the Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London

In photos: Extinction Beckons by Mike Nelson at the Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London

In photos: Extinction Beckons by Mike Nelson at the Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London

Went to see the Mike Nelson exhibition a few weeks ago - love his installations!

He had a show in the ground floor hall in the Tate Britain a few years ago. It was filled with old machinery he buys from sales, fascinating, I know my Dad would have loved it, having been in engineering.

My closer shot of his little shrine..
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Went to see the Mike Nelson exhibition a few weeks ago - love his installations!

He had a show in the ground floor hall in the Tate Britain a few years ago. It was filled with old machinery he buys from sales, fascinating, I know my Dad would have loved it, having been in engineering.

My closer shot of his little shrine..
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Yeah I went to that one too - think I took a load of pics, will have a look later and post up if so
This is FABULOUS - and you get a discount if you're a Lambeth resident!

In photos: Extinction Beckons by Mike Nelson at the Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London

In photos: Extinction Beckons by Mike Nelson at the Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London

In photos: Extinction Beckons by Mike Nelson at the Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London

I really badly want to see that, is there anyone who can get me in at reduced price or preferably for free with a membership to the gallery?
I know that's a bit cheeky but I'm skint - that doesn't make me dead from the neck up or disinterested in art, actually very interested, especially in this sort of installation. (PM me if it is a possibility and apologies if I shouldn't have asked).
It looks excellent and just my type of thing.
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