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Loads of profs and docs dissent from Darwinian "consensus"

You know what? I reckon this, the Web thread and the animal thread could be merged into one gorski meta-thread, since they've all reached basically the same point where everyone is arguing over their inbuilt ideological biases, their awareness of them, and that everyone else's are shite in comparison with Gorski's, who has The Best (no echoes of monopoly in truth, or the loooong Marxist intellectual trait of believing that it is in fact A Truth, not to mention bourgeoise prejudice against the w/c coming through AT ALL)...
'Tis true, Kyzer!:D

Not that it matter but it's not "just me" [and you and the rest should know it!!!], although this is how herd is functioning...

There are a number of guys here who do have a very good idea of their ideological and other presumptions/roots, but the "strength in numbers" asks for isolation of a victim, then piling up and declaring "you're wrong because you're in a minority of one"...:rolleyes: Sad, actually!:(

Btw, interestingly enough, most of you, then, side with Habermas on this "consensus truth" stuff... As opposed to me opposing it...:D

Oh, well... Must start writing my thesis... Oh, yes, I managed to hand in the 5 essays, with all the distractions on here.... Let's see about this little challenge...:cool:
WTF are you on about?:D Such a poor troll!!!:p

This question:
Gorski, can you answer me a simple question? Can you name a critical theorist or a praxis school theorist who has anything similar to your line on Darwinism and its relation to social Darwinism?

Still no answer.

I've given you the benefit of the doubt so many times before. I just don't believe you any more. What you say is your own ideas with your own thinking drawing your own conclusions. That's good but you are accountable, not the Praxis Group, not Critical Theory.
'Tis true, Kyzer!:D

Not that it matter but it's not "just me" [and you and the rest should know it!!!], although this is how herd is functioning...

There are a number of guys here who do have a very good idea of their ideological and other presumptions/roots, but the "strength in numbers" asks for isolation of a victim, then piling up and declaring "you're wrong because you're in a minority of one"...:rolleyes: Sad, actually!:(

Btw, interestingly enough, most of you, then, side with Habermas on this "consensus truth" stuff... As opposed to me opposing it...:D

Oh, well... Must start writing my thesis... Oh, yes, I managed to hand in the 5 essays, with all the distractions on here.... Let's see about this little challenge...:cool:

Do you think that having an idea of something, having an understanding of it in your own head automatically translates to you arguing/explaining it on here? It really doesn't. You simply haven't argued the things that you claim you have. It'd be great if you did (or tried to at least) instead of just thinking you have or claiming that you have, because at the minute your posts are composed almost entirely of empty space.
Btw, interestingly enough, most of you, then, side with Habermas on this "consensus truth" stuff... As opposed to me opposing it...:D

Come on gorski - elementary logic. If there is consensus on the truth that does not mean there is an acceptance of a consensus theory of truth. The reverse implication sould be the case but A->B does not mean B->A.

Fuck off, Bitch! I have written in detail on these issues here million times more than you ever will on anything [you openly state "if only I could be bothered..." and almost never do!!!] and you have the cheek to tell me anything on how much I wrote on anything at all...:rolleyes::p:D

K, suit yerself, I did point out to a lot... From Kangrga and co. onwards...:cool:
Come on gorski - elementary logic. If there is consensus on the truth that does not mean there is an acceptance of a consensus theory of truth. The reverse implication sould be the case but A->B does not mean B->A.

Another case of trolling badly...:D Oh, well...:rolleyes:

Fuck off, Bitch! I have written in detail on these issues here million times more than you ever will on anything [you openly state "if only I could be bothered..." and almost never do!!!] and you have the cheek to tell me anything on how much I wrote on anything at all...:rolleyes::p:D

K, suit yerself, I did point out to a lot... From Kangrga and co. onwards...:cool:

But this is just it. You haven't (though you clearly genuinely do think you have). Yiour piosts may take the form of debate or critical inquiry but they have none of the content. They consist mostly, as i said earlier of empty spaces. You have one trick only and it's not a particularly good one - you consistently and repeatdly allude to and hide behind an utterly banal historical periodisation of intellectual development and capabilities from Kant up until today. It doesn't say anything in itself, it's something accepted by pretty much everyone else without need for much comment, but you seem to think that it marks you off as some sort of new soaring above everyone else. Mark you off it does, but not quite how you imagine. But this is your only trick.

(And for the record it's you that has repeated over and over (on this thread this morning even!) that you can't be bothered with the pygmies.)
The worst thing about gorski's posts is how disapointing they are. I don't mind the arrogance, I don't mind his style of writing (I actually quite like it!), I'm intrigued that he has this unusual perspective, I'm interested in what I can learn from him. I just wish he could say something that would give me pause to thought. I always end up feeling cheeted. This relativism is the most tedious cop-out. You will never understand me and I will never understand you. Tedious. Why bother in the first place?
There are a number of guys here who do have a very good idea of their ideological and other presumptions/roots, but the "strength in numbers" asks for isolation of a victim, then piling up and declaring "you're wrong because you're in a minority of one"... Sad, actually!

I think that comes more from frustration at your general posting style rather than a concerted effort, herd-led or otherwise, to bully you...and that people disagree with you on almost every point, which has become the uniting factor between posters who've 'feuded' on here in the past.
it's much simpler than that, gorski is a fuckwit.

Gorski's Teen Anguish Poem

oh god,
am I so much more sensitive than everybody else ?
do I feel things so much more acutely than them,
and understand so much more.
I bet I'm the first person who's ever felt as rotten as this.
could it be
that I'm going to grow up
to be a great poet and thinker, and all those other wankers in my class
are going to have to work in factories or go on the dole?
yes, I think it could.
I think that comes more from frustration at your general posting style rather than a concerted effort, herd-led or otherwise, to bully you...and that people disagree with you on almost every point, which has become the uniting factor between posters who've 'feuded' on here in the past.

Is that the People's Poet and Spokesperson for The Kids perchance?

TBF, Gorski is no more or less a fuckwit than any of us - deep down we all think we speak Truth because psychologically no matter how pragmatic you want to be, belief is a necessary plank of human psychology...it is weird arguing with an idealist tho...
But this is just it. You haven't (though you clearly genuinely do think you have). Yiour piosts may take the form of debate or critical inquiry but they have none of the content. They consist mostly, as i said earlier of empty spaces. You have one trick only and it's not a particularly good one - you consistently and repeatdly allude to and hide behind an utterly banal historical periodisation of intellectual development and capabilities from Kant up until today.

Firstly, you never give any kind of "content", just sneering and bitching, vaguely calling on some books you may have read - but even that we don't know [lie or true?], since you don't actually show what you understood in there...

Secondly, the "trick" is called "historical thinking" and it ain't all that simple, else everyone would easily be able to comprehend its consequences...

Thirdly, the empty spaces have initially been seriously well documented questions and problems etc. to which no one responded, as they had to ignore their implications for their own little theories, as seen in a number of threads... Only after that did I start ignoring their inane nonsense...

It doesn't say anything in itself, it's something accepted by pretty much everyone else without need for much comment, but you seem to think that it marks you off as some sort of new soaring above everyone else. Mark you off it does, but not quite how you imagine. But this is your only trick.

Bullshit! Most here do NOT - and I repeat: do not have a clue and even if they did read it they do NOT understand the relevance, the depth and implications of his work and the subsequent development to Hegel and Marx!!! - have the means to incirporate those developments into their own thinking on the subject!

That "trick", btw, takes many years to study and get into it properly, something you never will be able to do!

Nowt to do with me being "special" - anyone can do it, given time and good will, interestedness etc. - but that's just it, as most are not interested, have not studied it and are not willing to open their minds to it, regardless of how essential it is to understanding their own positions...

(And for the record it's you that has repeated over and over (on this thread this morning even!) that you can't be bothered with the pygmies.)

You mean like you can't be bothered with the "specialists", as they are more likely to understand certain things than you [how dare them, the bastards!!! :D]...:rolleyes:

For the record: I don't understand anyone a pygmy for any other reason than not being capable or willing to study a subject before they start spouting off some silly stuff, so easy to challenge and then state with pride just how disinterested they are in learning anything new about a subject they hold some strong views on the subject, and moreover can't see their ignorance on the subject as an impediment!

That I will always stand up to, sure! That's arogance and weakness of most serious and dangerous sort and it needs our most serious attention and vigilance, as such idiots keep taking us to very seriously dodgy waters!!! Apparently "because they know better" and today those are scientists and technocrats of various sorts and colours! Not all [see Pugwash, for instance] but way too many, sadly!!!:(:hmm:
That I will always stand up to, sure! That's arogance and weakness of most serious and dangerous sort and it needs our most serious attention and vigilance, as such idiots keep taking us to very seriously dodgy waters!!! Apparently "because they know better" and today those are scientists and technocrats of various sorts and colours! Not all [see Pugwash, for instance] but way too many, sadly!!!

One expert savaging another bunch of experts.

If I could be arsed I'd take issue with your 'historical thinking' but I simply can't be bothered...

See, you just have no clue...:hmm:

You believe in the perfectibility of human beings by their own hand, that given genuine freedom of choice and a social environment that is beneficient rather than malign to the individual and the group, humans will become better, their behaviours less chaotic etc - you're an idealist.
I think that comes more from frustration at your general posting style rather than a concerted effort, herd-led or otherwise, to bully you...and that people disagree with you on almost every point, which has become the uniting factor between posters who've 'feuded' on here in the past.

To disagree with somebody the presumption is that one understands the other. And that is - at best - seriously debatable...

I repeat: I posted clear posts which were so inconvenient that everybody affected ignored them and never responded, so they don't have to deal with their own little theories - see the conflict about "instincts", for instance. It's preposterous to claim anything of the sort, as I wrote in detail, clearly, putting time and energy into it, no jargon etc.! And yet...
Hence, I gave up and opted instead to what most people here do all the time: 1 or 2 sentences, in a dismissive manner [see posters like bitch, revolting bitch or any number of them, poor sods..]...

When I came here I was thanked by many for my "enthusiasm" and energy, good will, sharing etc. Invited to other forums and so forth. So, one could say I learnt this shitty way of dealing with such asses on this very forum! But disrespect is the UK's middle name these days...:(:hmm:
One expert savaging another bunch of experts.

If I could be arsed I'd take issue with your 'historical thinking' but I simply can't be bothered...

The trick is to divide them into "good experts" and "bad experts", depending upon how closely they agree with one's opinion.
You believe in the perfectibility of human beings by their own hand, that given genuine freedom of choice and a social environment that is beneficient rather than malign to the individual and the group, humans will become better, their behaviours less chaotic etc - you're an idealist.


FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: This is just inane........:hmm: The Sun could put it better, I think...:rolleyes: The jump from the premises to the conclusion is just... inane...:(

FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: This is just inane........:hmm: The Sun could put it better, I think...:rolleyes: The jump from the premises to the conclusion is just... inane...:(
You put it in simple words then. Use only the punctuation neccesary for the grammar.

FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: This is just inane........:hmm: The Sun could put it better, I think...:rolleyes: The jump from the premises to the conclusion is just... inane...:(

Ah, see, once again, it's someone else who has the problem. Someone else who is 'wrong', despite reiterating what the subject has said or implied repeatedly.
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