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Living off the land 100%

Stanley Edwards

1967 Maserati Mistral.
... and being nomadic!

This is something I have always wanted to try, and I am certain it is possible.

I am about to start walking north to south through Portugal. The only things I intend to spend money on are tobacco, booze and emergencies. I am taking work materials (pens and sketch pad) and a single change of clothes as essentials. I will also buy a fishing rod (and tackle), a pot of dried chilis, bag of limes (I never use salt - lime juice is a very good alternative) and a cooking pot.

I have my laptop with shitty webcam for photos for fun.

My plan is to harvest as I walk and fish for fish in the evening. I am going to try living off the land 100% for food as I travel :) I have fair knowledge for such a life but, expect (and, hope) to learn fucking shit loads as I go from local people who know best.

Camping out with no tent - proper vagabonding it :) :) :)

I shall update here whenever I find WiFi. Please ask questions as I travel. Good questions! Give advice also - I will surely need it. Anyone with good fish ID skills will be blessed forever.

I expect to find plenty of fruit and vegetables (cultivated and wild), and lots of herbs and stuffs.

Leaving tomorrow. I am so excited and full of trepidation. This is going to be a very fun thread people. I hope we all enjoy it.

Initially moving upstream along the river Douro, then heading towards the coast looking for a walking route known as 'Sendo Litoral', but totally open minded on paths and time.

Just to remind myself; my ultimate destination is a small town called Tavira. I need to buy a decent map tomorrow morning also. No compass.
this map shows tavira on the south coast:

not for your walking Stanley Edwards but so people can follow your progress
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I fully intend to 'steal' crops. There is an old by-law here which states anyone can help themselves to any crops growing in the countryside if it is for personal consumption - a couple of onions etc is fine. Of course, not all farmers will respect this forgotten law. I also intend to steal eggs and chickens :cool: I will not raid fields full of asparagus by night which is big business in Spain these days. Farmers are having to employ night security in some areas.

I know what to expect. I have walked from Granada to Santiago de Compostela before along the border with Spain. I will allow myself to accept any free food that comes my way, but not use food banks, or free kitchens/soup kitchens. I may have to go without beer at times :(

Pretty sure many of you will be very surprised by this thread. Even though I say it myself: I am a likeable guy, and very willing to work in return for meals. This may well come into play. I'm not just an artist - I am very capable, and adaptable. I'm lucky to still have good health and the life experience I have. I intend to show the easy way, and take on the challenge of the hard way. I collect my new boots tomorrow and break them in as I start. The first week could be painful.

I am communicating in Portuspanglish and hyperactive gesticulation :)

I promise many, many laughs!!!
I fully intend to 'steal' crops. There is an old by-law here which states anyone can help themselves to any crops growing in the countryside if it is for personal consumption - a couple of onions etc is fine. Of course, not all farmers will respect this forgotten law.

You reckon ?
What are we on now? Season 8? 9? I enjoyed Season 3 (or maybe 4?): Granada Caves the best I think. Although Season 6: Ibiza Pt 1 was an action packed rollercoaster, Season 7: Malaga Bikers was a bit rubbish. I've got hopes for Season 9: Shot by Portuguese Farmers though.

Good luck Stan, I can foresee no problems at all in robbing your way through one of the poorest countries in Europe :thumbs:
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I fully intend to 'steal' crops. There is an old by-law here which states anyone can help themselves to any crops growing in the countryside if it is for personal consumption - a couple of onions etc is fine. Of course, not all farmers will respect this forgotten law. I also intend to steal eggs and chickens :cool: I will not raid fields full of asparagus by night which is big business in Spain these days. Farmers are having to employ night security in some areas.

I know what to expect. I have walked from Granada to Santiago de Compostela before along the border with Spain. I will allow myself to accept any free food that comes my way, but not use food banks, or free kitchens/soup kitchens. I may have to go without beer at times :(

Pretty sure many of you will be very surprised by this thread. Even though I say it myself: I am a likeable guy, and very willing to work in return for meals. This may well come into play. I'm not just an artist - I am very capable, and adaptable. I'm lucky to still have good health and the life experience I have. I intend to show the easy way, and take on the challenge of the hard way. I collect my new boots tomorrow and break them in as I start. The first week could be painful.

I am communicating in Portuspanglish and hyperactive gesticulation :)

I promise many, many laughs!!!
Yeh. You do know a byelaw by definition local not national? You may wish to seek legal advice before thieving.
What are we on now? Season 8? 9? I enjoyed Season 3 (or maybe 4?): Granada Caves the best I think. Although I Season 6: Ibiza Pt 1 was an action packed rollercoaster, Season 7: Malaga Bikers was a bit rubbish. I've got hopes for Season 9: Shot by Portuguese Farmers though.

Good luck Stan, I can foresee no problems at all in robbing your way through one of the poorest countries in Europe :thumbs:
He'll be found in a ditch, mark my words
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