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Live Stand Up Comedy Recommendations

Orang Utan

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I’ve recently been to a couple of live comedy gigs and feel like I should be more adventurous and check some more out. I watch a lot on YouTube and listen to comedy podcasts, but of course it’s just not the same as seeing it live with an audience.
Tis a gamble though, one of the gigs I went to was two new comics doing works in progress, and it was a bit excruciating seeing them working out what worked and what didn’t.
I live in Leeds, which isn’t that great for live comedy, but we do get a few tours, just not many new/open mic comedy nightsz

So I guess this thread is asking for recommendations for comics touring at the moment as well as ‘new’ ie up-and-coming promising comics who are worth a punt for a fun night out.

Any recommendations from Urban comedy aficionados? We only seem to have an Unfunny Comedians thread on here, which is a shame, so let’s have some positivity for a change!

I’ll start with a ringing endorsement of Paul Foot. He’s touring with a show called Dissolve and he’s hilarious. Proper belly laughs, but without spoiling it, I came away from the night unexpectedly moved, with some food for thought to chew on later.
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