OK, No Ego, I'm at a loose end, so I'll engage a little. If you want us to answer your question, though, you'll need to explain a little more about what you mean. (If you actually mean anything, and haven't just plucked some key words from a New Age Guff Generator). Your first difficulty, of course, will be in defining 'life'. For now, though, let's go with "the feature that differentiates the organic from the inorganic".
Now you have to explain in what way you mean that it is a "manifestation" of the universe. A sign that the universe exists? A symptom of the universe existing? What is it you're saying?
Then you tacked on "or of consciousness". What does that mean? That if life isn't a manifestation of the universe, it's a manifestation of consciousness? Is that the thesis? That can be fairly quickly dismissed as a false dichotomy. Not only have you not demonstrated what either statement means, you have not established that either statement is true, far less that they are the only possible options.
Or are you suggesting that life, rather than vaguely a manifestation of the universe, is specifically the consciousness of the universe? So that life - the feature that organisms have which inorganic matter doesn't have - is in some way, metaphorically or literally, the universe's awaress or wakefulness.
You'd need to explain what you mean by that. That replicating RNA was the universe waking up? What does that actually mean?