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Let's go foraging

So far, I’ve got 2 gallons of elderflower cordial and 6 gallons of elderflower wine. This morning, we went for a ramble and picked a lb of wild raspberries! A very satisfying find as it’s about a month before the blackberries and elderberries come out in force so getting my boxes and barrels ready for action 🙂
I had my first blackberry yesterday. The only ripe one. It was tasty. There's about a month's difference between down here (Hampshire) and where you are then?

Found a good crab apple tree, big ones. If I find time I'll go back and get some.

Is crab apple jelly worth making? Could add it to other jam for pectin I think?

I found quince jelly wasn't worth the bother.
grandma custer told me they are"good for you"
the taste is a little bitter; reminds me of arugala.

i get dandelion at a much better price (free)
Oh, is it sold on that site?

All I know is I was persuaded by other kids at school to eat a dandelion stalk, and it was certainly diuretic.

See also itchybacks (rosehips) that were put down my jumper. Not fun. Kids eh.
Didn't know you could.

The stem (the juice) is diuretic.

There are loads of still not fully ripe blackberries everywhere, the kids who were doing work experience where I volunteer yesterday tried some and said they were still very sour, so I will wait a bit and hope the birds don't get them all first! My parents have loads so I will hopefully get some from them at some point. Bramble jam is one of my favourites, so will try to get enough to make some :) Hopefully with some for an apple and blackberry crumble too, although if I play my cards right, I might get one fully formed and ready to go in the oven off my mum :D
Saw some blackberries that looked edible today, didnt try them as have had a ton of Tayberries from the garden which are better than both raspberries and blackberries

Once made pickled dandelion flowers, were ok used them in things and as salad
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Found a good crab apple tree, big ones. If I find time I'll go back and get some.

Is crab apple jelly worth making? Could add it to other jam for pectin I think?

I found quince jelly wasn't worth the bother.
Crab apple jelly is delicious so I would def say it’s worth a go but then I also love making and eating quince jelly. Lucky you finding them, i don’t ever see any. I remember my mum being given a load when I was a child and watching her make jelly, and that magical process where a bowl of what looks like dirty dishwater is transformed into jars of rich pink jelly that look like huge rubies.
Had a couple of ripe blackberries on a wander yesterday, so will head out this week and do a full pick in my local spot. Think I'll just stick to jelly this year as my teeth just ain't up to the seeds any more. :(

Also found a load of sea buckthorn yesterday, but that won't be ready for at least a month, so that ones going in the diary.
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