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Let's go foraging

You can use guelder rose berries to make something similar to cranberry sauce, or cooked in jam/puddings/etc mixed with other fruit and enough sugar to take the edge off their tartness.

Autumn olive (elaeagnus umbellata) is another red berry to look out for around now, the fruit are quite sharp but sweet enough to eat raw.
You can use guelder rose berries to make something similar to cranberry sauce, or cooked in jam/puddings/etc mixed with other fruit and enough sugar to take the edge off their tartness.
But don't eat them raw, unless you want the shits!
I left south Kent for west Cornwall a few weeks ago and had been feeling rather sad about what I was leaving but, today, found a couple of hawthorn trees that had a generous offering of berries.
Just got back from one of my Apple “donors” whose Apple tree collapsed due to the weight of the fruit. Must have nearly a quarter tonne of pippins. That’ll keep me busy all next week then it’s down to London to pick up another carload, Mellow fruitfulness in extremis! 😎
Blackberries after September belong to the devil, according to my mums mum. ( ? )
My apples are shit this year but the oldies had loads. I’ve stewed about 10lb and just now frozen 4 bags of whole apple segments.
I found my first beafsteak mushroom yesterday. It reportedly tastes acidic/citrusy rather than meaty, though it 'bleeds' red like steak. People usually eat them raw, which is rare for wild mushrooms.

I didn't eat it, because it was slightly past its sell-by date, but was excited by the find anyway :cool:



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Today I tried some porcelain fungus and common puffballs.

The porcelain fungus tasted quite nice but I'm not sure I managed to get rid of all of the slime.

I'm not sure how much difference there is between common puffballs and stump puffballs but I took seeformiles advice and fried them until crispy - much better texture :thumbs:
To think one could legally pick that... yet one can't legally pick liberty caps. WTAF?

Legislating against naturally occurring plants and fungi is completely batshit. May as well try to stop the tide coming in besides that it well oversteps the mark as to what laws are for in the first place.
Found loads in my local fave park. Was gonna pick but not sure if it absorbs transdermally. Gonna check 😁
Hook them with a walking stick from as far away as you can. Peel all the red skin off immediately and retain. Dump the rest.

Either smoke the dried red skin in a bong for an experience similar to cannabis or heat the red skin in milk then drink for the full Valhalla.
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