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Land Justice Fair-Make London a Commons! July 21st

charlie mowbray

The Enforcer
Myatt’s Field: July 21, 202412:00 – 6:00 pmhttps://www.myattsfieldspark.info/
We depend on land for most aspects of our lives. Land is where we live, eat, socialise, play, and create our communities. However, in London as elsewhere, the land is owned and controlled by corporations and the wealthy, or state institutions who ignore the needs of ordinary people. Meanwhile, we struggle to create a better city- for more food growing spaces, for better, quality and truly affordable housing, for refurbishment, not demolition, for more parks and green spaces, for greater biodiversity and less pollution, and for spaces where people can come together, eg traditional markets and community centres. A better city would be possible if the land was ours, collectively managed, and used for the public benefit, i.e. a Commons. To help in the process of building a movement for Commoning the city, we are organising a community land fair to bring us all together with stalls, workshops, sharing and socialising. Together we will: · Celebrate all the great work that is being done around London · Bring together a range of London-based community groups and campaigns for whom land- access to and control of- is a major issue for them · Build practical relationships and solidarity between different issue groups, both within a local area and across London · Work towards creating the basis of a people’s land movement in London, one based on practical grass roots activity and common demands for land reform Workshops: 1. International solidarity And Learning From Land Struggles Around The World London Mining Network and Global Women’s Strike will discuss their work with communities struggling to protect their land, drawing inspiration for us here 2. Who Owns London And The Implications For Key Struggles The People’s Land Policy will be joined by speakers discussing how campaigns around housing, food growing, parks, and the environment relate to who owns and controls the land. 3. Land And Special Community Places All localities have places which are special, enhancing the life of the community, eg parks, street markets, allotments, community centres, spaces important for cultural and heritage. However, whether land is owned privately or the council, there is always a fight to ensure that these spaces are protected and extended. As an alternative we need to move to more collective forms of ownership and stewardship. 4. The Big Picture: Bringing It Together How can we bring all our struggles together to fight for land? This session will look at the initiatives that have contributed to the Commoning of the city. We will consider the role of Local Land Assemblies and discuss what legislation is needed for land reform. For more information contact: peopleslandpolicy@gmail.com Welcome to Myatt's Fields Park and www.peopleslandpolicy.org
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