Well-Known Member
I understand that some people sincerely think that the election of Corbyn will do the Labour Party great harm, that it will lose a lot of support. There may be truth in that. We'll see. I do think, though, when I read comments like yours, that there's a very big dollop of wishful thinking. You want the LP dead and tell yourself it is to make yourself happy.
It's far far too early to predict how the LP will do in 2020, but soon enough (in a week or so?) there will be a first indication of the Corbyn effect in the form of an opinion poll conducted after the election of Corbyn. If you are as confident as you want others to think you are, give us a (rough) prediction. In the last general election the Labour vote was about 30%, which is bad but far from dead. Do think that now that Corbyn is leader support is going to fall to 25%, 20%, 15%... ? What do you expect to show that the LP is dead or moribund?
i don't give a shit, i just find it funny!! Politics is for wankers at the end of the day.
Internet vs Real world = huge difference.