Hardly getting over it.
unsourced quote from a BBC political reporter. So basically, bullshit.
Basically some wanker-wonk at Labour Central Office telling an old uni chum at the BBC "I shouldn't be telling you this, but...".
unsourced quote from a BBC political reporter. So basically, bullshit.
The losing candidates should have to do a forfeit.
Their lack of substance would make this a pain free exercise. Make them recite the old Clause 4 and if they get one syllable wrong, witchfinder Lord's Prayer style, they get locked in John Prescott's underpant hamper for all eternity (Father Ted style).Impaling themselves on the railings outside the Houses of Parliament would be a surefire winner.
Presumably Cruddas:Cooper, not a backer, Diane?
certainly not John McDonnell or Katie Clark
I put this on the other thread
The union-busting rag has it right front and centre on its website too. The Fabians were not my cup of tea at all but this shames even their not so impressive legacy.
No doubt any complaints about a supposedly left-wing publication giving such a red baiting rant by the chancellor of the fucking Tory government will be met with accusations of 'virtue-signalling' by the likes of Helen Lewis but even from a business point of view it makes no sense. Why now would even the wooliest of Labour 'left' people buy their very expensive magazine? Why not just cut out the middle man and buy the Spectator or the frankly much better Economist? At least when buying The Economist you know that you are supporting unionised workers since it recognises the NUJ, unlike the New $tatesman
So Sam's added up the second preferences - and the post of deputy leader goes to .....
Their lack of substance would make this a pain free exercise. Make them recite the old Clause 4 and if they get one syllable wrong, witchfinder Lord's Prayer style, they get locked in John Prescott's underpant hamper for all eternity (Father Ted style).
I heard a programme on radio 4(the long view) about the history of the living/minimum wage campaign, the Webbs, Beatrice and Sidney, opposed it and wanted people who didn't work to be put in camps, why have these people(fabians) had so much traction in the LP?
UncannyI was just looking at the wikipedia for Labour Leadership election (wanted the date for resullts) and came across the most car-showroom photo of burnham yet:
So Sam's added up the second preferences - and the post of deputy leader goes to .....
But I set it up, so I get to sit at the same table at the ceremony - and the chance to throw water over John Presott.POST OF THE YEAR
only got the chance to throw water? how unfortunateBut I set it up, so I get to sit at the same table at the ceremony - and the chance to throw water over John Presott.
But I set it up, so I get to sit at the same table at the ceremony - and the chance to throw water over John Presott.
not yet, when saturday comesQuite exciting that finally this contest has reached its denouement...
not yet, when saturday comes
they've all ruled out firmly a legal challenge to the result apparently. But theres still la resistance and simon danzuk-whatsit who talk like they'll mount an internal coup that is within the party rules. Dunno if they will or if its just frothing and flailing thoAnnouncing who's won is when the fun really starts...
I never know what politicians mean when they say "progressive politics", it is the sort of think the David Millibands of this world spout, I suspect it is just a bullshit phrase that means nothing and it always rankles when I hear it uttered.
was it made of gold?
Apparently J/C campaign sold over 100,000 pounds worth of t shirt.
I hope they all jump in the Thames.
Has anyone seen this despicable load of tosh from The New Statesman?
Ascent of the Submarine: George Osborne talks to Jason Cowley
Given his wanking at work admissions, yes.. But theres still la resistance and simon danzuk-whatsit who talk like they'll mount an internal coup that is within the party rules. Dunno if they will or if its just frothing and flailing tho
Given his wanking at work admissions, yes.