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Labour & Anti-Semitism.

I know subtlety is lost on you, but try reading the whole of that post, not just quoting selectively from it. Then read the post you just replied to in which I told you how I would change the original if you couldn't see the point I was making after I explained it. Since you can't, I've made the change.
You edited your post but haven't changed your view then. Whatever.
Fuck the neoliberal / zionist tendency, we're never going to get anywhere if we let them push people who don't align with their interests around, through money/media power, as they're doing in this case.

The real issue is whether we can conceivably have our interests represented by a party involved in what passes for democracy in this country.

The answer is apparently not.
Fuck the neoliberal / zionist tendency, we're never going to get anywhere if we let them push people who don't align with their interests around, through money/media power, as they're doing in this case.

The real issue is whether we can conceivably have our interests represented by a party involved in what passes for democracy in this country.

The answer is apparently not.

Those idiots, there's an awful lot of them. Are you suggesting they're not really supporters of JC & co but false flag accounts?

no , I think they're conspiradivs, anti NWO dweebs etc, and anti semites, who drift into online JC support, via wider ' anti elitism' ideas, as well as attracted to JC / Lab Left pro Palestinian postiions fitting in with their anti semitism.

Pure online though, wldnt last 2 mins at a CLP / or any other kind of labour movement related meeting, it would be ridiculous.
You edited your post but haven't changed your view then. Whatever.
You did notice that in my little post above I referred to defending "historical fact" didn't you?

The quotes were there to show I wasn't talking about it in the same way Ken does.
Just to emphasize the point:
Scare quotes may serve a function similar to verbally preceding a phrase with the expression "so-called"[
from Scare quotes - Wikipedia
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:D as if he's been chucked out of every group he's ever been in he wouldn't know a legit way to do something if his life depended on it.
Not that he's actually dishonest just if theres a round about dubious looking way to do something he will choose that way.:D
Fuck the neoliberal / zionist tendency, we're never going to get anywhere if we let them push people who don't align with their interests around, through money/media power, as they're doing in this case.

The real issue is whether we can conceivably have our interests represented by a party involved in what passes for democracy in this country.

The answer is apparently not.


Anyone dumb enough to equate per se anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is not someone involved in even "what passes for democracy". They're involved in a shell-game that attempts to conflate the irrational hatred and/or fear of Jews with a rational disgust at an ideology. People who do that don't represent my interests, either as a Jew or a democrat (of the only real kind - an anarchist), they represent the interests of Zionism. This is as true of members of Labour Friends of Israel and their Conservative peers as it is of the tedious Jewish "Establishment" in the UK - the tail-wagging dogs of the BDBJ, and the heads of the sects.

As for the interface with neoliberalism, I'd say - in fact I'll state, as some reading this will otherwise make assumptions based on their own prejudices - that's about power alignment and power relations as opposed to alluding to some bullshit about "International Bankers" and other Icke-ist cock-throttling.
There's a great deal wrong with what Ken Livingstone said given the context and the false impression it creates and the sheer political stupidity of bringing it up. However, saying that Hitler supported Zionism for a time is not an unreasonable interpretation of history - it's at least fair comment as the Nazi regime lent material support to the Zionist movement under the Haavara agreement - even if it is misleading in terms of Hitler's political outlook and the broader picture.

Now all the fuss is supposed to be about Ken bringing the party into disrepute and that the historical question is irrelevant and that's just bullshit. If Ken came out and said, "Well I shouldn't have started talking about the 1930's even if what I said was substantially true", then all would not be forgiven. He has to withdraw his interpretation of history when frankly he is entitled to it. I despise the Zionist lobby more for its sheer prissiness than for its vile interpretations of events thousands of miles (which they can affect as little as I can). So we're all supposed to tread on egg shells when discussing details of history regarding the Nazi regime now? Fuck that, and good for Ken for sticking to his (idiotic) guns.
If you're a bit behind on Finkelstein you may not be aware that he isn't very popular anymore, since saying he thinks the BDS movement is ' a maoist cult'.
An Unpopular Man

huh ?

Since coming out in 2012 against the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, however, he has alienated his core followers. A few years ago, Finkelstein tells me, he made $40,000 in speaking fees from 80 talks to Palestinian Solidarity groups around North America. “This past year when I went to my accountant ... he said, 'I think you have a mistake here, it's only $3,000.' I said, 'No, it's not an error.' He said, 'What happened?' And I thought to myself: Am I going to explain to him BDS?"

Hmm I'm not sure that's a reliable source any more (they've been really pro Assad afaik) and imo there are legitimate grounds to criticise him on this eg raed salah, his work for press TV, etc. However some of the criticisms are looking a bit deranged at the moment since the worst of it was a number of years ago, his views have clearly shifted on some issues, and so trying to make him out to be a racist scumbag just doesn't work in my opinion.
Hmm I'm not sure that's a reliable source any more (they've been really pro Assad afaik) and imo there are legitimate grounds to criticise him on this eg raed salah, his work for press TV, etc. However some of the criticisms are looking a bit deranged at the moment since the worst of it was a number of years ago, his views have clearly shifted on some issues, and so trying to make him out to be a racist scumbag just doesn't work in my opinion.
I take your point entirely, especially the pro-Assad stuff, but have a look at the linked Jewish chronicle stuff which is where in fact I first read about this.
Mini hooha about Haringey Council's' passing of broad / apparently non too controversial anti semitism motion last night , opposed by pro BDS group ( for allegedly attempting to stifle debate ), and with Haringey Momentum calling for lobby / (demo?) against it.

Labour councillor since spraying around accusations re: Momentum thugs thugging it in the chamber etc, others saying no Momentum there, it was pro Palestine group ( and not thuggy ) but have to say, am having trouble seeing exactly what there is to object to in the motion as out lined below, or whether there is more proscription / restriction etc detailed elsewhere - don't know if anyone knows more about all this ?

Agenda item - To consider the following Motions in accordance with Council Rules of Procedure No. 13 | Haringey Council
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Huh? Can't see anything to object in that at all. It's really hard not to draw some worrying conclusions by the fact they are calling a demo against it :confused:
Huh? Can't see anything to object in that at all. It's really hard not to draw some worrying conclusions by the fact they are calling a demo against it :confused:

Yes, it seems like a reasonable and fair minded agenda item. I have no idea who is objecting to it but whoever is doing so is either ignorant or bigoted or a combination or the two.
i reckon the objection may be to the bit that says
  • Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour.
Huh? Can't see anything to object in that at all. It's really hard not to draw some worrying conclusions by the fact they are calling a demo against it :confused:

How do you read passages like this one?

Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. However, criticism of Israel similar to that levelled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.

Doesn't this equate anti-zionism with an anti-semitism? What room does it leave for people to argue that the state of Israel should be abolished, precisely, because it is conceived of in terms that privilege one ethno-religious community over others?
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