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King's Cross Lighthouse to get revamp

That website is amazing! I particularly like some of the Smithfield and Ally Pally pictures. All power to the Guerrilla Explorers. (Decades ago I did a similar thing inside St Luke's Old Street, must dig out those photos).

It's so sad to see the Lighthouse getting steadily worse and a shame about the graffiti.
That website is amazing! I particularly like some of the Smithfield and Ally Pally pictures. All power to the Guerrilla Explorers. (Decades ago I did a similar thing inside St Luke's Old Street, must dig out those photos).

It's so sad to see the Lighthouse getting steadily worse and a shame about the graffiti.

Yep, great website. Would be interested to see your pics too.

Can't agree with your point about the graff, though.
Great to see Tox in somewhere so inaccessible. I love the way taggers go further, higher, more remote etc just to leave their mark even if the number of people seeing it is likely to be low.
For God's sake (and without critiscising the outing or the photos - which are excellent) - watch those juice rails - and even more so near the 25kV overheads - MINIMUM safe distance is 9 feet - and they can (and do) arc over with appalling consequences. Too many incidents a year of people getting either killed or left with what the log reports call "life changing injuries" .......
It's slowly getting there:


I researched this pretty thoroughly at the time, and IIRC it was a topic on Robert Elms' radio show. No one could find any evidence of the tower being used for advertising, and by 1955 the building was plastered in ads anyway.


I believe I have found an older photo pf the building. The BBC did a documentary about the flying scotsman train which was based at the station Kings Cross opposite this building. There is a short section of film in the documentary which is described as being from 1948.
I took a screen shot of that film.
Here it is, and a slightly better frame screen shot cropped close:


Sadly as far as I can make out, the older photos give no clues about purpose - but at least there are no windmill sails on it :)
I have a blog, mostly Christian stuff, but I still post the odd tiny little bit of Urban Exploration - I used to do a lot more in a "previous life". I do it legally by the way - my Construction Health & Safety Consultancy job gives me access to places (and I ask nicely) and I used to be in professional photography so that also "opens doors". My blog-website-churchy-thing is here if you're interested - kevintangodance
Is looking good at the moment and shops should open by summer... One shop sign has already gone up. The only weird bit is the back by the scala, where the rear wall is exposed breeze blocks and looks a bit ugly.

I'm guessing they will do something on the end eventually... There's also the hair salon which is being used as a builders office which has been left untouched...

Nice bricks though, especially the bits with both black and white bricks.
Still not convinced about the oyster connection, oysters were commoners food back in the day, available everywhere…
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