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Kicking Off In Tottenham

Well apart from one notable exception who's boasted about doing such a thing in the past, but is now arguing for the use of water cannons/rubber bullets against protesters.

BTW VP you're completely wrong about Heaven's Gate, it's a great film.

Okay, I'll give it another try, but if it makes me fall asleep again, I'm gonna hunt you and butch down like dogs! :D
Which , tbf , you are .

Selective quoting---- we ALL already know that trick.
Yeah, they're not really insults. It's all an illusion!

I don't know why I give people the time of day responding to their 'oh, you're so abusive' claims! Clearly abusive posts from their cyber mates just don't count, even when in plain view. It's like showing a flat-earther images of the earth from outer space. 'Er, you just selected those images', lol :rolleyes:

Have a good one!

I don't know who you think you are kidding. Its real easy to study your posting history on this thread, and you were calling someone an arrogant twat by your third post on this thread. Your next post hoped for violence to arrive on their doorstep. You then started on someone else, said they were talking a load of bollocks.

In between the abuse you did have some actual points you were trying to make, so I'll give you a little credit, but you are entirely responsible for the way things descended into abuse.
Yeah, they're not really insults. It's all an illusion!

I don't know why I give people the time of day responding to their 'oh, you're so abusive' claims! Clearly abusive posts from their cyber mates just don't count, even when in plain view. It's like showing a flat-earther images of the earth from outer space. 'Er, you just selected those images', lol :rolleyes:

Have a good one!
oh my heart bleeds, you poor misunderstood lil victim! YOU started the abuse - and others, including myself, responded in kind. What else did you expect? If you can't take it, don't give it. the evidence is there, in your posting history
And stop playing the fucking victim, it doesn't wash.
Yeah, they're not really insults. It's all an illusion!

I don't know why I give people the time of day responding to their 'oh, you're so abusive' claims! Clearly abusive posts from their cyber mates just don't count, even when in plain view. It's like showing a flat-earther images of the earth from outer space. 'Er, you just selected those images', lol :rolleyes:

Have a good one!
This was your THIRD post on this thread, before ANYONE kicked off against you:
I can spot that you're an arrogant twat.
so STFU,there's a good chap.
Yeah, they're not really insults. It's all an illusion!

I don't know why I give people the time of day responding to their 'oh, you're so abusive' claims! Clearly abusive posts from their cyber mates just don't count, even when in plain view. It's like showing a flat-earther images of the earth from outer space. 'Er, you just selected those images', lol :rolleyes:

Have a good one!
is it not this entitlement culture which allows this mick hunt to think they are being civilized and having a robust discourse with others because they are 'entitled' to have their voice heard as much as anyone. Where as the reality is this mick hunt is just another in a long line of selfish the world owes me respect selfish pricks...

it's the latter innit...
IPCC say it may have 'inadvertently' told/led to believe journalists that Duggan had shot at the police.

Analysis of media coverage and queries raised on Twitter have alerted to us to the possibility that we may have inadvertently given misleading information to journalists when responding to very early media queries following the shooting of Mark Duggan by MPS officers on the evening of 4th August.

The IPCC's first statement, issued at 22:49 on 4th August, makes no reference to shots fired at police and our subsequent statements have set out the sequence of events based on the emerging evidence. However, having reviewed the information the IPCC received and gave out during the very early hours of the unfolding incident, before any documentation had been received, it seems possible that we may have verbally led journalists to believe that shots were exchanged as this was consistent with early information we received that an officer had been shot and taken to hospital.

Any reference to an exchange of shots was not correct and did not feature in any of our formal statements, although an officer was taken to hospital after the incident.

Who told them an officer had been shot and was at that point in hospital? Aren't they sort of supposed to be establishing exactly what took place, not relaying rumours - from he OB side or anyone else. Shambles. Total and utter shambles. Total lack of legitimacy.
I put this in the Hackney thread, but another quick plug here won't do any harm:


North London Unity Assembly Demonstration
Saturday 13th August Assemble Gillet Square, Dalston, N16 at 1pm.
March to Tottenham Green, N15
Our communities need a united response to both the riots and the causes of despair and frustration that can result in riots.
IPCC say it may have 'inadvertently' told/led to believe journalists that Duggan had shot at the police.

Who told them an officer had been shot and was at that point in hospital? Aren't they sort of supposed to be establishing exactly what took place, not relaying rumours - from he OB side or anyone else. Shambles. Total and utter shambles. Total lack of legitimacy.

Surely there is no way they can survive 2011 in their current form?

I notice they announced the Milly Dowler/NOTW investigation just after the above went out...
This was your THIRD post on this thread, before ANYONE kicked off against you:

so STFU,there's a good chap.

In response to someone telling him that his post contained a non sequitur, and asking if he could spot it.
Hypersensitivity to criticism.

His next post then wishes unbridled violence on P's Ms' doorstep.
What's the door-step ever done to faux pas, anyway? :(
is it not this entitlement culture which allows this mick hunt to think they are being civilized and having a robust discourse with others because they are 'entitled' to have their voice heard as much as anyone. Where as the reality is this mick hunt is just another in a long line of selfish the world owes me respect selfish pricks...

it's the latter innit...

You can just call him a cunt, Garf.

Or are you implying he's a Mick? :hmm:
IPCC say it may have 'inadvertently' told/led to believe journalists that Duggan had shot at the police.

Who told them an officer had been shot and was at that point in hospital? Aren't they sort of supposed to be establishing exactly what took place, not relaying rumours - from he OB side or anyone else. Shambles. Total and utter shambles. Total lack of legitimacy.

Another "inadvertent" error, eh?
They really should tighten up their operating standards and procedures. Anyone might think these things happened deliberately, otherwise.
in your opinion,what would be most useful to take? above and beyond what's on that website?

It's hard to say, I would think a whole bunch of people have taken up clothes in the last few days? If there's a number maybe give them a bell on the day?

Seemed to be a few Salvation Army types, fwiw - they were nice enough and I have a lot of time for god-botherers if they are actually doing community/solidary work personally.
In response to someone telling him that his post contained a non sequitur, and asking if he could spot it.
Hypersensitivity to criticism.

His next post then wishes unbridled violence on P's Ms' doorstep.
What's the door-step ever done to faux pas, anyway? :(
the doorstep obviously insulted him once!:eek:
It's hard to say, I would think a whole bunch of people have taken up clothes in the last few days? If there's a number maybe give them a bell on the day?

Seemed to be a few Salvation Army types, fwiw - they were nice enough and I have a lot of time for god-botherers if they are actually doing community/solidary work personally.
Ok, ta for yuour info fozzie. I feel the same way
BBC, ITN and Sky News today handed riot footage to police

The BBC, ITN and Sky News have handed hundreds of hours of unbroadcast footage of the August riots to police after being served with court orders by Scotland Yard.

The broadcasters were forced to hand over raw footage of the riots after the Metropolitan police obtained a production order earlier this month under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. The Daily Telegraph is also understood to have disclosed material to the police after being served with a production order.

Scotland Yard has put sustained pressure on all media groups to reveal video and picture evidence of the riots since the disorder across England seven weeks ago.

"It is very very rare that we are served with a court order to hand over footage like this," said a senior insider at one of the broadcasters. "We don't hand over material willy-nilly because it compromises the security of our journalists on the streets. Clearly we don't want them being seen as an evidence-gathering arm of the police."
this ended ages ago. wtf are yous lot still talking about ffs?

i think seeing how these riots were so popular and exciting, and got everyone talking and added a bit of spice and drama to everyone's lives, that we could probably all do with another riot of some kind.

you can't say a good riot ain't better than eastenders
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