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Keir Starmer's time is up

I’m in control, says Starmer after Sue Gray pay leaks

The prime minister has insisted he is “completely in control” after the BBC revealed a row within government over staff pay. It has emerged Sir Keir Starmer’s chief of staff, Sue Gray, received a pay rise which means she is now on a higher salary than him. The story, briefed to the BBC by a number of sources, painted a picture of fractious relationships at the heart of government, less than three months after Labour's general election victory.

I'm not sure it's fair to just compare salaries - I doubt she gets such a generous clothes allowance for example, or free access to football games. It all adds up.
The defences being trotted out for Starmer’s freebies get better. You should know it’s important for a 62 year old man to get some “life experience”

On ministers receiving gifts while cutting fuel allowance to pensioners, Reynolds told Sky News: “The reason we’ve had to make some tough decisions already in the first two months is because there’s a big black hole in the public finances.

“I don’t think that is the same thing. I know Keir Starmer personally, I know how hard he works. If he’s going to a football match or anything, to give himself a little bit of a wider life experience and just working every second, again I don’t have any objections to that, as long as it’s transparent.”
Private hospitality isn’t life experience. Trying to sell this as Starmer getting out among the people - like Rory Stewart and his walking - and engaging with them is bizarre and false. How stupid do Labour think people are?

The defences being trotted out for Starmer’s freebies get better. You should know it’s important for a 62 year old man to get some “life experience”

Private hospitality isn’t life experience. Trying to sell this as Starmer getting out among the people - like Rory Stewart and his walking - and engaging with them is bizarre and false. How stupid do Labour think people are?

The problem for Starmer and co is the glaring similarities between what they said about the Tories and what they do themselves. It gives the, very unfortunate, impression that they are all as bad, venal and grasping as each other.

It’s also going to make the imposed austerity harder as people know that ‘we aren’t all in this together’ and that their leaders are living it up at football, gigs, flights, free clothes etc all funded by the taxpayer or by rich cronies buying influence. ‘Do as we say, and not as we do’, typical middle class cunts….
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It’s also going to make the imposed austerity harder as people know that ‘we aren’t all in this together’ and that their leaders are living it up at football, gigs, flights, free clothes etc all funded by the taxpayer or by rich cronies buying influence. ‘Do as we say, and not as we do’, typical middle class cunts….

I think one thing they don't seem to understand is that this is the case to a large degree regardless of who actually pays for it. Buying twenty grands worth of clothes or glasses that cost a grand or executive boxes at the football might be normal stuff for a KC but it's not normal for a normal person is it.
I think one thing they don't seem to understand is that this is the case to a large degree regardless of who actually pays for it. Buying twenty grands worth of clothes or glasses that cost a grand or executive boxes at the football might be normal stuff for a KC but it's not normal for a normal person is it.
He's not a kc any more, he has given up practicing law
The verbal dexterity of a speak your weight machine
Just on Grangemouth by the way, this is well worth a read.

I’ve been amazed at the lack of coverage and interest in the closure of Grangemouth. If the promises made by Starmer, Miliband and Scottish Labour of a just transition to green manufacturing aren't fulfilled then essentially Labour are treating oil and gas workers in the same way that Thatcher treated the miners and steelworkers.
What you lot don't realise is that Starmer would actually much rather be in his normal seat than in an executive box, and that he's actually saving the taxpayer money by moving

Starmer defends corporate seats for Arsenal games

Sir Keir Starmer has defended his decision to accept corporate hospitality from Arsenal football club, arguing he can no longer use his normal seats as prime minister. The Premier League club has made two seats available to Sir Keir, a season-ticket holder, in the corporate area of Emirates Stadium. In interviews with BBC regional political editors, he said he had been advised it would cost the taxpayer more in security costs to use his normal seat. He added that he would "rather be in the stands", but that accepting a corporate ticket was a "perfectly sensible arrangement".
Also he can't pay for his own glasses in case he cuts himself on his credit card. :(
So, you think that we should have a Prime Minister who can't see properly? Don't you know that wars have started because leaders have worn only cheap glasses, that misted up at crucial moments? You want to send the Leader of this Land of Ours into the Conference Chamber blind?
So, you think that we should have a Prime Minister who can't see properly? Don't you know that wars have started because leaders have worn only cheap glasses, that misted up at crucial moments? You want to send the Leader of this Land of Ours into the Conference Chamber blind?
The VIP boxes at Arsenal are quite far from the pitch. You want the PM attend football matches without being able to see the ball?
The VIP boxes at Arsenal are quite far from the pitch. You want the PM attend football matches without being able to see the ball?
I was going to add that.

You think that our Prime Minister should meet World Leaders clad in a pair of old jeans and a tee-shirt, with an off-the-peg pair of glasses from Poundland held together wit sellotape?
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