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Joseph Ratzinger Is Dead


There's lots of RIP threads about these days. As we get older people we remember start dying off, as is only natural.

Often I'll see a thread an think 'oh, they've died', file the fact in my head and move on.

Sometimes I'll think 'that's a shame' as whatever they did had affected me in some small way, whether they'd appeared in a sitcom I used to watch or did something interesting or whatever.

Sometimes I'll be sad about it as someone I'd actively liked died, someone whose records or books I'd bought or who'd been inspirational politically or something. Someone who inspires me to write my thoughts about them on the thread.

And then there's people like Joseph Ratzinger, who I see have died and can only think 'good'.
I met his predecessor once. The Vatican is strange. Medieval politics in the 21st Century.

Ratzinger was his supposed 'rottweiler', an inflexible theologian and totally unsuited to addressing the rampant abuse and paedophilia in the church globally. The reputation of the church was, as ever, more important. Totally detached from the lived experience of his flock on almost every social issue. Condemning Liberation Theology as part of his anticommunism, etc.

I hope St Peter is reading him a list of victims, among them survivors I'm privileged to know. Canting hypocrite.
I thought it odd current Pope was calling for prayers for Ratzinger. If anyone could be interested in meeting the maker surely it would be a Pope. How could someone who spouted such stuff in life be afraid of death?
Presumably he felt that he needed the prayers given his crimes
The good thing that came from the paedophilia scandal and the horrible way it was handled is that it undermined the Catholic Church's moral authority globally. It's not a coincidence that places like Ireland and various Latin American countries have since reformed laws wrt abortion, homosexuality, etc.

Similar things happen all the time in madrassas, and they continue to be covered up. Islam is the next organised religion that needs its sex abuse scandal to come out.

Dark side of Pakistan's madrassas: Rampant child abuse, few checks & balances - Times of India
I was heard the news report earlier and he was a member of the Hitler youth at one point then years later becomes Pope
I was heard the news report earlier and he was a member of the Hitler youth at one point then years later becomes Pope

Yes join the Nazis at 14 and you become Pope. Join ISIS at 14 and become an outcast and are sent concentration camp where you watch your children die slow horrible deaths.
In this case it was a beautiful hillside meadow at full moon, overlooking the foothills of the Bavarian alps.
There's a claim he was a great theologian. Anyone know what he's supposed to have contributed on that score? Only thing that stands out is the unfortunate bit where he quoted Emperor Manuel on the spread of Islam.
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