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Johnny Depp Libel Case

I was clearing some duckweed from the pond yesterday and touched Bathsheba by mistake, she is really used to people and usually will not react if you sit down, talk loudly, mow the lawn, put your hand in the pond etc. She couldn't get away fast enough and shot across the water so fast I couldn't even see it. A badger is a bit different than a frog, but there's a big difference between a wild animal being used to people and actually liking contact with them. I've got a big problem with a lot of stuff showing animals on social media in completely unnatural situations for this reason.
I've no idea really, more of an avian fancier, but it is well grim. Feel like it's another Tory rip off. Destroy the ecology and the environment, even though we were already the shittest at it.
There has been a massive social media hate fest against Heard for the past few years. Considerably damaging to her. I doubt she will ever be able to work or walk down a street without getting grief.

Depp was dropped from POTC. Lost work. And people rallied around him on social media declaring his innocence from day 1.

The fact he is seen on camera being threatening and abusive...somehow got twisted into.. "how scummy of AH to video that"

His apparent sainthood in many people's minds was incorruptable. "Johnny couldnt hurt a fly"...Yet...in court we got to hear his threatening texts, rape threats, video footage of a not so nice quite violent Johnny..we heard exes say he was perfect but there was an ex who said he wasnt.

The case became all about proving she was as bad as him.
And somehow that turned into Depp being 100% innocent.

I found this article summed up the manipulative social media impact very well.

"You might expect a defamation trial pitting one movie star against another to unleash a fire hose of debased memes in both directions, but that’s not what’s happening here. The online commentary about the trial quickly advanced from a he-said she-said drama script to an internet-wide smear campaign against Heard. As one of Hollywood’s most legendary heartthrobs, Depp enjoys a large and besotted fan base. But his campaign has since attracted the support of men’s rights activists, right-wing media figures,"

I googled Saint Johnny Depp...


I believe these are all sold out.....

Their relationship did not bring out the best in either of them. That's on both of them. I dont believe Depp has "won" in the sense that he returns to being who people believed him to be...a gentle wouldnt hurt a fly sensitive.... He certainly doesnt come out of this squeaky clean. But he probably has saved his career.
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Serves him right for cheating on his partner of 14 years and mother of his 2 children, Vanessa Paradis (with Amber Heard)! However, the lovely Vanessa still defended him when she heard about the allegations:

In a hand-written letter to TMZ, she wrote: "Johnny Depp is the father of my two children, he is a sensitive, loving and loved person.

"I believe with all my heart that these recent accusations being made are outrageous. In all the years I have known Johnny, he has never been physically abusive to me and this is nothing like the man I lived with for 14 wonderful years."

from Hello Magazine

Personally, I think that JD and AH are as bad as each other. They went into a passionate relationship. Relationship broke down. They fought each other. However, to accuse someone of domestic violence has serious consequences.
There were absolutely pro-Heard people using this trial as a sort of purity test on social media btw. Probably not as nasty in the scheme of things as the Depp stans but I've absolutely seen people saying that if you don't believe her account you are a fascist and a misogynist. Of course that's a result of MRAs etc using this trial and of course because of the nasty shit Depp said supposedly when under the influence etc. But I don't see how it's helped either of them for this to become yet another part of the culture wars. Its fucked up and looks like this is gonna drag on for years.
There has been a massive social media hate fest against Heard for the past few years. Considerably damaging to her. I doubt she will ever be able to work or walk down a street without getting grief.

Yep, I doubt she will ever work again. People say he will carry on getting richer and richer but I doubt he'll appear in anything big budget again, this has probably fucked both their careers, hers more so :(
Depp will be fine, probably won't be starring in any big budget Hollywood A lister films for a while, but he's bound to get independent movie parts - which he's always done anyway - quick Google, yeh, apparently playing part of King Louis XV in some indy venture this summer.

What can you say, he's a good actor, course he's going to work again.
There were absolutely pro-Heard people using this trial as a sort of purity test on social media btw. Probably not as nasty in the scheme of things as the Depp stans but I've absolutely seen people saying that if you don't believe her account you are a fascist and a misogynist. Of course that's a result of MRAs etc using this trial and of course because of the nasty shit Depp said supposedly when under the influence etc. But I don't see how it's helped either of them for this to become yet another part of the culture wars. Its fucked up and looks like this is gonna drag on for years.
I think you’re right about there being groups using this to support their ideology. :( However, I also think that as with all controversial things on the internet, it’s so easy to get pulled into polarised arguments even if you don’t mean to. I literally came to this thread to ask if there were any recommendations for balanced reading but then got drawn into two pages of arguing about police/court/media/public bias without intending to.

I slept awfully last night too and I suspect reading and posting on this thread in the evening contributed to that, so I think I’ll step back now. I’ve made my points and when I came back to urban I promised myself I’d avoid those arguments where everyone just repeats their position and there’s no shifting of positions and little exploration of middle ground… though tbf there’s been some discussion which has met the latter.
I think you’re right about there being groups using this to support their ideology. :( However, I also think that as with all controversial things on the internet, it’s so easy to get pulled into polarised arguments even if you don’t mean to. I literally came to this thread to ask if there were any recommendations for balanced reading but then got drawn into two pages of arguing about police/court/media/public bias without intending to.

I slept awfully last night too and I suspect reading and posting on this thread in the evening contributed to that, so I think I’ll step back now. I’ve made my points and when I came back to urban I promised myself I’d avoid those arguments where everyone just repeats their position and there’s no shifting of positions and little exploration of middle ground… though tbf there’s been some discussion which has met the latter.
Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon
Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon
Thanks lovely. :)

Tbf my sleep can easily be appalling at the best of times! It’s a combination of my brain’s wiring, stress and increasingly my age. But as part of managing that I try not to get involved in internet arguments or “robust debates” about such emotive subjects after a certain time in the day. Problem is sometimes it’s hard to put something down when you’ve got invested in it.
I think you’re right about there being groups using this to support their ideology. :( However, I also think that as with all controversial things on the internet, it’s so easy to get pulled into polarised arguments even if you don’t mean to. I literally came to this thread to ask if there were any recommendations for balanced reading but then got drawn into two pages of arguing about police/court/media/public bias without intending to.

I slept awfully last night too and I suspect reading and posting on this thread in the evening contributed to that, so I think I’ll step back now. I’ve made my points and when I came back to urban I promised myself I’d avoid those arguments where everyone just repeats their position and there’s no shifting of positions and little exploration of middle ground… though tbf there’s been some discussion which has met the latter.
Sorry to hear that. It can be very draining to get involved in an internet argument. I find it very stressful myself and try to choose my words carefully now. Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks lovely. :)

Tbf my sleep can easily be appalling at the best of times! It’s a combination of my brain’s wiring, stress and increasingly my age. But as part of managing that I try not to get involved in internet arguments or “robust debates” about such emotive subjects after a certain time in the day. Problem is sometimes it’s hard to put something down when you’ve got invested in it.
I'm the same as I think you know! Hopefully you can have a nice weekend. Spending time away from the socials including this place may help x
Sorry to hear that. It can be very draining to get involved in an internet argument. I find it very stressful myself and try to choose my words carefully now. Hope you feel better soon.
Oh now I’m worried that everyone thought I kept on churning everything over in my head! It wasn’t that bad but these discussions definitely boost your dopamine at the wrong time of day.

But also thank you :)

If I’m seen posting on this thread after 6pm today, please tell me to fuck off :D
I slept awfully last night too and I suspect reading and posting on this thread in the evening contributed to that, so I think I’ll step back now. I’ve made my points and when I came back to urban I promised myself I’d avoid those arguments where everyone just repeats their position and there’s no shifting of positions and little exploration of middle ground… though tbf there’s been some discussion which has met the latter.
The hearing is all available on YouTube.. Law and Crime Channel have a playlist with it all on! I think you have to watch it, rather than read a transcript, to get a real sense of the performative nature of what was going on in courtroom. Tbf - I think this thread has been pretty reasonable given the emotive nature of the subject matter.. I thought this article in the Guardian pullled out some useful takings from it all.. Was it really asking too much for Amber Heard to be listened to without prejudice? | Gaby Hinsliff
The hearing is all available on YouTube.. Law and Crime Channel have a playlist with it all on! I think you have to watch it, rather than read a transcript, to get a real sense of the performative nature of what was going on in courtroom. Tbf - I think this thread has been pretty reasonable given the emotive nature of the subject matter.. I thought this article in the Guardian pullled out some useful takings from it all.. Was it really asking too much for Amber Heard to be listened to without prejudice? | Gaby Hinsliff
I struggle with a lot of 5 minute YouTube videos so I’m not going to be able to watch the trial, even if I did want to use my precious totally free time to do so :D

The article looks good though so thank you. :)
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