story I have now watched that Swoop post you linked to. Previously I had watched some of the same channels as you but mainly the legal analysis and also a breakdown from a professor of psychology. I found watching Swoop very difficult and ended up very upset a couple of times - not the fault of Swoop at all, but I found her reaction so similar to mine. I had very much started to doubt myself after yesterday and started to think that my own DV experiences were in some way mistaken/invalid. Also whilst I tried to laugh it off, my own abuse on this thread I felt was very unfair and had contributed to how I was feeling.
Red Cat It's probably superfluous and you really don't need any "likes" from me but I very much appreciated that you'd taken the time to watch and listen.
I'd watched some before but found it quite difficult to follow the detail, and Depp's speech is so slow. I watched the swoop story linked to and I watched the cross-examination by his lawyer, who was impressive, he had a powerful team. Heard lies consistently throughout and accuses everyone else - the other witnesses - of lying when her lies are exposed. She was entirely uncredible. The recordings were very disturbing, more disturbing was that she responded to recordings of occasions when Depp tried to leave the argument by accusing him of going to begin the drug cycle all over again - that came over as gaslighting, On the basis of the evidence available at the trial, from what I've seen so far, I don't see how the jury could've come to any other conclusion.