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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Jesus fuck the man's ego just now on newsnight. May must be laughing even harder than Cameron when he first faced him. An arrogant cunt beyond belief. Go on, vote for him. You're voting for May.
If you want real dyed in the wool smarmy "arrogance" listen to Owen Smith.
"Mr Smith said: “It didn’t seem very friendly, kind or gentle to me for Jeremy to threaten everybody who works for him with the sack. It’s not much of an employer who says ‘work for me, work harder or I am going to sack you all’, which is effectively what he is doing today"

Owen Smith is Theresa Mays speechwriter, or just plagiarism?

This is what I heard. It's so fucking clueless. Jesus, having to work, and work harder for your employer or face the sack. No idea what austerity has been like for most people, what working conditions are like for everyone else. The poor MPs! My heart fucking bleeds!
A favour?;)could you lot,( those who have been following this for years and are generally well informed) put a link in when you mention names, positions ect?

Luke Akehurst - Cunt. I'll leave the more indepth analysis to those better informed than myself, solid starting point though.
A favour?;)could you lot,( those who have been following this for years and are generally well informed) put a link in when you mention names, positions ect?

Moral-free zone on the right of the party. Big in the Progress faction, likes to think he's an eminence grease while writing about "strategies for moderates" on his relatively high-profile Labour List blog, but is really just a cunt. Hate-figure on the Labour left because he actually says all the deepest, darkest fantasies of the Blairites out loud and stands for the NEC on a ticket of "destroy the hard left" - by which he means anyone to his left, which is everyone.
Fuck me! Michael Crick is annoying as sin!

Because everyone knows, the management and the company represent the workforce.... criticising global corporations is directly criticising the workforce. Or something.

I love how for these people jobs are totally expendable, 'creative destruction' of jobs by the 'free market' is fine but the second it comes to ethical considerations that might cause the loss of a single job suddenly they transform themselves into faux trade union reps.
Jesus fuck the man's ego just now on newsnight. May must be laughing even harder than Cameron when he first faced him. An arrogant cunt beyond belief. Go on, vote for him. You're voting for May.

I remember you.
Fuck Britain. Backward little fucking island. I'm out, never should've come back to this shithole. That's it. The only thing it had going for it was that was 'in' Europe.

Off to bed.

Fuck Britain. That's all I have to say. At least I have an escape route out of this godforsaken, closetly racist little shitfuck.

Other halfs European thank god, so I'm getting that passport and we're scarpering. I feel humiliated to say I live in the UK now. I'm seeing it as an opportunity as I've been disillusioned with this country for a while and this is the icing on the cake.

You're still fucking bleating on here. You tedious fucking cunt.

If its a contest between Corbyn and Smith - and it is - then I'm voting for Corbyn. Smith's policy platform as based on his launch is perfectly good, but his background shows his left-side is skin-deep (to weirdly mix metaphors.) Pfizer, NHS, academies et al - you know the drill. He's playing to the left-crowd now and would as soon flip tomorrow. I still have reservations about Corbyn but Smith is not the answer.
They'll be up for mandatory reselection in 2018 in any case, won't they?

Jeremy Corbyn just described how all his Labour MP critics could soon be wiped out

Besides, this triggering leadership ballots stuff isn't a card that can be played without consequences repeatedly. Career suicide beckons.

If they win all sins are absolved, could challenge 50 times over but if they win on the 51st then they're loyal party servants again. Internally anyway, which is as far as they think, externally amongst real people they'll piss away their seats along the way. Or, preferably, get deselected and get sent to stuff envelopes for the Lib Dems.
They'll be up for mandatory reselection in 2018 in any case, won't they?

Jeremy Corbyn just described how all his Labour MP critics could soon be wiped out

Besides, this triggering leadership ballots stuff isn't a card that can be played without consequences repeatedly. Career suicide beckons.
Id like to read a more indepth analysis of the mandatory reselection process and how it might play out - if anyone has a link or knows themselves... what will happen exactly/what the procedure would be etc etc etc.
This is the result of the left allowing sloppy liberal thinking and identity politics to infect it. Now it is being used against them, in many cases by people who are not even part of the left but from the right too. Anyone can now play the 'you are not being nice to me or the minorities card', the politics of victimhood and point scoring by people who use this to hide the fact that either they have no politics or that their politics stink. What makes this worse is, as you have said, that it is all so cynical.

Bit of a tangent but I read this last night, the whole piece is worth reading but the bits I've pasted address the consequences of this sort of thinking.

Passing for Politics

Another thing I get stuck on about stuff like this is - if you were to design a political or social movement that you intended to be successful would you have this sort of culture 'built in'? I don't think you would, you'd build it in if you wanted it to fail. The right are more than happy to join in with these ritual denunciations, Cameron talked about how criticisms of Laura Kuenssberg were sexist but they never apply it to their own ranks.

Yes. I find it's a good rule of thumb for analysing these kinds of lasting phenomena, by asking "who does it really benefit?".

The African-American scholar Adolph Reed puts it like this:

Identity politics is not an alternative to class politics; it is a class politics, the politics of the left-wing of neoliberalism. It is the expression and active agency of a political order and moral economy in which capitalist market forces are treated as unassailable nature.

An integral element of that moral economy is displacement of the critique of the invidious outcomes produced by capitalist class power onto equally naturalized categories of ascriptive identity that sort us into groups supposedly defined by what we essentially are rather than what we do.​
Thanks for that reply Ole. I had never heard of Adolph Reed before but having just read up on him from various sources on the internet, he seems spot on on so many issues, namely identity politics and his criticisms of Obama. He is an author that I am definitely going to add to my reading list.
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Luke Akehurst - Cunt. I'll leave the more indepth analysis to those better informed than myself, solid starting point though.
I'll settle for that, just trying to wade through the the waves of political interests the referendum and auld Corby has stirred up,
FFS, had no idea what a swappie was! Thought it was mebbes a hard left 'hoy in the car keys' bunch of sexual deviants, but upon further reading, it seems no self respecting 'swappie' would deign to own such a capitalist conveyance!
Bit confusing for us 'auld uns' left despairing after Kinnock and Blair.
Might be sounding a bit daft and auld fashioned, but I'd rather remain out of power and honest, rather than compromise and sell out me beliefs for the sake, or sniff of ( come on in Clegg) power.
Moral-free zone on the right of the party. Big in the Progress faction, likes to think he's an eminence grease while writing about "strategies for moderates" on his relatively high-profile Labour List blog, but is really just a cunt. Hate-figure on the Labour left because he actually says all the deepest, darkest fantasies of the Blairites out loud and stands for the NEC on a ticket of "destroy the hard left" - by which he means anyone to his left, which is everyone.
Ta, that's the sort of link I was after:thumbs:
If they win all sins are absolved, could challenge 50 times over but if they win on the 51st then they're loyal party servants again. Internally anyway, which is as far as they think, externally amongst real people they'll piss away their seats along the way. Or, preferably, get deselected and get sent to stuff envelopes for the Lib Dems.
Or in many cases, the Tories.
If its a contest between Corbyn and Smith - and it is - then I'm voting for Corbyn. Smith's policy platform as based on his launch is perfectly good, but his background shows his left-side is skin-deep (to weirdly mix metaphors.) Pfizer, NHS, academies et al - you know the drill. He's playing to the left-crowd now and would as soon flip tomorrow. I still have reservations about Corbyn but Smith is not the answer.
The only reservations I have about Corbyn is that he isn't skilled at playing up to the media, now in the short term that could and will be a disadvantage, but given the turbulent times ahead, his lack of shallow presentational skills compared to his rock solid set of beliefs could change the common medias presentation, esp if the groundswell of support continues to grow, nowt as fickle as the fourth;)
Kneecappings, now?

It transpired that Jeremy, in deliberations about how to respond to my interview, had said that he intended to ring my father to discuss it with him and ask him to speak to me about it. The leader of the Labour Party was proposing to address an issue with one of his own MPs by ringing his Dad. Jeremy does not know my father so I can only presume that because of the much-publicised fact that my father was a Sinn Féin councillor, Jeremy felt that they would share a political affinity and was proposing to use that to ask my father to apply pressure on me. Thankfully, others dissuaded Jeremy from taking this course of action. The call was not made, and it would not have been well received.
Not enough :facepalm:s

e2a : this is 'real'...

Aaargh has cancelled surgeries on the 'advice of police' - whilst pushing the ongoing line that Corbyn is permitting the 'abuse. The police however, get rather close to contradicting her (to say the least):
Angela Eagle accuses Jeremy Corbyn of allowing abuse to flourish

edit: more on the police advice bit here - she even manages to bring in the word 'terrorism'. What a fucking weasel.
Angela Eagle stops walk-in surgeries amid security concerns

That first story repeats the canard about the brick. Yes, by now it says the brink went through the window of the building where her constituency office is (I'm sure earlier Guardian versions were, erm, less clear on that :hmm: ). But in the context of the rest of that first story above the brick paragraph, it's repeating the lie. By implication at the very least.
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