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Japan v Spain

That second Japanese goal looked clearly out of play beforehand to me tho - the var is often terrible innit
VAR has comprehensively failed to reduce the number of contentious/crappy refereeing decisions.
I loved it when the itv commentators were saying "why would fifa not show the image showing it was in? ... what's going on here?" when on screen they were showing the camera shot along the line showing that it was still in :)

you have to assume they couldn't see the images that were on screen
They keep saying there is no goal line shot, then show a shot from the air parallel with the goal line with the curve of the ball not going over. What am I missing?
I thought it was out at the time, but I've changed my mind. By the best camera frame it is just in, by millimetres. There could be a moment between frames when it was out, but we can't know that, so VAR has to go by its best evidence and its best evidence is that it didn't go out.

Why would "they" want Japan in over Germany?
The money people want the big teams in. If anything they'd be conspiring the other way.

There's no conspiracy with VAR. Thing is, they have the tech to measure to within millimetres for this or offside, so they can give decisions by millimetres.
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