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Is Tom Cruise the biggest narcissistic prick in popular culture?

I watched him on Graeme Norton once and one of his co-stars made some harmless joke and Tom wasn't happy and the guy almost shat himself. It was obvious that he's massively controlling.
I saw him on Norton on another episode (he's been in shit loads, come to think of it), and he was sharing the sofa with Seth MacFarlane. Norton kept asking the latter about Family Guy and requested he did some of the voices. Cruise was laughing as hard as the rest of them as MacFarlane did all the voices, which I found amusing as Cruise has been ridiculued multiple times in Family Guy over the years. Perhaps he was boiling inside, but he hid it well.

This would be ironic if he has left, you'd think he could kiss goodbye to ever talking to the other two kids again:

Along with people thinking he may have left the Church for Suri, people wonder where that would leave him with his two kids with Nicole Kidman: Isabella Jane, born in 1992 and Connor, born in 1995. Both Isabella and Connor are in Scientology, and Isabella is even a high-ranking member of the Church, per People.
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He's very good at what he does and has a star quality that is rare nowadays. But he is also clearly a complete mentalist.
I think you need to check the definition of mentalist. Darren Brown is a mentalist. Cruise is nuts. But I kinda like that.
Kinda nuts but drove people by the bucketload into scientology and supported the worst of their excesses and harassment. I'd feel sorry for him possibly losing contact with the two kids if he hadn't (even tacitly) supported the church's policies on disconnection.
I like Magnolia & Vanilla Sky (although just a copy of a Spanish movie, I saw Vanilla Sky first, and after seeing the Spanish version, I still prefer it).

edit: yeah, he's been in a few good movies, mentioned by others... Forgotten about Born on the 4th of July... Isn't he really good mates with Simon Pegg?

Eyes Wide Shut though, an embarrassment for all involved /cringe
Ehhhh? It’s a Stanley Kubrick film and brilliant imo.
I also like A Few Good Men and The Firm although not watched them in decades and seem pretty interchangeable in my memory.
All the lasses at school banged on about Top Gun and were swooning over Cruise which is probably why I never watched it. Some of my colleagues when I started my apprenticeship had given themselves nicknames from it (Goose?) which just made me think it was probably utter wank.
I rewatched A Few Good Men last year and it was every bit as great as I remembered. It really stands up well. One of the most quotable films ever too.
And then Tom Cruise famously shouts back "I CAN IF I FILL OUT A RISK ASSESSMENT AND WEAR SAFETY GLOVES!!".

Classic cinema, that Sorkin's a hell of a writer.
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