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Is Tom Cruise the biggest narcissistic prick in popular culture?

I don't know what he's like as an actor I can't watch anything he's in.
He's a brilliant actor if he can make massive box office numbers continually forget what a huge prick he is or just not care.

A few good men is probably the best film he's been in imo.

I also like Edge of Tomorrow. Maybe because they kill him, a lot.
Indeed, can't criticize people for liking his acting, I just can't watch him. This gives a flavour of how he took advantage of the scientology personality worship.

I can imagine why he doesn't come out in public to say if he has finished with scientology. It says they recorded his auditing sessions, they deny it (of course) but they wouldn't need to have taped them - just release the notes.
I don't know what he's like as an actor I can't watch anything he's in.
Yeah i'm not sure if i've ever actually watched a TC film. If i have then i don't remember it. I'll take his fans word for it about his acting skills but from the things i've read about him he comes across to me as a bit up his own arse and the scientology stuff sounds batshit.
Scientology is more of a cult that a religion imo. Some of the stories of how some of its members have been treated are horrific.
I'm only half kidding, I went to a confirmation a few years ago it it was so culty and weird. Luckily my then-little daughter got restless so I had to take her for a very long walk. Oh noes.
A small anecdote. One of my former colleagues' husband was his 'dresser'. Not his costumes on set but his job was to travel around with him and go get him clothes for normal wear (btw he likes M&S undies). Anyway, Cruise and Russell Crowe were working together on the Mummy in London. Apparently every morning when he walked on set the crew were asked to line up and applaud him as he came in :D . Whereas Crowe was apparently quite cool - even paid for a faux pub to be set up on the final day of shooting where he got spectacularly fucked up with the crew.
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He has made some great films and a few duds. I think his earlier films had too heavy an emphasis on him being pretty to look at rather than showcasing his actually very good acting skills.
Top Gun was the breakwater for that with Rain Man, Born on The Fourth of July, A Few Good Men, The Firm, Interview with the Vampire, Jerry Maguire, Minority Report, War of the Worlds, The Last Samurai, Tropic Thunder, Knight and Day, Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow all being films that would have been OK without him but were great with him.
I even enjoyed him as Jack Reacher which says something that he managed to be convincing as someone who is supposedly a foot taller than he is.
The Mission Impossible films are not meant to be deep and thoughtful, they are basically visual bubblegum, a series of car chases linked together with an absurd plot and they work for precisely that reason.
The man may come off as quite frankly a bit weird in real life but his talent in front of the camera is massive.
Top Gun was the breakwater for that with Rain Man, Born on The Fourth of July, A Few Good Men, The Firm, Interview with the Vampire, Jerry Maguire, Minority Report, War of the Worlds, The Last Samurai, Tropic Thunder, Knight and Day, Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow all being films that would have been OK without him but were great with him.
You must have a much lower threshold for great than me.
Some of those films are good, some are enjoyable, I'm not sure I'd describe a single one as great. They're not even touching the hem of Vertigo, The Godfather, Hiroshima Mon Amour, Ran, etc

I get what people mean about star presence, there are plenty of films I like that are basically better than they are because of the actor - Paul Newman is a excellent example. But Cruise does not really have that for me, indeed I find him rather a turn off.
The Colour of Money was particularly enjoyable. Cruise , remarkably convincing as a cocky shit, Paul Newman as an older Fast Eddie, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Forest Whittaker and Iggy Pop.

One of Scorsese's underrated gems.
Not fussed either way. He's been in some films I've enjoyed, but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch a film he's in. But at least I wouldn't avoid a film because he's in it (unlike, say, Tom Hanks). Tom Hanks is always the marker of a bland, shit film (although I'm sure he's a pleasant chap).
Not fussed either way. He's been in some films I've enjoyed, but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch a film he's in. But at least I wouldn't avoid a film because he's in it (unlike, say, Tom Hanks). Tom Hanks is always the marker of a bland, shit film (although I'm sure he's a pleasant chap).
Road to Perdition is hardly bland
I love loads of films he’s in. Collateral is brilliant, one of my favourite films ever. Rain Man, A Few Good Men, Minority Report, Vanilla Sky. All great.

Come to think of it, I’m less about the action films and stunt stuff and much more into the ones with great stories and he’s had loads of those.
Captain Phillips was terrible IMO, Hanks playing that dull, decent guy he always plays. The foreign language film based on the same incident (IIRC) is much, much better.
Generally, I agree with this, but he's good value playing against type in the Coen bros' remake of The Ladykillers.
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