That wasn't the original question though. We originally asked 'Is the ICC a sect?' because on other threads we have seen the idea commonly put about that the ICC "
has sound politics" but "
because their behaviour and interventions... are so bizarre and erratic, they would appear to be pathologically incapable of conducting a sane human relationship beyond their own number." This argumentation is incorrect, and the main aim of this thread was to combat this false vision. However, the fact that the question 'Is the ICC a cult?' has been raised is interesting. As an organisation that defends marxism, and thus for the development of class consciousness against religious illusions, the ICC clearly is not a 'religious cult'. So, is the ICC a 'sociological cult'? This is just one of the many lies, slanders and accusations that have been thrown at us often before by parasitic groups and individuals, and again we have openly fought these
in our press , during the mid 1990s (we are working to publish certain of these articles on our website) and more recently in the combat against the so-called 'Internal Fraction of the ICC'.
However, given the overwhelming weight of bourgeois ideology in all its forms, any organisation that holds views that are radically opposed to the prevailing ideology is labelled a ‘sect’ or a ‘cult’. Even more so when this organisation defends certain proletarian principles and ways of behaving that are radically opposed to bourgeois and petty-bourgeois conceptions and methods. Just as the working class is an 'outlaw class', a communist organisation is an alien body within bourgeois society. The things the ICC says, and the way it intervenes, may sound and look bizarre to many but we understand that this is to be expected in these times when there is a growing distaste for theoretical clarity, political depth and organisational rigour.
There are a number of assumptions in the responses to this thread that we want to take up.
1. "If you are a small organisation then what you do is unimportant". In other words it's better to be in something big no matter who is running it. Well if you believe that then you may as well go and join one of the mainstream parties and campaign for reforms. Size does matter, but the world communist party of the future will not be a ‘mass party’ in the sense of the social-democratic parties of the Second International. The experience of the Bolsheviks has shown that the revolutionary organisation will of necessity always be a minority. What is more important - to be big, or to be right?
2. “All the little groups should work together instead of being sectarian”. Within what we call the ‘proletarian political milieu’ (ICC, IBRP, Bordigists plus sympathisers and fellow travellers) the ICC has always been in favour of principled regroupment against sectarianism, we participated in the
The International Conferences of the Communist Left (1976-80) . We have repeatedly appealled for the other groups of the PPM to adopt common positions in the face of imperialist wars. Such appeals have always been rejected, and what is more the sectarianism within the PPM is increasing. The ICC is now the target of a veritable campaign of attacks and manoeuvres against which we have the right and the duty to defend proletarian principles and the very honour of the international communist left. The very conception of a proletarian political milieu is being abandoned, along with the marxist theory of the decadence of modes of production.
3. “All the little groups are insignificant, and their quarrels are hilarious”. A brief acquaintance with the history of revolutionary minorities (Communist League, Bolsheviks, Spartakists, KAPD etc) reveals that yes, for 90% of their existence they were ‘insignificant’ but at certain moments in history they had a decisive weight on the course of history. When they met for the first time at the international conference of 1915 at Zimmerwald, Trotsky could joke that the proletariat's revolutionary representatives – the kernel of the Third International - could fit into a few taxis. But their intransigent internationalist positions were to be born out by events. The communist left is such a ‘historic’ tradition with a pivotal role to play in the future world revolution precisely because it never betrayed the principles of proletarian internationalism during the period of the counter-revolution (late ‘20s to late ‘60s) unlike the Trotskyists who crossed the class frontier to defend participation in the Second World War. The future world communist party can only be formed on the basis of the political and organisational acquisitions of the communist left. This is why we think it is so important to have these struggles to defend proletarian principles and methods: they are 'historic struggles', because without the communist left the chances of the communist revolution being successful - and the future of humanity being liberated from capitalist barbarism - are zero.
The stakes are that high.
4. “There is something bizarre about the ICC because they have internal crises and denounce people”. Well, we would ask anyone who has been in a leftist organisation (Stalinist/Trotskyist/Anarchist) whether these are not full of individuals seeking influence, back-biting, ‘informal channels’, ‘chum politics’, ‘gurus’ etc. etc. Anyone who has been in such groups knows - if they are the honest - that this is the case. (There are certainly enough people in the ICC who've been through such groups to know that this is the case!) Capitalism is a disgusting society that is rotting on its feet, so it is only to be expected that it fosters disgusting behaviour. And the fact of saying "I am a revolutionary" does not automatically wash you white as Persil.... So what to can be done? The ICC has learned the hard way that all this is not easy, but that the first thing to do about crises in the organisation is not to hide them, but to be honest about them and try to learn from them, and from the struggles within previous revolutionary organisations (marxists within the First International against Bakunin’s Alliance, Lenin and the Bolsheviks at the 2nd Conference of the RSDLP in 1903). In our experience, this is not what anarchists do.
Finally, we can't help noticing that all the people who go on about "the working class", "how irrelevant the ICC is", etc. etc., are in, errr... forgive us for saying this... "late" groups. Class War? The DAM? Where are they now? And all those hundreds of others who burst on the scene telling us what they were going to do?... And the ones that do survive are the out and out leftists: In France there are the "Alternatives Libertaires" who argue, as anarchists, that the Palestinians.... should have a state!!!!
For the ICC,
World Revolution.