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Is Russia testing 'space weapons'?


Chief seagull hater & farmerbarleymow's nemesis.
If true, this is a bit scary.

The UK and US have accused Russia of launching a weapon-like projectile from a satellite in space.

In a statement, the head of the UK's space directorate said: "We are concerned by the manner in which Russia tested one of its satellites by launching a projectile with the characteristics of a weapon." The statement said actions like this "threaten the peaceful use of space". The US has previously raised concerns about this Russian satellite.

In his statement, Air Vice Marshal Harvey Smyth, head of the UK's space directorate, said: "Actions like this threaten the peaceful use of space and risk causing debris that could pose a threat to satellites and the space systems on which the world depends.

As if 2020 hasn't already thrown enough shit at us.
They had plans to put an aircraft canon in a Soyuz back in the day, I don’t think it ever flew.

(But then the Shuttle commander used to have a .45 in the survival kit and Soyuz still has a short barrelled shotgun- I think they are both for bears and wolves if that land in the wrong place though...)
Lol ... as if America has not been trying to militarise space since it realised it was possible .
On December 4, 2014, the General Assembly of the UN passed two resolutions on preventing an arms race in outer space.[15]

The first resolution, Prevention of an arms race in outer space, "call on all States, in particular those with major space capabilities, to contribute actively to the peaceful use of outer space, prevent an arms race there, and refrain from actions contrary to that objective."[15] There were 178 countries that voted in favour to none against, with 2 abstentions (Israel, United States).[15]

Do not fear though, America was only exploring such possibilities to ensure 'full spectaral dominance ' ,as I think Rumsfeld put it, 'of the planet'.

Oh apparently the US has evidence of an anti-satalite weapons test .
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Fucking US calling Russia hypocrites ! WTF ! The BBC may fail to mention that it was the US and Isreal that abstained on the UN resolution to prevent the weaponization of space.
Sneaky bastards !
I mean there are no known plans from Russia to dominate the face of the planet while America rants about it on a permanent basis..... so who is the hypocrite ?
America has planned to get nukes on satellites ! Don't buy into this neo-liberal propaganda. If anything China and Russia have been building defence systems capable of taking down weaponized American satellites for defence purposes alone.
(But then the Shuttle commander used to have a .45 in the survival kit and Soyuz still has a short barrelled shotgun- I think they are both for bears and wolves if that land in the wrong place though...)
There might be space bears roaming about that threaten spacecraft entering their habitat.
Fucking US calling Russia hypocrites ! WTF ! The BBC may fail to mention that it was the US and Isreal that abstained on the UN resolution to prevent the weaponization of space.
Sneaky bastards !
I mean there are no known plans from Russia to dominate the face of the planet while America rants about it on a permanent basis..... so who is the hypocrite ?
America has planned to get nukes on satellites ! Don't buy into this neo-liberal propaganda. If anything China and Russia have been building defence systems capable of taking down weaponized American satellites for defence purposes alone.

I really feel for the Russian state tbh, being called a hypocrite must be really stressful and upsetting.
The point is that America, and it's property, are being hypocritical as it is America that has clearly set it's sights on full spectral dominance of the planet via militarizing space, not Russia ... you genius :rolleyes:
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The point is that America, and it's little bitch, are being hypocritical as it is America that has clearly set it's sights on full specteral dominance of the planet via militarising space, not Russia ... you genius :rolleyes:

They're all at it, to the extent of their various different capabilities, and what they think they can get away with. Even India.

As launch costs continue to fall, space will become increasingly important in economic terms. As such, militarisation of space is an inevitability so long as capitalism and nation-states as we know them remain in place. If climate change doesn't sufficiently disrupt things, then we have the possibility of a Scramble for the Solar System to look forward to.
One for this thread

Awww.... there's your fetid nationalism . Did that hurt your feelings ? Well you find a better analogy that describes our relationship with the US ... personally I think ***** summs it up pretty well.

Edit : OK. Sorry for calling the UK America's little **** . I was mearly describing the relationship . Of course the UK is more than this and has some nice things in it.
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Awww.... there's your fetid nationalism . Did that hurt your feelings ? Well you find a better analogy that describes our relationship with the US ... personally I think bitch summs it up pretty well.

Edit : OK. Sorry for calling the UK America's little bitch . I was mearly describing the relationship . Of course the UK is more than this and has some nice things in it.

It was unclear what country you were referring to, it looked like Israel to me though.
Oh... I see what you mean . I am really sorry about that LDC. I should not use teh internets in the morning whilst hungover before correct THC and caffeine levels have been achieved . I thought you getting offended by my dissing of the UK to be completely out of character. .. sincere apologies.
:D:rolleyes: I was simply making an anthropomorphic comparison.(+ I am not a liberal so do not have to comply with that bullshit... unless they are the rules for this site :/ ohh FFS!)
I think you'll find that the word "bitch" as a non-canine descriptor is frowned upon around these parts. Something to do with sexism.

ok, cool, edited out . Sorry, hope I did not offend... should not use that phrase anyway TBH.
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