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Is America burning? (Black Lives Matter protests, civil unrest and riots 2020)

I think this is a terrible idea.

The cost per person is over $10,000 per volunteer.

(bet my sums are wrong)
DeSantis is also a fair bet for the Republican nomination should Trump not be up to it, he’s a fucking dangerous populist cunt and has been massively irresponsible with Covid. I’d rather have Trump frankly.
DeSantis is also a fair bet for the Republican nomination should Trump not be up to it, he’s a fucking dangerous populist cunt and has been massively irresponsible with Covid. I’d rather have Trump frankly.
When people were darkly warning about what would happen if trumpism seized the republican party: "Next time you may get Trump, but worse"... Well, DeSantis has potential to be the "worse" in that dire prediction. Not only is he a dangerous populist cunt, but he's also capable of staying 'on message' with better discipline than the orange one. Trump must be worried though as, recently, he's turned on DeSantis in a very public way...
DeSantis has hoarded a million Covid test kits until they expired. With the current shortage of test kits in the US, I can't think that this looks like anything else other than deliberate sabotage.

Gov. Ron DeSantis and Kevin Guthrie, director of Florida’s Division of Emergency Management, acknowledged Thursday that 800,000 to a million COVID tests had expired in a state stockpile, with the omicron variant spreading and residents facing long lines for testing.

The acknowledgement came during a press conference Thursday, when reporters were asking the governor questions following an announcement related to getting COVID-19 test kits to senior citizens in group living.

The expired testing kits had become an issue earlier, when Florida Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Commissioner Nikki Fried said in a Dec. 30 statement: “It’s come to my attention that Governor DeSantis’ Department of Health has a significant number of COVID-19 tests stockpiled that are set to expire imminently.

“Given the Governor’s lack of transparency throughout this pandemic, there’s no known public information about these tests or how soon they expire. With omicron infections exploding throughout Florida, I beg of him to release these tests immediately to local counties and cities, and to stand up state-sponsored testing sites. To let these tests expire while Floridians anxiously wait for hours in testing lines is negligent at best, and heartless at worst.”

On Thursday, Guthrie explained what happened:

“We had between 800,000 and a million test kits, Abbott rapid-test kits, in our warehouse that did expire,” Guthrie said in answer to reporter questions at the press conference in West Palm Beach.

I recently had what was probably covid, but decided not to get tested because of the shortage of tests. If he didn't want them used in Florida, he quite well could have sent them here.
So the treatment Trump got and made a fuss about and no doubt boosted share prices ... apparently discontinuation is hurting DeSantis's donors ...

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is furious that the FDA is revoking the emergency use authorization for monoclonal antibody treatments after they found - and one of the drug companies admitted - that it isn't effective at all in treating the Omicron variant of COVID. DeSantis vowed to fight this decision, making this the only thing that the man is willing to fight for since his state is still dying from COVID.

Watch this space ...


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Fundraiser for medical/funeral expenses here, being shared by people who appear trustworthy:

If true, this is fucking sickening:

Similarly, claims that one medic was detained by the police while attempting to treat a victim:
I should probably start a thread for this, but I'll post this here. The other officers involved in the murder of George Floyd are on trial for violating his civil rights. Yesterday one of the officers testified that he didn't realize that George Floyd was in so much distress:

ST. PAUL, Minn. (Reuters) - A jury was due to begin deliberating on Wednesday on whether three former Minneapolis police officers deprived George Floyd of his constitutional rights by failing to come to the aid of the handcuffed Black man pinned beneath a colleague's knee.

Tou Thao, 36; J. Alexander Kueng, 28; and Thomas Lane, 38, all testified in their own defense in the federal trial at the U.S. District Court in St. Paul, telling jurors they did not realize at the time that Floyd was in dire need of medical care, which it was their duty to provide.

Their lawyers in defense summations said prosecutors had failed to prove the three men acted with deliberate indifference during the May 2020 arrest, even as they had what a prosecutor called "front-row seats" to Floyd's murder beside a police car parked in a Minneapolis intersection.

Thao and Kueng are also charged with willfully breaching Floyd's rights by not intervening in the use of excessive force by their colleague Derek Chauvin. A widely seen cellphone video showed Chauvin, who is white, kneeling on the neck of the prone Floyd for more than 9 minutes as horrified onlookers begged the officers to check Floyd's pulse.

I've watched the video of this from various angles. They all knew perfectly well that George Floyd was being murdered, right there in front of God and everyone, and they decided not only to not stop it, but to keep guard to prevent anyone else from stopping it. What about twenty people yelling "You're killing him!" did they not understand?
There has to be something fundamentally wrong with the mindset of any person who allows themselves to be so blinded by being a cop, protecting their own, and wielding their authority that they can't even see a person being murdered right in front of them. On camera.

Or to put it another way, they are just stupid racist thugs with a badge.
There has to be something fundamentally wrong with the mindset of any person who allows themselves to be so blinded by being a cop, protecting their own, and wielding their authority that they can't even see a person being murdered right in front of them. On camera.

I think it's just their training. They are there to "protect and serve" each other, and the public are enemy combatants.
I think it's just their training. They are there to "protect and serve" each other, and the public are enemy combatants.

This guy is an influential character in police training in the US:

It would seem that such training strongly selects for stone-cold psychopaths, authoritarian rage addicts and general bullying types.
This guy is an influential character in police training in the US:

It would seem that such training strongly selects for stone-cold psychopaths, authoritarian rage addicts and general bullying types.

He's wrong. Really wrong. I know someone who killed a man in the line of duty. He never got over it. Within a couple of years, he got divorced and pretty much drank himself to death. If you have any soul at all, it's a heavy thing to carry around.
following on hitmouse 's post

major outlets have caught up

after a bit of shaming

Mr. Smith, a machinist, had become more and more radicalized in recent years, Ms. Christenson said.

“He talked about wanting to shoot people all the time, how much he hated Antifa and Black Lives Matter and ‘those damn commies,’” she said.

Ms. Christenson said that Mr. Smith wore a shirt that said “Kyle Rittenhouse true patriot,” referring to the Illinois man who was acquitted of criminal charges after he fatally shot two men and wounded another during protests of police conduct in Kenosha, Wis., in 2020.
I should probably start a thread for this, but I'll post this here. The other officers involved in the murder of George Floyd are on trial for violating his civil rights. Yesterday one of the officers testified that he didn't realize that George Floyd was in so much distress:

I've watched the video of this from various angles. They all knew perfectly well that George Floyd was being murdered, right there in front of God and everyone, and they decided not only to not stop it, but to keep guard to prevent anyone else from stopping it. What about twenty people yelling "You're killing him!" did they not understand?

The other cops at the George Floyd murder have been found guilty.
The other cops at the George Floyd murder have been found guilty.

Well that's a tiny bit of "good" news.
Recommendation of 25 years for each, here's hoping they go with that. Also back in court in June for more charges, here's hoping that's guilty too and more years on top. Fuckers deserve their lives destroyed by spending all remaining in prison.

Can't ever undo all the damage they've created.

Although Chauvin is "only" doing 22 years, seems unlikely they'd get more
Gee colour me shocked, shocked I say:

Law enforcement agencies in Minnesota have been carrying out a secretive, long-running surveillance program targeting civil rights activists and journalists in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd in May 2020.

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Sharing this here cos it is kind of related and I dunno how many people read the prisoner one:

For background on the case:

As retaliation for winning in court, the Bureau of Prisons have just transferred Eric to a maximum security prison, where he's still held in solitary and cut off from any communication with anyone outside his immediate family:

There's a request for people to email eksupportcrew(at)protonmail.com with "easily printable articles. World cup updates, boxing, Manchester United, space, science, animals, politics, dad jokes and memes. Long things to read. PDFs, articles in an easy printing format preferably. These will give him something to read where they want him to go."
This looks fun, concerning the 'Don't say gay' bill in Florida:

Moms for Liberty’s Twitter account posted what they are calling a letter template for rebellious teachers to send home in regard to the new legal guidelines they are now forced to deal with as a result of the general pig-headed phobias of people like Moms for Liberty. Writing “A teacher in Palm Beach County, FL shared this template with us. It is being shared among teachers to use for grades K-3. How do you feel about this? What will you do when this arrives home in your child’s backpack? Time to take a Stand,” the letter is a little slice of genius, and the responses to this conservative freakout have been [takes a meditative breath] beautiful.

The letter serves to point out how, in its vague language, the bill’s authors have attempted to veil their bigotries and fears under the guise of parental rights. It does this by using the law’s truly banal purposes against the very parents who are pretending that this law isn’t very specifically about being homophobic and transphobic and queerphobic.

Dear Florida parent/caretaker:
The Florida house of Representatives has recently ruled that “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.”
To be in accordance with this policy, I will no longer be referring to your student with gendered pronouns. All students will be referred to as “The” or “them.” I will no longer use a gendered title such as “Mr.” or “Mrs.” or make any references to my husband/wife in the classroom. From now on I will be using the non-gendered title “Mx.”
Furthermore, I will be removing all books or instruction which refer to a person being a “mother,” “Father,” “husband” or “wife” as these are gender identities that also may allude to sexual orientation. Needless to say, all books which refer to a character as “he” or “She” will also be removed from the classroom. If you have any concerns about this policy, please feel free to contact your local congressperson.
Thank you, Mx. XXXXXXXXXX
I hope the letter is genuine as it is 100% correct about it being the only way to properly comply with the law.
Crossposting this call to support Eric King:

Within days of winning a federal court case in Colorado against his treatment at the hands of the Federal Bureau of Prisons staff, Eric is in the process of being transferred to USP Lee, a high security prison across the country in Virginia. Eric, who should be placed at a medium security facility, reasonably fears that this move is punitive and that at Lee he will lose access to reading materials and, more importantly, his ability to communicate with his loved ones.

Eric King needs our help!

Elements in the BOP have already shown their petty and desire for vengeance against Eric through multiple instances of him being moved across the country, pitted against racist prisoners, beaten by guards and suffering years of mail, phone, visitation and book bans. During the trial, Eric’s safety and health were disrupted and property for his case destroyed by BOP staff so blatantly that Judge Martinez noted that it would be far reaching to say the disruptiveness wasn’t intentional on the part of the BOP. The judge also noted that the BOP was setting itself up for a civil suit, which is currently underway by the CLDC.

In the meantime, Eric needs our help. As Eric isn’t set for release until December of 2023, we need to keep the light on him to avoid EK being isolated and further harmed. Below you’ll find a script and contact information for public officials in the Federal system who must be pressed to check in Eric’s well being and demand to know:

  1. Why is Eric King, who is at a medium level according to the BOP, being moved to a high security facility across the country?;

  1. Why is this move coming so quickly after Eric successfully won a lawsuit showing that the BOP was closing ranks to set Eric up for 20 years of additional prison as he approaches his out time?;

  1. What will you, as a public official, do to challenge the impunity of the federal prisons to persecute prisoners and violate their human rights?;


DSCC Office
Designation & Sentence Computation Center
U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Complex
346 Marine Forces Dr.
Grand Prairie, TX 75051
Email: GRA-DSC/PolicyCorrespondence@bop.gov
Phone: 972-352-4400
Fax: 972-352-4395

Mid-Atlantic BOP Regional Office
302 Sentinel Dr,
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701
Email: MXRO-ExecAssistant@bop.gov
Phone: 301-317-3100
Fax: 301-317-3119

BOP National Office
320 First Street, NW
Washington, DC 20534
Email: info@bop.gov
Phone: 202-307-3198

Virginia Senators to Contact

Tim Kaine
Email: Share Your Opinion | U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia
Twitter: @TimKaine
231 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
PHONE: (202) 224-4024

Mark. R Warner
Email: Contact Page
Facebook: Senator Mark Warner
Twitter: @MarkWarner
IG: Login • Instagram
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-2023


Hello Senator _____,

I am writing about my friend who is a prisoner in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. His name is Eric King, inmate number 27090-045. He was recently found not guilty on all counts at a trial in the U.S. District of Colorado. Eric was moved from FCI Englewood and is currently being held in a private facility, Grady County Jail in Oklahoma. He has been told he is en route to USP Lee, a maximum security prison in Virginia.

I am writing because I believe Eric should not be sent to USP Lee, and would be in danger if he were sent there. He is scheduled to be released from prison in December 2023, and wants to avoid anything that would infringe on this release date.

There is an active threat against his life. A few years ago, before being sent to Colorado, Eric was held in the Segregation Unit at USP Lee for approximately two weeks. Before that, at USP Atlanta, a white supremacist gang member told him he would be killed at USP Lee if he was released into general population. This was documented at USP Lee.

It is imperative that Eric not be put in harm’s way. I am asking that you not send him into a situation that is so dangerous. The Bureau of Prisons knows this and there is established case law regarding the BOP sending someone into dangerous and life threatening scenarios. See Fitzharris v. Wolf, 702 F.2d 836, 839 (9th Cir. 1983); Gullatte v. Potts, 654 F.2d 1007, 1012-13 (5th Cir. 1981); Roba v. U.S., 604 F.2d 215, 218-19 (2d Cir. 1979).

Additionally, Eric is in this situation because of a bogus maximum management variable on his security profile. This has him erroneously being sent to a facility beyond his actual security level. He has no pending charges and no incident reports. He intends to be released to Colorado to live with his wife and his two children in just over a year. I ask that this management variable be removed so that he can be sent to a medium- or low-custody prison close to home and begin preparing for release.

I am afraid for my friend Eric’s life if he is sent to USP Lee and I am asking that you intervene with the Bureau of Prisons and ask them not to send Eric King into harm’s way by sending him to USP Lee.

His lawyer is Lauren Regan and can be reached at 541-687-9180 or lregan@cldc.org. Please help my friend.

If anyone thinks it'd be possible to get John McDonnell or whoever to raise his situation, that would also be appreciated.
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