The men who killed Ahmaud Arbery won't be visiting Trump anytime soon - they might make it to his 100th birthday party if the judge decides their life sentences should include the possibility of parole.
The men who killed Ahmaud Arbery won't be visiting Trump anytime soon - they might make it to his 100th birthday party if the judge decides their life sentences should include the possibility of parole.
Unless trump or a trumpie get in next time in which case they might be out in a couple of years.
she's made her name forever, i'd think
How a Prosecutor Addressed a Mostly White Jury and Won a Conviction in the Arbery Case (Published 2021)
Linda Dunikoski, a prosecutor brought in from the Atlanta area, struck a careful tone in a case that many saw as an obvious act of racial
not one of the jurors played the let's-stiggit-to-the-libs game by voting to acquit. amazing work by the prosecutor.
That seems like a pretty bizarre thing to say, but your link is behind a paywall, so meh.
don't follow quite, she conducted a brilliant prosecution in a trial with national implications and got the conviction in a place where you might not expect to, based on demographics and the prosecurotrs' openly racialist strategy.
Well, I guess that's a little bit more context. Will have to see if I can get round that paywall since the bits I can see appear to come with an implicit assumption that the jury was racist.
I mean sure, they came to a decision that was supported by legal context and the evidence presented, but these were white people on the jury, possibly without even a high degree of education, so it must have been an especially Atticus Finch like character that restrained their honky lynch mob leanings..
Well, I guess that's a little bit more context. Will have to see if I can get round that paywall since the bits I can see appear to come with an implicit assumption that the jury was racist.
I mean sure, they came to a decision that was supported by legal context and the evidence presented, but these were white people on the jury, possibly without even a high degree of education, so it must have been an especially Atticus Finch like character that restrained their honky lynch mob leanings..
the defense certainly was banking on that, as the bit i quoted shows. they used their peremptory challenges exclusively to stack the jury racially. there is no suggestion about education levels by the NYT writer.
Are the right rallying behind these dicks or are they pretending it’s nothing to do with them?
Can I recommend that you install the bypass paywall plugin for either Chrome or Firefox or C&P the URL into this site. Here you go....Well, I guess that's a little bit more context. Will have to see if I can get round that paywall since the bits I can see appear to come with an implicit assumption that the jury was racist.
I mean sure, they came to a decision that was supported by legal context and the evidence presented, but these were white people on the jury, possibly without even a high degree of education, so it must have been an especially Atticus Finch like character that restrained their honky lynch mob leanings..
I went onto Fox News Facebook page just to take a gander and see if there were any dicks complaining but was pleasantly surprised to see that even they were in full agreement these cunts were found guilty and deserved life.
There were a few out and out racists though in the mire.
Can I recommend that you install the bypass paywall plugin for either Chrome or Firefox or C&P the URL into this site. Here you go....
How a Prosecutor Addressed a Mostly White Jury and Won a Conviction in the Arbery Case
i have one of those, it is indeed a pain in the arse. Was happily using WhatsApp on it which made my job easier until they disabled it. The Home Office indirectly pay my wages and they say we can't use WhatsApp on our work computers because it is a security risk which is kinda strange considering how government ministers seem to have no problem using/abusing it.Yeah. Nailed-down work laptop. It’s a bit of a pain in the arse…
But in a nod to the growing tension between Republican states and the Biden administration over the National Guard, DeSantis also said this unit, called the Florida State Guard, would be "not encumbered by the federal government." He said this force would give him "the flexibility and the ability needed to respond to events in our state in the most effective way possible." DeSantis is proposing bringing it back with a volunteer force of 200 civilians, and he is seeking $3.5 million from the state legislature in startup costs to train and equip them.
Democrats in Florida immediately expressed alarm at DeSantis' announcement. US Rep. Charlie Crist, who is running as a Democrat to challenge the governor in 2022, tweeted, "No Governor should have his own handpicked secret police."
State Sen. Annette Taddeo, another gubernatorial candidate, wrote on Twitter that DeSantis was a "wannabe dictator trying to make his move for his own vigilante militia like we've seen in Cuba."
DeSantis is proposing bringing it back with a volunteer force of 200 civilians, and he is seeking $3.5 million from the state legislature in startup costs to train and equip them.
I wonder if they’ll wear brown shirts?I think this is a terrible idea.
DeSantis proposes a new civilian military force in Florida that he would control
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to reestablish a World War II-era civilian military force that he, not the Pentagon, would
The cost per person is over $10,000 per volunteer.
(bet my sums are wrong)
...when you've got a city full of anarchists doing white supremacy, what else can you do?
unless we need a separate "what stupid shit has Eric Adams done/said today?" thread
I think this is a terrible idea.
DeSantis proposes a new civilian military force in Florida that he would control
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to reestablish a World War II-era civilian military force that he, not the Pentagon, would
The cost per person is over $10,000 per volunteer.
(bet my sums are wrong)