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Irish Unity Watch Thread

Well she ain't from Drum, cos they would know there. Weird, we're surrounded on three sides by the border. She must be doing commerce and international law.

Haha Drum is a strange, strange place alright.

She’s doing a Bachelor of Arts degree but is just confused by things that are painfully obvious to most people. My guess is that some people only listen to a few words or phrases about certain subjects and just make up their own minds on what it’s all about. I can just picture the logic - ‘Northern Ireland is in the UK, the UK is England, England is over the sea so Northern Ireland is over the sea too, right?’:facepalm:
My girlfriend’s niece (from county Monaghan) asked me ‘can you drive to Northern Ireland or do you need a boat?’ Another one was ‘you vote for the Queen up there don’t you?’ This girl is currently in Maynooth doing a degree. It worries me sometimes the general lack of understanding about anything down there about what’s going on up here and what is actually taught in schools.
"I believe the children are our are future. Teach them well and let them lead the way..." :facepalm:
O stony grey soil of Monaghan
The laugh from my love you thieved;
You took the gay child of my passion
And gave me your clod-conceived.

You clogged the feet of my boyhood
And I believed that my stumble
Had the poise and stride of Apollo
And his voice my thick tongued mumble.

You told me the plough was immortal!
O green-life conquering plough!
The mandril stained, your coulter blunted
In the smooth lea-field of my brow.

You sang on steaming dunghills
A song of cowards' brood,
You perfumed my clothes with weasel itch,
You fed me on swinish food

You flung a ditch on my vision
Of beauty, love and truth.
O stony grey soil of Monaghan
You burgled my bank of youth!

Lost the long hours of pleasure
All the women that love young men.
O can I stilll stroke the monster's back
Or write with unpoisoned pen.

His name in these lonely verses
Or mention the dark fields where
The first gay flight of my lyric
Got caught in a peasant's prayer.

Mullahinsa, Drummeril, Black Shanco-
Wherever I turn I see
In the stony grey soil of Monaghan
Dead loves that were born for me.

by Patrick Kavanagh
Inniskeen Road is my favourite poem from the Kavanagh Leaving Cert syllabus.

Lovely poem..

The bicycles go by in twos and threes -
There's a dance in Billy Brennan's barn tonight,
And there's the half-talk code of mysteries
And the wink-and-elbow language of delight.
Half-past eight and there is not a spot
Upon a mile of road, no shadow thrown
That might turn out a man or woman, not
A footfall tapping secrecies of stone.

I have what every poet hates in spite
Of all the solemn talk of contemplation.
Oh, Alexander Selkirk knew the plight
Of being king and government and nation.
A road, a mile of kingdom. I am king
Of banks and stones and every blooming thing.
I made a comment on one of the Brexit threads about loyalists blaming the tories and dup for the sea customs border and that their angry but killing catholics isn’t an option (for now, although the young fella that looks like he’s from mad Wullie’s Frazier’s ball sack, might want to kill a catholic or two) this video from the Irish times shows a real sense of confusion and despondency
Enraged leprechauns battering each other with shillelaghs isn't how I envisaged this thread developing. I'll come back to it later.

Anyway, here's a thing from the Newsletter, gently pointing out that a bit of Shinner triumphalism may not be the best thing for the cause of unity:

I made a comment on one of the Brexit threads about loyalists blaming the tories and dup for the sea customs border and that their angry but killing catholics isn’t an option (for now, although the young fella that looks like he’s from mad Wullie’s Frazier’s ball sack, might want to kill a catholic or two) this video from the Irish times shows a real sense of confusion and despondency

As funny as that is it's not English tory's who will pay the cost if it gets violent although its another year of the great British tradition of fucking over the Irish for an immediate solution to a problem with zero thought to the longer-term consequences :facepalm:
strong words from ed moloney.

It chimes with an assessment of Sinn Fein that I arrived at a long time ago through many years reporting on the party, which is that this is an organisation with no real fixed socioeconomic ideology, is defined overwhelmingly by a drive to obtain power, and is ready to adopt whatever policies and political stance necessary to achieve and preserve power.

For Sinn Fein, political ideology is like a set of clothes which can be changed according to the weather or the occasion.

They are a ‘talk left move right’ partybut at the moment they can be influenced from the left especially in the south, not something that should be taken lightly.
They are a ‘talk left move right’ partybut at the moment they can be influenced from the left especially in the south, not something that should be taken lightly.
That's Moloney's personal feelings getting the better of him, isn't it? Or am I wrong in thinking that a lot of the austerity in the north is out of the hands of the assembly?

Anyway, this Belfast Telegraph piece about a new poll saying only 29% in the north would vote for unity:

That's Moloney's personal feelings getting the better of him, isn't it? Or am I wrong in thinking that a lot of the austerity in the north is out of the hands of the assembly?

Anyway, this Belfast Telegraph piece about a new poll saying only 29% in the north would vote for unity:

Yes I think you're right, he does have a blind spot. There is no doubt that the SF in north has not stood up to austerity nor done anything other than deny responsibility for cuts to the welfare budget, even to the point of agreeing with the DUP to let Westminster make those sorts of decisions. But that is the logic of their position to be in government North and South. It's piss poor and has allowed Gerry Carroll to get a seat in the Assembly.

Doesn't those United Ireland polls under play the support for a united Ireland because people quite rightly are suspicious of anyone asking such a question?
That's Moloney's personal feelings getting the better of him, isn't it? Or am I wrong in thinking that a lot of the austerity in the north is out of the hands of the assembly?

Anyway, this Belfast Telegraph piece about a new poll saying only 29% in the north would vote for unity:

Yep. Moloney is about as credible as any SF hack. Shame really. He has written some good stuff but since he got his eye wiped with the Boston Tapes he seems to have completely lost the plot.

Re: The poll "in a survey of 2000 voters in both the north Down Gold Coast and the Ballybeen estate...
Yep. Moloney is about as credible as any SF hack. Shame really. He has written some good stuff but since he got his eye wiped with the Boston Tapes he seems to have completely lost the plot.

Re: The poll "in a survey of 2000 voters in both the north Down Gold Coast and the Ballybeen estate...
I once had to do some market research on sunday newspaper reading in the Springfield road area.

Again and again I kept meeting 'auld fellas who'd say to me "look, son - don't tell the wife, but I read the Sunday Sport". And then they'd wink at me.

Well, there was no box I could tick on the questionnaire that said "only joking", so the bods in head office must have been really surprised and thought "wow, loads of people in the Springfield road area read the Sunday Sport".
So anti -semitic racist SF member and TD spouts anti-semitic racist gobshite and apologises. Mary Lou tries to clear the air...by saying the member apologised.


Image: Leah Farrell/RollingNews.ie
Mary Lou McDonald wants to 'clear the air' with Jewish leader over TD's anti-Semitic tweets
Réada Cronin has apologised after writing that Israel had ‘taken Nazism to a new level’.

MARY LOU MCDONALD has said she wants to meet the chairman of the Jewish Representative Council of Ireland after a Sinn Fein TD made anti-Semitic remarks on Twitter.
Newly elected TD for Kildare North, Réada Cronin, apologised after she posted that Israel had “taken Nazism to a new level” and suggested a picture of monkeys working on computers reminded her of the Israeli embassy.
Maurice Cohen, chief of the Jewish council, said her remarks, which were posted before she was elected, were “inaccurate, anti-Semitic and racist”.
Speaking at Leinster House, the Sinn Fein president said people using social media should “be careful” about what they post.
It’s very important that we clear the air on this issue. Any form of racism or bigotry is wrong and certainly anti-Semitism is absolutely wrong
“I think all too often people unthinkingly state, tweet or retweet things that can cause offence and hurt,” she said."
“I’m very glad that Réada has withdrawn those tweets and she’s apologised for them, that apology is meant and is accepted by me."
“I know Maurice and I intend speaking to him, I think it’s very important that we clear the air on this issue. Any form of racism or bigotry is wrong and certainly, anti-Semitism is absolutely wrong."
“I say this as somebody who has a very strong political position and this party has very strong views and positions as regards to the Middle East and the Palestinian people in particular. But that’s a whole different kettle of fish from any suggestion of anti-Semitism."

“Réada has been clear that she is very sorry for her hurt caused, and that is sincerely meant.
We’ll go and talk to Maurice, I think it’s the most direct way to give an easement".

Yep. "Talk" used to mean..."kneecap".
That's Moloney's personal feelings getting the better of him, isn't it?
I'd like to know who he thinks his juvenile guff doesn't apply to. Labour? The green traitors? FF were the masters of it. Varadkar opposed abortion, marriage equality, gays and lesbians having/raising children, wanted to deport unemployed immigrants etc until such positions became politically untenable.
So Arlene and her merry band of Creationists in the DUP are keeping the schools open because "rather than panicking, we are following the advice of the Scientists".

Oh the irony... "We are following the advice of the Scientists"...


One more step on the road to Irish Unity.
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Swann in the NI executive is asking for British Troops to ‘help’ with the C19 effort, between Westminster and Belfast there is hardly a brain cell working and calling for this at Easter weekend...must have gone to the same sensitivity training that Priti Patel attended.
I see the good reverend’s shite son has been playing up the culture war and taig washing* the ira. Maybe the survey reported at the weekend is giving him a sleepless night

* wasn’t sure if taig washing or prod washing was appropriate.
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