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Irish Unity Watch Thread

I see the good reverend’s shite son has been playing up the culture war and taig washing* the ira. Maybe the survey reported at the weekend is giving him a sleepless night

* wasn’t sure if taig washing or prod washing was appropriate.
Not wanting to play down the troubles, but him seeming to equate IRA activities with Nazi Germany carrying out the holocaust feels a little bit off as well.
Not wanting to play down the troubles, but him seeming to equate IRA activities with Nazi Germany carrying out the holocaust feels a little bit off as well.
True but it’s part of the narrative that the fur coat brigade push that they are victims and are surrounded on all sides by those who would wipe them out. We’ll see much much more of this rhetoric in the years to come.

eta on thing that is not surprising is the amount of media coverage that the TUV is getting at the moment. For a marginal organisation the column inches and TV coverage they are getting is out of proportion to their size. Their talk of a unified unionist voice may become a rallying point, a Ulster Covenant 2022?
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Well this is going to shit graffiti has started the EU and local councils have pulled inspectors out.

Obviously they can't take a hint the Tory's have a majority so the DUP are irrelevant.

People are going to die but they won't be Tory voters so who cares☹️
I see the good reverend’s shite son has been playing up the culture war and taig washing* the ira. Maybe the survey reported at the weekend is giving him a sleepless night

* wasn’t sure if taig washing or prod washing was appropriate.

He's a thundering cunt. Remember him years back calling the then Taoiseach "a petty little fuher".
There was someone shot in Cliftoville last night, probably unrelated to loyalist threats over the sea border but should be a warning as to how volatile the north is at the moment.
DUP and co are gearing up.

thanks for this...it led to this thread that suggests that an All Ireland economy is becoming a much more distant thing than imagined

eta spelling
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Dailymail claims the UVF Had a parade a show of strength.
Although a punch of blokes in puffer jackets and baseball caps is rather lowering the barrier in terms of paramilitaries wouldn't have assumed it was a show of strength.
Dailymail claims the UVF Had a parade a show of strength.
Although a punch of blokes in puffer jackets and baseball caps is rather lowering the barrier in terms of paramilitaries wouldn't have assumed it was a show of strength.

Peter Beardsley clones hiding their hair after the Albanians had a go at it?
I dunno whether its the UVF or competing factions of the UVF, men marching around Pitt Park wearing masks is something to be concerned about especially if the cops just stand by and watch. Last week an multi cultural centre was burnt down by lads thought to be close to some loyalist factions.
#Marching" would be pushing it skulking more like it not exactly what a pair of cops were supposed to do ???
#Marching" would be pushing it skulking more like it not exactly what a pair of cops were supposed to do ???
Well the cops had no problem arresting an individual at the Sean Graham's massacre commemoration on the Ormeau Road yesterday due to covid restrictions, maybe the old RUC double standards have been reborn?
Well the cops had no problem arresting an individual at the Sean Graham's massacre commemoration on the Ormeau Road yesterday due to covid restrictions, maybe the old RUC double standards have been reborn?

I was at the BLM demo in Belfast. Social distancing was observed with chalk markers showing people where to stand so they were two meters apart. Didn't stop the PSNI making multiple arrests and trying to prosecute the organisers. A few days later the loyalists had their "defend our statues" demo with zero effort at social distancing and there were no arrests. The PSNI were eventually forced to apologise.

The nature of the PSNI really hasn't changed all that much since it was the RUC. The number of Catholics in the force has been falling a lot I believe and efforts to make it less sectarian have dimmed, and the top brass is still overwhelmingly or entirely unionist.
Did Starmer say something along the lines that he would campaign for the union in the event of a border poll? Did I hear that right?

dunno want makes him think anyone would listen to him?

ETA I heard wrong he doesn’t believe a united ireland will happen.
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All is not well in Irish unity land. Since the weekend, the Irish Times has been trumpeting a new poll apparently showing that a poll for reunification in the north would be decisively won by those opposing any end to partition.

This comes after a recent poll which was widely misreported as saying that followers of the Romish man of sin, the Papist antichrist, were now a majority in the Occupied Six Counties. What it actually said is that there's now a section of the population who don't identify as either of the two main traditions. This is certainly culturally and politically significant, but how exactly it's significant is hard to say. That's a section of the population - it's not necessarily an electoral bloc, or a community, or even an alternative tradition of its own. How would it vote in the event of anything big appearing on the horizon? That we don't know, but this new poll suggests that it's by no means a foregone conclusion that they would seek unity with the southern Motherland. Those pesky southern social problems - a lunatic housing situation, a joke of a health service, etc. - appear to be sticking points.

Having done opinion polling in the north I'm slightly sceptical about all this, though. Not because people would be doing the "whatever you say, say nothing" bit - people were surprisingly ready to be open about what they thought, IME - but because it all depends on the questions asked.

One thing we can be sure of is that it might be premature to get in some champagne for the Great Day. Can we be sure now that the day won't ever come? I'm not convinced. The devil will be in the detail as always.

Finally, I was up in Belfast yesterday - and one thing that no one down here really appreciates, whatever their position on unity, is that Northern Ireland really is its own separate reality, its own thing.
All is not well in Irish unity land. Since the weekend, the Irish Times has been trumpeting a new poll apparently showing that a poll for reunification in the north would be decisively won by those opposing any end to partition.

This comes after a recent poll which was widely misreported as saying that followers of the Romish man of sin, the Papist antichrist, were now a majority in the Occupied Six Counties. What it actually said is that there's now a section of the population who don't identify as either of the two main traditions. This is certainly culturally and politically significant, but how exactly it's significant is hard to say. That's a section of the population - it's not necessarily an electoral bloc, or a community, or even an alternative tradition of its own. How would it vote in the event of anything big appearing on the horizon? That we don't know, but this new poll suggests that it's by no means a foregone conclusion that they would seek unity with the southern Motherland. Those pesky southern social problems - a lunatic housing situation, a joke of a health service, etc. - appear to be sticking points.

Having done opinion polling in the north I'm slightly sceptical about all this, though. Not because people would be doing the "whatever you say, say nothing" bit - people were surprisingly ready to be open about what they thought, IME - but because it all depends on the questions asked.

One thing we can be sure of is that it might be premature to get in some champagne for the Great Day. Can we be sure now that the day won't ever come? I'm not convinced. The devil will be in the detail as always.

Finally, I was up in Belfast yesterday - and one thing that no one down here really appreciates, whatever their position on unity, is that Northern Ireland really is its own separate reality, its own thing.
There'd need to be some changes in Dublin for 26+6 to equal 1
I don't see it happening in my lifetime.

It is a decision for the people of both parts of the island, but I don't see Dublin being terribly keen to take on the shitshow that is Northern Ireland at the moment, if indeed ever.
Hmmmm. Well, since I posted that last thing, I've done some more googling and I've found that there was a poll back in the summer which painted a much rosier vision of how things are when it comes to the likelihood of a successful border poll.

If those stories are right, this August survey reproduced the classic Taig/Prod dichotomy, and didn't bother with this new category of evolved people the IT poll relied on.
I don't see it happening in my lifetime.

It is a decision for the people of both parts of the island, but I don't see Dublin being terribly keen to take on the shitshow that is Northern Ireland at the moment, if indeed ever.
Considering Sinn Fein got the most votes at the last Irish General election, it seems likely they'll win next time.
Considering Sinn Fein got the most votes at the last Irish General election, it seems likely they'll win next time.
There is a difference between votes for a party, and votes in favour of unity. Common sense would prevail, the people of Eire would soon realise the costs of absorbing NI.
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